Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Vintage View Vednesday 2009 Tulsa House of Prayer

Our Vintage View Vednesday post goes back to January/February 2009. It was a bad cold spell while were in revival at one of our favorite places. We love going to the House of Prayer in Tulsa, Oklahoma to preach for Pastor Bill Parks and all of his fine folks. We have had some wonderful times at the House of Prayer and this revival seemed especially good to me. 

That was our first winter with the BoggsMobile and both fresh water pumps were giving me trouble. I spent several hours on my knees outside during the day working on them. It was memorable for all the wrong reasons. It is not surprising that I do not have any pictures of water pumps and snow!

These pictures put a smile on my face. Thanks for reading today.


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Pray For Bro. Bill Houston

Please, please, please pray for Bro. Bill Houston. Bro. Houston is an evangelist from our home church and a long time personal friend of our family. He desperately needs a touch from the Lord.

Bro. Houston had a very bad episode with his heart nearly four years ago. Although he has continued traveling and preaching as much as possible, he has never fully recovered. Last week, he suffered another incident with his heart and he is bad shape now.

I received a forward text from Sis. Darien Houston a few minutes ago. She said his vitals are decent today but he can not sleep because of smothering. He has difficulty getting up and down without help and he is very weak.

Many of you may not know Bro. and Sis. Houston but those that do, know how faithful they have been to the work of God. They have labored as evangelists since the mid-1980's. They have preached in hundreds of churches and touched many thousands of lives.

Would you please pray for Bro. Bill Houston and his precious wife, Sis. Darien?

Thank you.


Monday, February 12, 2018

Weekend Woundup and Weview February 12, 2018

For the weekend review let me slip all the way back to Tuesday for a moment. I was set to preach chapel service at 9:00 AM for the school at House of Prayer in Mauriceville, I woke up early with a bad crick in my neck. Which always reminds me that Odie used to say, "I have a cricket in my neck."

At first I thought it was only a little sore. I shifted my head and realized it was way more than a little sore! Ouch!

I made it through the chapel service but the pain kept getting worse all day. I did not seriously consider staying put and not traveling Tuesday, but that probably would have been the best thing. I was definitely not up to my normal below average performance.

By the time we stopped at a rest area Tuesday evening I felt like I was going to be sick each time I moved my head. My world seemed to be spinning around. It was a little better every day this week and by Sunday it was a dull ache with only occasional sharp pain. I may live through it after all.

At Walmart Thursday a truck and trailer pulled in that grabbed my attention. I have seen a lot of rigs along the road, but this is a first for me.

The front axle and wheels have been removed from an extended van. Then they welded a fabricated hitch onto the frame of the van. Now they have an enclosed trailer. Incredible.

By Saturday we were pulling into Full Gospel Lighthouse in Sweeny, Texas. It has been two years since we had the bus here even though we flew in for three services last year. It was good to pull into familiar surroundings.

As we pulled in, we unloaded the sound equipment and then parked. We had not eaten so while I was setting up the sound, Kelly Jo began preparations for lunch. We had a couple of packages waiting for us and I was anxious to open one of them.

I have carried all of our Mackie speakers without covers or cases of any kind for years. They have handled the road use well. Most of the Meyer speakers and subs that Ben Isaacs donated to Boggs Family Ministries in 2016 came with rolling cases. After using the cases I realized how vital they are to keeping the equipment in good shape.

I do not have room in the bus bay for rolling cases for everything so I ordered custom covers from Cloud 9 Covers. I am impressed. I ordered covers for the two Meyer UPJ's, two of the Mackie 450's and two of the Meyer UPA's.

The UPJ is on the left and the Mackie 450 is on the right.

We did a long sound check Saturday evening, visited with Pastor Lamb a few hours and then rested good for Sunday morning. Revival is off to a good start and we are anticipating good things all week long.

You probably would not believe we had Mexican food for lunch, would you?

We appreciate the great crowd Sunday night including some first time visitors.

That wraps up a great weekend. Thank you for joining us today.


Sunday, February 11, 2018

View Out The Front Window 2/11/2018

Our view has had a constant aspect to it this week, constantly changing. 

Our view out the front window one night at a rest area.

Our view out the front window at a Walmart.

Our view out the front door at WalMart.

Our view out the front window at Lowe's.

Our view out the front window at Love's

Here is our view this week out the front door in Sweeny, Texas.

Here is our view out the front window at Sweeny.

Here are the links to our posts from the last week. Please take a moment to check them out.

Thanks for stopping in today. I hope you have a great Sunday.


Saturday, February 10, 2018

Let's Laugh

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in today from Texas. I have been laughing at myself recently. I have some hilarious stories in my past and probably lots more to come in the future. At least I am good at providing blog material. 

I decided we needed to laugh today so I wanted to share some of my craziness with you. I know a couple of these stories have been blogged about before, but we will revisit them. Maybe laughing at me with me will brighten your day. 

The Day I Had White Hair

I do not know if this first story was ever told here. I think this happened in June of 2009 or 2010. I can not find a record of it online.

First, let me give you details leading up to that day. I have used different forms of Aussie hairspray for years. I had a certain size hairspray bottle I liked to use. That size was no longer available for purchase, but I kept the old bottle and would pour more hairspray in as needed. It worked great for a long time until that particular day.

We pulled into Wichita, Kansas on a Saturday. Dad was preaching a Bible School graduation that afternoon. I was in a hurry to shower and get ready for the graduation. I remember having to fix my hair wet, but I was ready on time. 

The last thing I hurried to do was spray my hair. I was sliding out of the bus when Mom looks at me strangely and says "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR HAIR!?" My hair was covered with a layer of white stuff. 

There was no way to get the white out without washing my hair and I did not have time for washing my hair again. So I went to the graduation with white hair. I remember being so embarrassed that afternoon. I wanted to hide in the corner and cry.

We figured out my hairspray bottle was the culprit. I had used the bottle and added more hairspray for so long that hairspray had dried and caked in the bottle. That day it all decided to come out and stick to my wet hair! I threw away the hairspray bottle and we were no longer friends. I guess it was helping me stay humble. I do not get attached to my hairspray bottles now.

Jean Skirt Goes To Church

This originally happened in 2013 and Dad mentioned it recently here in this post.

Here is the story behind the picture. We were staying at the evangelist quarters at Beams of Light in Cantonment, Florida. I was getting ready for church. I remember changing my clothes for church and draping my jean skirt on my chair to carry it back to my suitcase. 

Obviously, I forgot to put the skirt in my suitcase. I did not realize it until I got to church that night. The skirt was still on the back of my chair.

It gave us something to laugh about. I am just thankful it was just a skirt hanging on my chair. It could have been much more embarrassing! I think about it every time I visit Beams of Light.

Waving At A Sweater 

This story happened in the fall of 2016. You can see the original post here. We were shopping at Stein Mart in Tennessee. 

I was telling Mom a story and part of the story involved me waving "hi" to someone. Well, in the middle of the story I spotted a sweater on a rack that I wanted to point out to Mom. I mixed up the story and what I was actually doing. Instead of pointing at the sweater, I WAVED at the sweater! 

Yes, that is correct. I WAVED hello at a sweater hanging on the rack like it was my long lost friend. I had never even met the sweater before!

Here is the conversation that followed. 

Mom: Oh my goodness!
Odie: What?
Mom: Did you just wave at that sweater?
Odie: YES!! I am so dumb!

I doubled over in laughter and had a hard time regaining my composer. I am still laughing at myself! Have you ever liked a sweater so much you could wave at it? 

Funny side note, I have no clue what the original story was that I was telling Mom.

That is all of my craziness that I will share for now. You can not make this stuff up! This all happened to me. I guess I should have been blonde. 

Do you have any funny stories? Leave them in the comments below. Thank you for visiting today. I hope you have a great weekend. 
