Showing posts with label Home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home. Show all posts

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Friends From Down The Road

Hey Friends,

This is Odie checking with you. Thanks for stopping by for a visit today!

Friends From Down The Road 

I mentioned recently that I had some special visitors from Oklahoma. The Mayhans and Browns were on vacation, and they worked it out so that one of their stops was to visit me. 

Bro. Bruce and Sis. Priscilla Mayhan has a habit of visiting us in many places. I have lost track of all the places they have shown up. They are precious friends to us!

Sis. Naomi Brown is one of Sis. Priscilla Mayhan's sisters. We have known the Browns and Mayhans since I was four. We are blessed with some great long time friends!

Bro. Alton and Sis. Naomi had not visited the beach cottage, so I gave them a tour. We visited for a while. My mamaw and Papaw joined us before lunchtime.

Alcapulco was on the menu for lunch! The salsa was on point of the day.

The food was so good. I am happy when you take friends on a perfect day. Lunch Pollo Fundido was my meal.

The day just happened to be Sis. Naomi's birthday. 

Alcapulco helped her celebrate it big.

Bro. Alton tried on the hat and glasses for size.

Here is a picture of our lunch crew. We had to get a photo to send to my parents.

Bro. Bruce rode the horse.

Bro. Alton gave it a try as well.

Bruce decided to try it side saddle.

We moved the party to Mamaw and Papaw's barn. Papaw shared some of his birthday ice cream cake.

Here is a selfie with Sis. Naomi.

Now, a selfie with Sis. Priscilla before they hit the road again.

Their visit made my day. It was great to see Bro. Bruce, Sis. Priscilla Mayhan, Sis. Naomi and Bro. Alton Brown. I look forward to seeing my friends somewhere down the road.

See you next time.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

May 2024 Ohio Shoemaker Visit

 Hey Friends,

It is Odie reporting for today. How is your day going? Thank you for spending a moment in our corner of the world! It is always great to have you visit with us.

You never know what topic will be discussed here from day to day. I have some posts waiting for the right day to share them with you. In this post, I am rewinding to Memorial Day weekend.

Some of my favorite people came to town for the holiday. Seeing my Cousin Deidre Boggs Shoemaker, her husband Ben, and their children Charlie and Chloe Jean is always fantastic! 

Our long time readers know Deidre and I consider ourselves not just close cousins but sisters. We do not get to be together anywhere near enough. I am thankful for her long drives to or from town; that is our catch-up time. I love my Facetime calls with Charlie and Chloe Jean. 
I was able to see her a few times in December. Deidre flew home by herself to visit family right before New Year's. I was thrilled to have her home. 

She was a big help to me the day the stroke hit Dad. Deidre came straight to me. She made sure I got to the hospital and sat with me in the emergency room that first day. I genuinely believe God allowed my sister to be there when I needed her the most! I will never forget her help and strength that day.

I had not been able to see Ben, Charlie or Chloe in person since last fall in Alabama. They were all in Ohio for Thanksgiving, but I flew home right after they left.

Charlie hugged me tightly and let me know that he missed me. I melted right into a puddle.

During church, he wanted to sit with me and Nana Great. It was extra sweet to see him snuggled up to his Nana Great. That night, he was reminding her a lot of his Papaw Steve. My Mamaw, aka Nana Great to the littles of the family, was thrilled.

Papaw with his favorite Grandson in law, Ben.

Princess Chloe Jean  Shoemaker.

Papa Great with Chloe and Charlie. They posed willingly for a picture with Papa Great. They have grown up so much, and they are sweethearts.

Time for a selfie with Ben.

After church, Deidre, Ben and the kids brought food back to my house. It was so good to visit with them for a while! 

Chloe Jean loved "Odo's" house! This was the first time she had been here and understood it was my house.

Charlie and Chloe both liked my toy basket. Charlie enjoyed a coloring session. He found an excellent spot to sit and color.

A sister selfie. I love this girl so much!

Chloe Jean wanted in the girl's picture, too.

Ben traded a ball for Chloe Jean's bow. I had to document this moment. Oh, and it looks like Ben likes the toy basket too! 😂

One more picture with my sweet girl to send to her Aunt Selah.

The Shoemaker visit was a highlight of my Memorial Day. I am already looking forward to the next time we connect. 

They will then be a family of five. Another baby boy is set to arrive later this month. Please keep their family in your prayers!

See you next time 

Monday, June 10, 2024

Odie's Weekend Dispatch 6/10

Hey Friends, 

This is Odie here with a recap of my weekend in Ohio. It was good to spend some time last week with the Morgan side of my family. I will share more pictures later, but today, I have a few for you.

Let us start the weekend on Thursday. I was able to spend some more bonding time with my cousin's kids. They make me so happy!

Jackson Lee Daniels is 4.


Karleigh Jo Daniels is 2.

This is Kolby Lee Yeager. He will be 6 weeks tomorrow.

 Friday was my final day with my Hillsboro family. Gran and I enjoyed spending a big part of the day together. Papaw was able to join us for a little bit. Soon, it was time to say farewell.

I love my grandparents! Spending time with Gran and Papaw is always excellent, and I hope to see them again soon!

Friday evening had been part of my loose plans since March. Jeff and Sheri Easter were scheduled to be in Hillsboro. My dear friends Rick, Stephanie and Timmy Stansell were going. They invited me to join them for a night of fun. I worked my schedule to meet them and ride back to Waynesville after the concert.

We had a wonderful night together. First, we visited the Ponderosa in Hillsboro. It was a great meal! Then, it was off to the church for a fabulous night of music and fellowship.

All of our crew have been long-time fans of Jeff and Sheri Easter. We were anticipating a fabulous night, and we were not disappointed at all!

Saturday was my day to get settled after a few days away from home. It is always great to come home to the beach cottage. I did not take any pictures to share on Saturday.

Sunday was dedicated to both services at DRPC. Our pastor preached powerful messages in both the morning and night services. I did have time to get a good nap in between. A nap always makes a Sunday much better! Below are my pictures from church on Sunday.

That wraps up a terrific Ohio weekend. I hope you had a good weekend as well! Thanks for stopping by to visit with me. Come back tomorrow to see us again.


Coming Wednesday

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Corwin Tractor Show 2024

Hey Friends,

This is Odie checking for this Saturday. I hope you all had a wonderful week. I have had a fantastic week. This week, I have been soaking up some Morgan family time. I will share more on that later.

Corwin, Ohio, is a small community close to where I live. Many members of our extended family have lived there throughout the years. My great-great-grandpa JP Lamb helped start the Corwin Pentecostal Church. He is credited with bringing Pentecost to our area.

I heard Papaw Eugene Boggs tell a story last Saturday that I do not remember hearing before. When Papaw was four years old, his parents came to Ohio looking for work. Grandma and Grandpa Boggs were in a single-cab truck with three children and another one on the way.

They came over the hill to see Corwin, Ohio. Grandma looked around and said this looks like a good place to live and raise a family. They asked around and found a house to rent. The community people helped them gather furniture. They helped them get started in Ohio.

My parents spent a lot of time in Corwin during their childhood. Dad's parents still live a mile over the hill from Corwin. They moved to their current house when Dad was five.

Corwin will always hold a special place in our hearts. It is just a spot on the map for the majority of people, but it has always been part of my life. 

Corwin Tractor Show 2024

Last Saturday was the 24th annual Corwin Tractor Parade. I have only attended a few of them over the years. I get to see family and friends along the way. 

The weather last week was perfect. The sun was out, and the temperature was in the 70s. Spending time with my Mamaw and Papaw was extremely special to me.

Here is the fire truck preparing the way for the parade.

Dave and Sue Lamb joined us for the parade. We enjoyed visiting with them.

Some crowd shots.

My cousin Gary Cofffman and his grandson Hunter started up the lineup.

There were over 40 tractors in the parade. 

It was neat to see all of them! 

I got pictures of most of the tractors as they came by our viewing spot.

The tractors were of all shapes and sizes.

We waved and cheered on many family members and friends.

After the parade, a local businessman provided food. They also had a tractor pull for the kids, but we did not stick around for that part of the day.

Mamaw had a craving for Chinese food. We ended our festivities with a visit to China Cottage. It was a delicious meal and hit the spot!

Overall, the whole day was so good. I am glad I could attend the Tractor Parade with my grandparents this year! It will be a treasured memory for a long time!

Thanks for stopping by to visit with me! See you next time.
