Friday, May 31, 2024


Thursday was the time appointed for Bro. Ricky Boler to have the cancer removed. The surgeon said that the surgery went well although it was long. They will test the tissues but his professional opinion is that Bro. Boler may not need additional treatment. Hallelujah!

He has had some severe pain and there is a long road of recovery ahead of him but we are thankful for the help he has received so far. Thank you to all of you who have prayed for him, his wife and his church.

Praise God for all that he has done and will continue to do.🙌🏽🙌🏽

KJo and I went to the hospital about mid morning. However we intended to be there much earlier. While driving on I-20 a few miles west of Meridian, Mississippi we heard an awful and sudden racket coming from the back passenger side.

Kelly got stopped quickly and we went out to examine the situation in the rain. We were shocked to find a large piece of wire or fence of some kind sticking out of the middle of the tread.

About the time we discovered the source of the problem, a man named Cooper pulled over in front of us and came back to help. While he was getting the Jack set up, I pulled out the spare as a Mississippi state trooper pulled in behind and also offered to help.

They worked together to remove the tire and install the spare while I did my best to hold the umbrella to keep a little of the light rain at bay.

Cooper then led us to a tire shop in Meridian  before he went on to work. The tire shop took about an hour to get us taken care of, but they plugged the tire. 

I am thankful it was able to be repaired, because the tire is only five months old. This is what it looked like once they got it up in the Jeep. 

Cooper helped us tremendously, even giving us his phone number in case we needed any more help. He was extremely kind to us and generous with his time.

The Jeep with the spare. 

We are thankful to the men that helped us and ultimately to the Lord for helping us. It would have taken a long time and would have been a miserable process for me to change that tire with the wind and rain alongside the road in my suit and tie.

It worked out perfectly. 

Thank you for reading today. 


Thursday, May 30, 2024

Please Pray Today

Bro. Ricky Boler is scheduled this morning for surgery to have the cancer removed. The doctors are hopeful the cancer can be removed and that will be the end of it. 

We are praying toward that end result and I am asking you to join us in that prayer. We are believing God to help our friend. 

Bro. Ricky had some major things to get accomplished in relation to his business before surgery and being down for a few weeks. He has been working like a borrowed mule for 10-12 days. I feel for my friend and I want to see all this go well. 

May God bless you for praying for Bro. Ricky Boler. 

Thank you for reading today. 


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

A Word For Wednesday, We Must Stand For Truth

A Word For Wednesday, We Must Stand For Truth, Boggs Family Ministries

Good Morning! Thank you for joining us today. We are so happy to bring you A Word For Wednesday. A few moments ago I posted A Word for Wednesday on our YouTube Channel. Please give it a listen and leave us a comment here or on YouTube. 

We are bombarded by challenges to the truth that is proclaimed in God's Word. Will we allow the truth to fall in the streets? A thousand times NO! With love, grace and compassion we must stand for the truth. 

Martin Luther said, If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the Word of God, 
-Except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that point attacking, 
-I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. 
-Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is tested
-To be steady in all the battlefields besides is mere flight and disgrace, if the soldier flinches at that one point.

I hope you enjoy A Word For Wednesday. Thank you for dropping in.


Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Happy Birthday, Eugene Boggs

My Dad’s name is Eugene Boggs and today he turns 81 years old. My Dad being 81 years old is an absolute miracle! Praise God!

This picture of Dad and Mom was taken at Odie’s house only a few days ago. 

Happy Birthday, Dad. We love you and it is a joy to still have you in our lives. We expect you to stay around as long as possible. 

The final two pictures of this Mile Marker were taken yesterday. 

Boggs people in our branch do not regularly live long lives. All of Dad’s siblings but a younger sister are already gone as well as a lot of his first cousins. Dad is setting records each day he lives and we are extremely thankful for it. 

We love you Papa Bear and we hope to see you soon. 

Thank you dear friends for dropping by today. 


Coming Wednesday 

Monday, May 27, 2024

The Weekend Dispatch 5/27/24

We welcome you to the recap of our recent weekend. we enjoyed wonderful services yesterday on Sunday. The Lord‘s blessings on Sunday are always a great reward for making it through the challenges of the week.

First, I have a couple pictures to share that did not find a place in earlier Mile Markers this week.

From there we take up on Thursday morning. Kelly Jo had worked diligently to prepare us to be gone a few weeks. Thursday about 9:00 AM we pointed the jeep south and rolled our wheels.

The weather was great for driving, the traffic was good all the way to Nashville. Traffic there was not as bad as it could be but we did lose quite a bit of time anyway. We rested decent that night in a good hotel. 

Friday morning we started with rain and drove in the rain 2-3 hours. Eventually we broke through the rain and finally into beautiful sunshine. It was a great way to end our day. We spent another decent night in a hotel. 

Friday morning Kelly did a big grocery run at Sam’s and Walmart to keep us stocked up on foods that I can eat the next couple of weeks. Then we finished the drive to White Plains Holiness Assembly about 1:00 PM.

Sis. Tanya Boler unlocked the evangelist quarters for us and we moved in. KJo drove every single mile of the trip and then I did most of the resting from the trip.😜

We had wonderful services on Sunday and enjoyed every moment of it. We snapped a few pictures Sunday morning and Sunday night.

The Lord visited us during the prayer line Sunday night and I am anticipating great things in response to his touch. We are off to a good start at White Plains. 

Thank you for stopping by today.


Sunday, May 26, 2024

Our View Out The Window 5/26/24

Please pray for Missionary David Lloyd and his family and State Representative Ben Baker and his family and the Montis family in Haiti. Davy and Natalie Loyd were killed two nights ago along with a faithful Haitian man in the Lloyd’s mission work Jude Montis. 

We can only imagine the pain and heartache these families are experiencing right now. We know that the Lord is our only comfort we are asking him to comfort our friends, brothers and sisters. 

Our View Out The Window 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Memorial Day 2024

Hey Friends,
This is Odie reporting from my Ohio beach cottage. I hope you are doing well. Thanks for stopping by to visit with me on this busy holiday weekend.

When I think of Memorial Day, this song repeats in my head. I had to share it with you today. Please listen to More Than A Name On A Wall at least once.

I want to remember the reason we have a holiday to celebrate this weekend. It is a time we remember our loved ones who have finished their lives ahead of us. 

Dad shared about our recent visit to the local cemetery on Thursday. In this post about my sweet sister, you can see why we visit Miami Cemetery every May.

Our family and friends may be gone from this life, but definitely not forgotten. Heaven grows sweeter every day! I look forward to reuniting and meeting many friends and family members soon.

Memorial Day was set aside to honor our soldiers who gave their all for America. I honor those special souls who sacrificed all for the freedoms I hold dear today!

Twenty years ago, we visited Washington, D.C., and saw several monuments in our Nation's capital. It was a week that this American history lover will never forget.

Our visit to Arlington National Cemetary left a permanent impression on my mind and heart. I can not describe the feeling of watching the guard at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. We watched the changing of the guard a few times. It was a special moment; I am so glad I witnessed it in person.

That visit to D.C. deepened my sincere appreciation for the sacrifice and dedication of many great people. We all benefit from the gift of countless men and women. It hurts me to think about the pain and suffering of the soldiers and their families. 

Their names are more than names on a wall or plaque. They were real people who gave their lives for our country. Thank you. feels very hollow, but I mean the words with all my heart! I remember them extra this weekend!

See you next time.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Prayer And More For Friends

KJo and I are on a mission. A mission rooted in friendship. 

Bro. Ricky Boler from White Plains Holiness  Assembly near Sebastopol, Mississippi was told recently that he has cancer. They want him to have a major surgery sooner rather than later. 

He has the responsibility of his family, his business and the church. Adding in cancer surgery is more than he can juggle right now.

I can only imagine the emotional weight and turmoil.

He asked me to consider coming to the church the next three Sundays and the two Wednesdays in between to lift part of the load. I told him we would pray. 

I went to my study to pray about it and decided to send a text to a few of my mentors and closest friends and ask their opinion. I wrote the text, read my own words and answered my own question. 

It is if the Lord spoke to me and said, You do not need the leading of the Lord to be a friend. That was all it took and we have been working this week on getting things ready to go.

I had weekends scheduled and I needed to make arrangements with those pastors to move those dates to the future. They all understood and were gracious to me. I do appreciate that very much. 

I had committed to myself that I would not travel that far this summer and physically it is probably not the best thing for me. So we are traveling as gently as possible and praying. 

We traveled Thursday, we will travel today and perhaps even finish up this evening. If I can be wise, I will finish it up on Saturday.

Please pray for Bro. Ricky Boler, Sis. Tanya, the rest of his family and the church. Also pray for us that we would be filled with strength and anointing for the task ahead. 

Once we arrive and get through the first Sunday, we should be able to rest up some next week if all goes well.

Thank you for reading and thank you for praying. 
