Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A Word For Wednesday, Commitment And Dedication, Boggs Family Ministries

We are happy to bring you Word For Wednesday. A few moments ago I posted A Word for Wednesday on our YouTube Channel. Please watch and leave us a comment here or on YouTube.

Anything worth doing is worth making a commitment and having the determination to see the thing through. I am thankful that men were determined to risk their lives to form our nation. They were absolutely imperfect and even flawed men but they made a commitment and they determined to follow through.

That, along with many other men and women inspire me to make a firm commitment to Christ and determine to live my life in His service.

Thank you for stopping in today.


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Birth Of Hope

As I mentioned last week, I was thrilled to preach under the Tabernacle at St. Thomas. I had been looking forward to being at that meeting to sing, but I never really thought about the joy of preaching outside again.  

First, I did not know I would be preaching during the meeting and second, I was mostly concerned about the possibility of excessive heat. The meeting has a well earned reputation of being a hot one.

Here I am after service, which I preached, Sunday night.

So once I learned I would be preaching the previous week, I never considered all it would mean to me. As I was preaching Sunday night, I was nearly overwhelmed by emotion that I was actually preaching outdoors.

Earlier this year it was highly uncertain IF I would ever stand behind a pulpit and preach anywhere, much less under a tabernacle in a camp meeting. I have been emotional about it ever since and thankful to God for bringing me a mighty long way!

It is not exactly the same as preaching under a Gospel tent as I have many hundreds of nights, but it sure was nice and felt mighty good. I may never be able to set up a tent and preach under it again, but this meeting dared me to hope.

Hope never hurt anyone. Thank you for stopping by.


Monday, September 16, 2024

The Weekend Dispatch 9/16/24

This week will be a combination of rest and work. Rest as in not preaching revival and work as in catching up on many months of bookwork for Boggs Family Ministries. Kelly Jo has done a terrific job of keeping track of all the numbers but now we need to transfer it into the right format.

I have been preoccupied with getting my brain and body back into proper working condition all year. Now it is time to put all of the preparation into action.

Our annual report for the IRS will be due in one month and this is the first step. We planned these few days for this dual purpose so hopefully, it works perfectly.

The Weekend Dispatch 9/16/24
Our weekend began with the final night of camp meeting at St. Thomas Assembly, affectionately called the end of the road. We appreciate Pastor Eddie Stringfellow, his wife and the congregation for inviting us to participate in the meeting and warmly receiving us. We loved every moment of it. 

I am very thankful for the mild weather too. It has been and could have been very much hotter. Singing and preaching outside was challenging strength-wise but excessive heat would have made it worse.


Saturday was rest for me and mostly rest for the girls. They went to town to do laundry in the evening so some work was definitely involved for them. Honestly, I was physically weary all weekend. Hopefully, I will feel renewed in a few days.

Sunday morning we drove to be in church with our dear friends at Tanner Williams Holiness Church. We love being with the Apostle and the Epistle and their dear saints. It was a wonderful morning. May God bless Bro. Donnie, Sis. Gayla and the church for all their kindness and hospitality.

Pastor Willie Long Jr. invited us to preach Sunday night at Sims Chapel Holiness Church where we have been parked this last week. We were here for Sunday School last week but this was our first time preaching for them. We enjoyed the service and fellowship very much.

Thank you for joining us today. That wraps up our weekend.
