Showing posts with label Birthdays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birthdays. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Introducing Carson Lee Shoemaker

Hey Friends,

This is Odie; thanks for stopping by to visit today. It is always great to see our friends here each day. If you are a new friend, welcome! I hope you enjoy the blog and make this a regular stop.

Carson Lee Shoemaker
Today, I get to talk about one of my favorite topics, my family. Our newest  Boggs family member is 2 weeks old today. This is the newest grandchild of Uncle Steve and Aunt Karen Boggs. He was born on their anniversary this year.

Carson Lee Shoemaker arrived on June 25th. He weighed 7 lbs, 2oz and 19in, as he made his earthly debut. 

His birth was 4 weeks before his original due date. Carson had to go to the NICU to get a little help with breathing. 


Thank God for hearing and answering all the prayers for baby Carson! After a few days, he could breathe fully on his own! 

He spent a few more days in the NICU learning to eat and grow. 

Saturday was a big day in Carson's life. He got to go home!

Deidre and Ben were ready to bring their newest addition home! 

Now, they can start navigating life as a family of 5.

I know this Mama was thrilled to have all 3 of her babies together!

Big brother, Charlie and big sister and Chole Jean were past ready to meet their baby brother!

It makes me happy to see Carson loved by his Bubby and Sissy. Charlie is so excited to be a big brother again.

Chloe Jean is now a big sister. She loves her "Carsey," and I am confident she will be a little Mama to him.

Congratulations to the Shoemakers! We love your family of 5 and could not be happier for you all! 

This baby has already weaved his way deep into my heart. Yesterday, I had my first Facetime call with the little man. Now, I anxiously await the day I can see and hold him. I can not wait to love on him!

Carson is a precious gift from God to the Shoemaker family and an excellent addition to our Boggs family! Thanks to Deidre and Ben for allowing me to introduce their handsome boy to my friends!

Thanks for reading.


Saturday, July 6, 2024

Two Special Birthdays

Hey Friends,

This is Odie checking in for this first Saturday of July. Can you believe we are 7 months into 2024? The year is seemingly speeding by in record time.

Happy Birthday, America!

I hope you had an excellent July 4th. We are blessed to live in America. I am so thankful for the men and women who prayed, fought and worked tirelessly for our great nation. 

I am proud to be an American and thankful for our freedoms. Join me in praying extra for our nation and fellow Americans. We need God to have mercy on us. Oh, Lord, send us revival!

Happy Birthday, Mom!

This past Wednesday was a big birthday in our family. My beautiful and amazingly awesome Mother had the anniversary of her birthday! Happy belated birthday, Mom!

You are incredible, and I am blessed to have you in my life! I hope you felt extra love and appreciation this week! You will forever be my hero! Thank you so much for being my rock! I love you more than I love chocolate!

July is a busy birthday month for lots of our family and friends. Happy birthday to all of the July birthday club members! I am celebrating with you today, too!

Thanks for joining me today! I would love for you to come back next Saturday for more.


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Anniversary Celebration And A Big Birthday

Tomorrow is the 56th birthday of Kelly Jo. The last six months have been some of the most difficult months in our lives and KJo has handled it like a super champ. She deserves so much more in return than what I can provide, but I want her to know I love her very much.

Happy, Happy Birthday, Kelly Jo Boggs!!!

I made a Birthday video for Kelly last year with words from my heart and over 50 pictures of KJo through the years. It is dated by a year, but I think you will enjoy it. Below the video, you will find a few more pictures of Kelly and our Anniversary lunch on Saturday.

Here is a picture of my steak when they brought it to the table and the second picture is the steak after  finished.

As you can see, I could not eat much of it, but I have taken care of it a little at a time since then! It was an excellent ribeye!

Thank you for stopping by today.


Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Happy Birthday, Eugene Boggs

My Dad’s name is Eugene Boggs and today he turns 81 years old. My Dad being 81 years old is an absolute miracle! Praise God!

This picture of Dad and Mom was taken at Odie’s house only a few days ago. 

Happy Birthday, Dad. We love you and it is a joy to still have you in our lives. We expect you to stay around as long as possible. 

The final two pictures of this Mile Marker were taken yesterday. 

Boggs people in our branch do not regularly live long lives. All of Dad’s siblings but a younger sister are already gone as well as a lot of his first cousins. Dad is setting records each day he lives and we are extremely thankful for it. 

We love you Papa Bear and we hope to see you soon. 

Thank you dear friends for dropping by today. 


Coming Wednesday 

Thursday, May 23, 2024

37 Years!

Today, May 23, 2024 our Ali Elizabeth would have celebrated her 37th birthday. In some ways it seems like 100 years and another ways it feels like last week. 

37 years ago today, in the evening, our second daughter, Ali Elizabeth Boggs was born. Kelly Jo had spent most of six weeks in the hospital trying to prevent Ali from being born, but on May 23rd she was born.

We were blessed to hold her and love on her for a few hours and receive her love in return. In the early hours of the next day, as we were holding her, she slipped into eternity.

My mother, Martha Boggs arranged the flowers for Ali’s gravestone. They are beautiful. 

Yesterday while the sun was shining we visited the Miami cemetery in Corwin, Ohio and admired the beautiful work that my cousin Debbie Northern and her husband Sonny completed. They cleaned the gravestones of our family, mulched and no telling what else. Everything looked fabulous.

We sat a while admiring the beautiful day. We cried a bit, laughed a little, contemplated the past and what might have been. At some point, we wiped our tears and held each other close as we walked back to the green machine and returned to the only life we know. Someday we will know life as our love ones know it and we will be eternally joyful. 

We plan to be gone on memorial day so it was nice to visit the cemetery Wednesday. We drove through areas where literally hundreds of our relatives are buried. The people who care for the cemetery have it looking clean and gorgeous.


Thank you for joining us today. 


Saturday, May 4, 2024

Meet Kolby Lee Yeager

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting on this Saturday. I hope you are well. Thanks for visiting with me today.

Yesterday, I talked to you about my cousins Kayla and Trever Morgan Yeager. They just celebrated their first anniversary in April. 

Last fall, we received news that their family was expanding. I was thrilled for them. It is always exciting when a baby joins the family! 

My baby cousins are special to me! I adopted them as my niece or nephew. I am a proud Auntie O. 

Meet Kolby Lee Yeager

This year, on April 23rd, the doctor set the date for the baby's arrival. Kayla and Trever went to the hospital for the birth of a baby boy. As their family, we were anxious to have a new member added to our family. We waited and prayed hard for his safe arrival. 

He had another idea. The baby decided it was not time for him to enter the world yet. He was being stubborn.😆 The boy had to prove me wrong. He wanted to come on his due date, but I had predicted April 23rd since last fall.

Kolby Lee Yeager arrived one week later. He was born on the evening of April 30th. Excitement was in the air of our Morgan family text chain all day. 

We waited, not so patiently, for his birth and prayed hard! Thank God for answering all the prayers for Mama, Daddy and Kolby! He arrived safely! Kolby was worth the wait!

Congrats to Kayla and Trever on the birth of your handsome boy! We love your family of three! May God bless the next chapter in your life! 

I can not wait to meet my newest baby cousin! He has already captured his place in Auntie O's heart with pictures like this one. They Facetimed me a couple nights ago. He is precious!

Check out his hair! I already love him so much. He brings smiles and joy to all of us!

Here are his birth stats: Kolby Lee Yeager was born on April 30th, 2024, weighing 8lbs 7.1 oz and measuring 19.5 in long.

I am glad to share the happy news with you. Kayla gave me permission to introduce my friends to Kolby! She also sent pictures so you could meet their bundle of joy.

I will close with one more picture from Kayla. I love this, Mama and baby!
