Showing posts with label DRPC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DRPC. Show all posts

Saturday, July 20, 2024

2024 DRPC Indoor Invite

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in from my Ohio Beach Cottage. Sadly, I am not actually sitting by a real beach, but a girl can dream. I do have the privilege of looking up from my computer to see a beautiful photograph of a Pensacola, Florida beach. The exquisite photo, titled Pathway To Happiness, was taken by Shavona Deane Golden. It does help me seem a little closer to the water. It also makes me feel a little happier!

I hope you are doing well this week. It is always an honor to have you spend a moment of your time visiting with me here. Your time and friendship are very much appreciated!

Today, I am here to tell you about an annual event coming up next month. For 30+ years, the Indoor Fellowship Meeting at our church, Dryden Road Pentecostal Church, has been a highlight of my year. It is almost Indoor time at DRPC.

Our pastor, Bro. Bennie Sutherland and the DRPC church family are very excited about Indoor 2024. God always shows up and helps us in a special way! You are invited to join us as well. It will occur on Tuesday, August 20, through Friday, August 23. DRPC is located at 3201 Dryden Road in Moraine, Ohio. 

The meeting starts Tuesday night at 7. Pastor Bill Parks is scheduled to preach the 7 PM services. Wednesday through Friday, there will also be a Morning service at 10AM and a youth service at 6PM. Pastor Dwain Galiher is the scheduled morning speaker. Usually, we hear from one or two visiting ministers after Bro. Galiher. Visiting ministers also preach in the youth services.

The services are phenomenal each year! We have experienced some life changing moments for our family during past Indoor meetings at DRPC! I hope and pray for a mighty move of God in my life this year, and in the lives of my church family and visiting friends!

The incredible church services are the focus of the week. We also get to experience fantastic fellowship with new and old friends alike! It is a treat to see many friends during the meeting!

Great fellowship and food go hand in hand. Our young people serve a meal after the 7PM service. Breakfast is served Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 8-9 AM. Lunch is also served following the morning service all three days. You will not leave disappointed after a DRPC Indoor meal! Our church is blessed with some excellent cooks!

Make your plans to join us now. Mark the calendar for August 20-23 2024. I hope to see you there! We will be giving updates right here during the meeting. The services will also be broadcast live and archived on Mixlr here.

Thanks for reading. See you next time.


Monday, June 10, 2024

Odie's Weekend Dispatch 6/10

Hey Friends, 

This is Odie here with a recap of my weekend in Ohio. It was good to spend some time last week with the Morgan side of my family. I will share more pictures later, but today, I have a few for you.

Let us start the weekend on Thursday. I was able to spend some more bonding time with my cousin's kids. They make me so happy!

Jackson Lee Daniels is 4.


Karleigh Jo Daniels is 2.

This is Kolby Lee Yeager. He will be 6 weeks tomorrow.

 Friday was my final day with my Hillsboro family. Gran and I enjoyed spending a big part of the day together. Papaw was able to join us for a little bit. Soon, it was time to say farewell.

I love my grandparents! Spending time with Gran and Papaw is always excellent, and I hope to see them again soon!

Friday evening had been part of my loose plans since March. Jeff and Sheri Easter were scheduled to be in Hillsboro. My dear friends Rick, Stephanie and Timmy Stansell were going. They invited me to join them for a night of fun. I worked my schedule to meet them and ride back to Waynesville after the concert.

We had a wonderful night together. First, we visited the Ponderosa in Hillsboro. It was a great meal! Then, it was off to the church for a fabulous night of music and fellowship.

All of our crew have been long-time fans of Jeff and Sheri Easter. We were anticipating a fabulous night, and we were not disappointed at all!

Saturday was my day to get settled after a few days away from home. It is always great to come home to the beach cottage. I did not take any pictures to share on Saturday.

Sunday was dedicated to both services at DRPC. Our pastor preached powerful messages in both the morning and night services. I did have time to get a good nap in between. A nap always makes a Sunday much better! Below are my pictures from church on Sunday.

That wraps up a terrific Ohio weekend. I hope you had a good weekend as well! Thanks for stopping by to visit with me. Come back tomorrow to see us again.


Coming Wednesday

Monday, June 3, 2024

Odie’s Weekend Dispatch 6/3

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in for Monday. I hope you had a good weekend. I know that I had a wonderful weekend! Mine included friends, family, food, fun and church on Sunday. I will have a couple more in depth posts on some of the fun later. Today, you get a peek at the highlights.

First, we will rewind to Thursday. The Mayhans and Browns from Pauls Valley, Oklahoma, visited the beach cottage. It was so good to see these friends for a little while. They are kind enough to include me in one of their vacation stops!

One guess where we journeyed to next?

The party then moved to Alcapulco for lunch! We had to eat some scrumptious food and drink some salsa.

Here is a picture of the whole gang. I am glad Mamaw and Papaw were also there to see our friends.

Friday, I spent the day at home. Lisa, Mamaw and Papaw came by to check on me. I forgot to snap any photos. That day, I did a lot of porch sitting to soak up the beautiful weather.

Saturday was the 24th annual Tractor Parade in Corwin, Ohio. The weather was phenomenal, and the company was even better. I love spending time with Mamaw and Papaw!

My cousin Gary Coffman was at the front of the parade with his John Deer tractor. 

Mamaw had a craving for China Cottage. After the parade, we found our way to Centerville, Ohio, for lunch. 

The crab rangoons were the appetizers. My meal was beef LoMein. All of it was so delicious!

Sunday, I attended both services at DRPC. I love my church family!

That wraps up my weekend. June is now in full swing. Stay tuned for more adventures ahead. Thanks for dropping by today!

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Odie's Easter Weekend 2024

Hey Friends,

This is Odie; I am reporting on this fine Saturday. I hope you are doing well. I  am doing great. I have enjoyed my time at home.

I have squeezed in some travel this week. Over the last few days, I have had a wonderful time at the Pentecostal Fire Youth Conference. Next week, I plan to give you a recap of PFYC 2024.

Odie's Easter Weekend 2024

How was your Easter weekend? I had a super great weekend!

On Friday, I went to lunch with my Mamaw and Papaw. We enjoyed spending some time together on a beautiful sunny day!

My Frisch's Big Boy was a really good one!

Saturday afternoon, I spent some time next door at Doods. The kids enjoyed their egg hunt, and I enjoyed seeing family.

Ressurection Sunday: I was in two outstanding services at DRPC! Being home for Easter with my church family is always so good!

The Kids Choir.

The Youth Choir.

The Adult Choir

Our pastor, Bro. Bennie Sutherland preached wonderfully! Conviction was strong in the house. A few people prayed for salvation. The gospel touched many lives, and I think the saints were all saved again! We had a powerful altar service!

Below are some pictures with friends from after the service.

Me and the Alexander Family

Me and Sis. Lana Rank.

Me and my little bestie, Everly.

Sis. Debbie Roberts and me.

Me and Michelle Bostwick.

Me and Emily Roberts.

Ben Rose and Me.

I grabbed a few side shots as families posed for their pictures.
Stewart, Heather and Olivia Hisle.

The Roberts Family.

The Dottry Family.

Me and Eden Maples.

A family pic with Aunt Holly and Jonas.

Brylee James and Me.

Me and Richie Sutherland.

Me and Sharon Whittley.

Me and Rachel Thompson.

Sunday afternoon I spent with the Roberts Family! They had invited family and friends over for dinner.

Mamaw Darien, Me and Lana.

Gunner Burris and Me. 

The Easter Feast.

My plate

Sunday night's pictures.

Me with Princess Albany Blue.

Me with Steph and Rick.

Church time.

Reagan Baker and Me. 

That wraps up my Easter 2024 Recap. Thanks for stopping by to visit with me today.