Monday, February 28, 2011
Wow! What A Weekend!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Revival in Purcell, Oklahoma/Special Request
We love coming to New Mission to be with Pastor Steve Moore and the folks here. They have been our friends for years and have proven that friendship through thick and thin. They love preaching and love to have church and THAT is our kind of place
The church is out in the country and we love to park here with nothing but the cows and coyotes. We like being in the city with everything we need close at hand but this is always a welcomed break.
We plan to leave here Friday night or Saturday morning headed for Mississippi. It will be our first long trip with the Cheap Jeep loaded up in the trailer so it will be a new experience. Please pray that all goes well. We hope to leave the trailer in one place in the south until it's time to pick up the tent.
We received word today that Bro. Steve Gray and his wife Sis. Lynn from Bond, Kentucky are in desperate need of prayer. Sis. Lynn's mother died tragically this morning and they need God to help them through. Please pray for their family and ask others to pray.
God bless you all,
Sent from my iPhone
Monday, February 21, 2011
Summer of Tent Revivals
In the spring of 2009 we began to pray about a summer full of tent revivals. It still seemed impossible but I felt like we needed to start making plans to do it. We set aside 2011 as the time appointed and asked God to lead us each step.
As we prayed, the details began to fall in place. God began to stir the hearts of Pastors and they expressed to us their burden to reach out to their community. We now have 6 tent revivals scheduled over a 10 week period in Oklahoma, Kansas, Virginia and Ohio.
We felt we should ask Bro. Jimmy and Sis. Shauna Millikin to participate in as many meetings as they could so they are planning to join us in singing and preaching the first 3 tent revivals. We are so glad to have them on board with us for three revivals. They are going to be a blessing as they minister each night.
We also hope to have a couple of young men join us each week to help with set up and tear down of the tent, canvassing neighborhoods and working in the altars. We are asking God to direct us to the right ministry minded young men.
We have secured the use of a tent along with chairs and a portable platform. We have been planning to pull a trailer behind the BoggsMobile with the tent, chairs, platform and extra sound equipment. That meant Kelly Jo would have to follow behind in Mr. Jeep about 3500 miles this summer.
In the last few weeks a brother told me he had a trailer big enough to haul the things we needed AND the jeep. It is a 2009 24 foot enclosed car hauler made by Interstate. It is very nice. He was willing to donate nearly 1/3 of the price and that made it very reasonable. We bought it Saturday and you can see the pictures below. I certainly would not want to pull it every where I go but it will be a blessing to us this summer.
The cost of the trailer when factored in with all the other expenses of conducting these revivals is part of the impossibility of devoting a summer to tent revivals. It would be much easier and cheaper to pull up to a different church every week and preach revival. But we feel that God has directed us into these tent revivals and He has never pointed us where He did not provide us with the means to do it. The potential harvest of souls will be worth every mile we drive and every dollar we spend.
Please help us pray about a few key areas concerning these tent revivals. Pray that:
1. God would saturate each revival with His presence.
2. Men and women would be gloriously saved from sin.
3. God would miraculously heal the sick and encourage the saints.
4. God would protect us and each person that attends or works in the meetings and all of the equipment.
5. The weather would be good each week.
6. God would supply the necessary finance to conduct the meetings, for us to bless the Millikin's and other workers, buy the equipment and pay all the expenses.
Thanks for your prayers. I lay all of this out because I know that many folks read these posts every week that are interested in seeing God's work progress. That is exactly what we are trying to do.
God bless
Friday, February 18, 2011
A Miracle
Thursday, February 17, 2011
USA To Rebuke Israel At United Nations-God Forbid
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Havin' Church Pre-orders Shipping Today
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Tulsa Friends

Monday, February 14, 2011
A Brand New Sunny Day!
We have added a new page to Boggsblogs called "Our Music". You can see it by clicking on the tab at the top of the page. We also added Google Checkout to the right side bar so if you would like to order a CD there you can. They will send me an email immediately after you order and we can ship your order to you right away. Thank you so much.
I had a phone call last night from a brother in our home church that bought Havin' Church on Sunday. He and his wife loved it so that is encouraging. He made my day with the call. Thanks Bro. Rick!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Bill's Jumbo Burgers-The Double Okie
Bro. Cleve and his wife Sis. Valerie picked us up and took us to Bill's for lunch. He said I needed to order the "Double Okie" so that's what I did. It was awesome! Thanks Bro. Cleve.
You can see the results below.
The Double Okie!
With 1/3 pound burger
With a 2/3 pound burger.
One happy camper!
Bro. Cleve and Sis. Valerie outside Bill's.
This is the whole inside of the place!
Friday, February 11, 2011
On The Road Again February Newsletter
Please Visit Our Blog:
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Home Made Snow Plow
I made my own snow plow!
Here is a closer look! Patent Pending... Lol
I told you I was pushed over the edge.
No church on Wednesday but we hope to crank up again tonight.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Davy, Kelly and Odie Havin' Church Live In California
We are so excited about our new CD. We were told today they would be shipped on Thursday so we should have them by the middle of next week. We plan to process the pre-orders and ship them within 2-3 days after we receive them.
For those that don't know, we recorded the project live in October at Riverdale Assembly in Riverdale, California. We had an awesome time that night and we are calling the CD Havin' Church Live In California.
If you would like to have one or five or eight, send us a note and we will let you know how to go about getting some. I'll make you a real good deal on a hundred of them. Lol
Several have inquired about the songs on the CD so I have listed the tracks below. We sure hope everybody enjoys it.
God bless,
1. I Want To Thank You (I Think I’ll Take Some Time) 3:52
Bryant Jones Sr./Ship Publishing/All Rights by Just Mike Music/BMI/2nd verse written by Sharon Whitley
2. There Is Power In The Name of Jesus 3:08
Jefferey S. Ferguson/ Regi Stone/Jeff Ferguson Music/BMI/Belden Street Music Publishing
3. He’s An On Time God 4:16
Dottie Peoples/Dottie Peoples Publishing/BMI/International Atlanta Music/Peermusic III LTD/3rd verse by Davy Boggs
4. Introductions 1:53
5. I’d Rather Have Jesus 4:20
Rhea miller/George Beverly Shea/Word Music/ASCAP
6. Introducing Made Up Mind 1:09
7. Made Up Mind 3:11
Alexander Lowell Talmadge JR/ Randy Phillips/ Jeffery Sean Silvey/Bridge Building Music/BMI/Randy Cox Music INC/BMI
8. Testimony 0:19
9. Ain’t Gonna Give Up Medley 8:49
-Ain’t Gonna Give Up On God
Charles P Bosarge/ Philip D Johnson /Chaz Bosarge Music /ASCAP/GiveMall Music
-No Turning Back
-I’ve Got My Mind Made Up To Serve
Charles Ray Burton/Frank Edward Wilson
Traco Music Company/BMI
10. Odie’s Introduction and Testimony 2:54
11. I Don’t Have A Prayer Without You 3:16
Bruce Haynes
Haynessongs/BMI/ Willow Branch Music/BMI
12. Never Would Have Made It 9:37
Marvin Sapp/Matthew Brownie/Marvin L. Sapp Music/Minstrel Melodies/BMI
13. Romans 8:28-29 1:18
14. Everything Is Gonna Turn Out Right 3:21
Sonya Isaacs/Rebecca Isaacs Bowman/Makem Smile Music/R I Bowman Music/BMI
15. Psalm 39:4-7 1:44
16. My Hope Is Built 2:24
Edward Mote/William Bradbury
17. Testimony on Hope 0:42
18. Faith 3:52
Frank Meyers/Jason Eustice/Richie McDonald/Frank Meyers Music/BMI/Jtunesmusic/SESCA/Loremoma Music/BMI
19. Miracle Man 6:13
Words and Music by Aaron Wilburn and Dave Lehman/Copyright 1981 BMG Music Publishing/ASCAP.
20. Jesus You Are 4:20
Justin Rivers/Christian Taylor Music/BMI
Monday, February 7, 2011
Praise God For Sunday!
We were supposed to start revival with Pastor Bill Parks at the House of Prayer yesterday but the after effects of the blizzard had them shut down yesterday. We love Bro. Parks and his church and hate to miss revival there this time but we can't control the storms although I sure tried with this one. "Peace Be Still" doesn't have the same effect when I say it!
We went down to Bristow and preached for Bro. Douglas Meadow yesterday morning and then back here at Hilldale for an afternoon service. Both services were great and we enjoyed worshipping and fellowshipping with God's people all day yesterday.
We appreciate Bro. Meadow and Bro. Conner for having us and treating us so well. IF the weather cooperates this week we are going to have service each night at Hilldale. They are calling for another storm in a couple of days so we will see.
For some reason I only took one picture of our whole day yesterday but it's a good one. Odie was making friends with two little girls at Bristow and they posed for a picture.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Free At Last (Well Almost)
To This!
Thanks to this.
We still can't even think about driving the BoggsMobile out of this neighborhood but I sure feel a lot better with that wall of snow gone.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Hilldale Holiness Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma
We have enjoyed visiting with Bro. Nathan and Sis. Stephanie Conner some this week. Bro. Nathan is the Pastor here and they live right across the street. They have tried to accommodate our every need this week and have been a blessing to us.
We have enjoyed visiting with their family and we look forward to coming back again when there is just a tad less snow.
Bro Aaron Jarvis
Our next revival is on the other side of Tulsa. There is no way to move the BoggsMobile in all of this snow but we can drive the jeep back and forth to church. However it is doubtful whether it will be possible to have church next week either. So we will wait it out and enjoy the view.
God bless you all. Keep us in your prayers.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Thursday February 3, 2011
This is the road to the church. A good Samaritan plowed one lane the first day and it has been packed into ice since then. There is no way the city or county can get to all these roads in a storm like this but I still think this is kind of funny. Can you see the sign on the right side of the road?
Here it is a little closer...
These road improvements made possible by county sales tax.
I think it's funny! You think they need more taxes?
This shows the power of the sun. When I took this picture it was 11 very cold degrees outside. This clock sits in the front window of the bus and the bus is facing east. As you can see it was 91.4 in the window where the sun was shining and 11 degrees about 3 inches on the other side of the glass. Thank God the weather man was wrong when he predicted all clouds this week.
While we were out we ate at Ron's with Pastor Nathan Conner, his family and Bro. Aaron Jarvis. It was so good! Can you guess what I has to eat?
The sky looked really strange this afternoon. It looked like it was split in two all the way across. It was neat.
Still no church of course but we are patiently surviving and having fun. Thanks for all the messages.