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  1. Hello there from the Lamb's Just wanted to stop in and say hey. We read all of your letters and love seeing the pictures. We want you all to know we are praying for you and we love you all. Hope all is well. Hope to see you all soon.
    Wendal, Crystal and kiddos.

  2. Just to say my soul longs for anointed Truth...and one soul to another, thank God for this family, His gifts, talents & blessings!
    I love you Christ Jesus, risen King

  3. That message last night was so powerful. I really enjoyed it. In fact I've forwarded it on to several people. Going to miss these nightly revival services, but we're going to be moving forward, Lord willing. This is our year to intinerate and hope to see you all somewhere this summer. Love you guys.

    1. Thank you, my dear brother. I hope to see you soon.


  4. I just wanted to let you know how God has used these services to draw me closer to him. I like to get on my knees and worship and pray while the service is going. I have been steady listening and pray you will do the right thing. I tried to get my sinner brother to listen last night. He didn't yet but I prayed for any sinner listening. Again, thanks for allowing God to use you! I'm for whatever God wants!

    1. Thank you for watching and thank you for letting us know that God is moving. Keep praying and believing.


  5. So greatly enjoy all of you Highpoint Church with Bro Sis Doug Stevens. Always a joy.. Love y'all much dorene

  6. Thank you and family for coming to our church and ministering. This time you were here I missed a couple of days, God spoke to my heart in a different way through your messages. I pray he blesses you all in a very special way. with love from Wichita, Kansas

  7. Great to hear of another Frank Boreham reader. Andrew (Invercargill NZ)

    1. Great to hear from you. Yes I love to read Boreham. I was amazed to visit his church in Mosgeil, New Zealand in early 2020. Please contact by email.


  8. Is Herman and Margaret Woods still living?

  9. Praying for yall and your ministry! Gary King, Whitesboro,TX


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