Tuesday, April 30, 2024

You Want To See A Miracle?

Kelly and I spent most of the day on a Tuesday a few weeks ago at the hospital in Oak Ridge, Tennessee with brother Herman and sister Margaret Woods. We met them seven days after we married in 1985 and they have been mentors to us and just like parents.

Brother Herman has been in the hospital off and on most of this year and that day when we left after 9 o’clock in the evening, we was so sad to leave them. we prayed for them, hugged them and cried with our friends. 

He was so sick, so weak and although we did not dare vocalizize it, there was a chance that we were seeing him for the last time. 

But here is the rest of the story. By the following Sunday he went home. Seven days later on the next Sunday he went to church and testified. Later they went out to eat and this is the picture.

We are still believing for the touch of God to continue in his body  He still needs to gain weight and needs a lot of strength, but you are looking at a miracle, my dear friends. I am praising God for it! Hallelujah!

May God complete his work in all of our lives in the wonderful name of Jesus. Thank you for stopping in today.


Monday, April 29, 2024

A Weekend Interupted

Our weekend was interrupted by a case of Shingles on my upper body. They run from my sternum around to my back bone. Unfortunately they are only on the side of my body that is not affected by the numbness of the December stroke.

It seems my luck runs like that. ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜œ

Thankfully, they do not itch too bad but they burn like fire. It also feels like there is a little man inside trying to saw his way out. ๐Ÿชš I would kind of like to get him a little Sawzall so he can get done quicker๐Ÿ˜‡

I have oscillated back-and-forth between unbelievable pain and incredible relief all weekend long. I am thankful for the times of relief. Hallelujah! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฝ

Close friends and churches have been praying for me for several days and I would appreciate if you would join them in prayer. That would mean so much to us.

In the grand scheme of things in the world, this is a very small blip on the radar, but it is my mountain to climb at this moment and it seems insurmountable at times.

I sure need God’s help. 

KJo had my brother-in-law and his brother carry my recliner from Odie‘s house upstairs to the study in my barn. I spent several hours up there in the recliner yesterday. 

I was sitting at the small desk eating supper when I noticed a magnet in front of me. 

Both the magnet and the 1967 Ohio license plate were given to me by my good friend, brother Galen Cummins. When I saw it yesterday, it was a message just for me. I needed it at that moment. 

It is OK if you fall apart sometimes, tacos fall apart and we still LOVE them
Thank you for loving me friends. I have felt pretty useless this week, but I reckon it’s OK to fall apart a little bit. I do not have to be the whole Enchilada all the time. I can be like a taco, fall apart and I am still loved. ๐ŸŒฎ๐ŸŒฎ❤️❤️

I should have a word for Wednesday ready to go by the time I post this Monday, but if I am missing the next few days this week, you will know everything is OK.

Thank you for reading today.

Coming Wednesday 


Sunday, April 28, 2024

Sunday Morning Sanity 4/28/24

Sunday Morning Sanity
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. – Thomas Edison

I hope you have a super great Sunday.


Saturday, April 27, 2024

Congratulations Jonas Boggs Class of 2024

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in for my Saturday post. I hope you are doing well. I am happy that God has blessed us with another great week.  

Graduation season is here. Our family has one graduate this year. Today, I am honoring him. Congrats to Jonas Keith Boggs on your college graduation! 

Family means the world to me. I am always happy to celebrate big and small milestones with my family members. Five years ago, we came home to celebrate the high school graduation of my younger cousin, Jonas Boggs. Here is a link to the pictures from his graduation party.

Jonas has worked hard over the last five years. He has been a student at the University of Cincinnati and part of a working COOP program with a construction company in Dayton. He has done a phenomenal job!


Friday morning was his graduation ceremony from U.C. Jonas now has an Engineering degree! The Lord has blessed him with a job, with the company that he worked with during college. I am so happy for him!

Although I could not physically attend on Friday morning, I was able to attend virtually, and I am extremely grateful for the technology. My heart swelled with pride when I heard Jonas Boggs' name called and watched him walk across the stage of the Fifth Third Arena. I cheered loudly from home!

My Aunt Theresa sent us this picture, and Uncle Tommy was sending pictures and videos on the Boggs Family group text. We were all excited to see him graduate. The family was excited and watching him from across the country, from Ohio to Alabama! 

Jonas, we love you so much and are proud of you! Your hard work has now paid off. Congrats! I know the last five years have been full of hard days. You persevered and succeeded! May God bless and guide you on this new chapter of life!

Congrats to every member of the graduating class of 2024! I am proud of you! You did it! 

Thanks for stopping by to visit with me. See you next time.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Test Results-Can We Travel Video

We have been testing how I manage traveling and preaching. Can we do it? What are the test results?

Well, the results are in. Much of the testing went very well, but we have found that the actual traveling is a little out of my reach just yet. We are adjusting our plans and continuing to move forward as much as possible. I try to explain it in the video above.

Thank you for reading and watching today.


Thursday, April 25, 2024

A String Around My Finger?

I knew a week ago that I would needed to have something ready for today’s Mile Marker. In fact I knew that six months ago. Most weeks of the year, I am responsible for these mile markers six days a week, including every Thursday.

However, that did not stop me at about 8 o’clock yesterday evening being absolutely surprised that I had to have a Mile Marker ready sometime before Thursday morning. How in the world can I forget about that?

Almost 15 years I have been doing this and this still happens on a regular basis. At least twice a month I think of it between 2 and 3 o’clock in the morning and I roll out of bed, go to the computer and try to think of something to say, some story to tell, some meal to describe or find some pictures to post. 

Lately, when I have a brain freeze, I say well I had a stroke. unfortunately, this pre-dates the stroke by many years so the truth is my brain has been acting suspiciously most of my life.

Does that ever happen to you? I kind a hope that it does. I hate to be the only one in this condition because it is certainly not limited to this little corner of the world that we call Mile Markers. 

Our vehicle tags need to be renewed in mid January every single year. We normally leave sometime between December 26 and January 2 so it needs to be done in  December. 

I cannot tell you how many times I have  had to renew online from several states away in January and have someone in my family mail the stickers to me when they arrive. 

This year I remembered that early. Well, it was kind of early. It was the day before we were supposed to leave home for seven months. I also had to renew my drivers license. But at least I got it all done one day before I had the stroke.

There are other items, that I routinely forget even after  setting reminders on my phone and putting Post-it notes on my computer. Again, how does that happen? Age? Well, if it is age, I have been aged for 40 years.

Maybe I will remember tomorrow’s Mile Marker several hours before tomorrow. I hope so.

Thank you for stopping in. What is that string tied around your finger?


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

A Word For Wednesday, I Know The Master of The Wind

Good Morning! Thank you for joining us today. We are so happy to bring you A Word For Wednesday. A few moments ago I posted A Word for Wednesday on our YouTube Channel. Please give it a listen and leave us a comment here or on YouTube. 

Mark 4:39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

40 And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith? 41 And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him? I Love this song by the Hemphills! I Know The Master of The Wind My boat of life sails on a troubled sea Ever there's a wind in my sail But I have a friend who watches over me When the breeze turns into a gale I know the master of the wind I know the maker of the rain He can calm the storm And make the sun shine again I know the master of the wind Sometimes I soar like an Eagle to the sky Among the peaks my soul can be found An unexpected storm may drive me from the heights May bring me low but it cannot bring me down I know the master of the wind I know the maker of the rain He can calm the storm And make the sun shine again I know the master of the wind Tag Let Jesus calm your storm And make the sun shine again He is the master of the wind Songwriters: Joel Hemphill Master of the Wind lyrics © Capitol CMG Publishing, Universal Music Publishing Group

Thank you for stopping in today.


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Weekend Dispatch 4/23/24

Tune in tomorrow for A Word For Wednesday.

We will begin the Weekend Dispatch on Thursday. It was a beautiful day so KJo helped me pull the bus out of the barn. Since the weather is nice, the bus will be fine outside and that clears the barn space for things that need to be completed inside over the coming weeks.

Thursday evening we went to Dryden Rd, our home church. Bro Bennie asked me to preach when we arrived. Even though I was road weary, I was glad to try to do as he asked.

Bro. Mike Whitley wearing my suit coat.

Sunday we were scheduled to be in Hillsboro, Ohio to preach for Pastor Danny Morgan, KJo's brother. We had a great time with family and friends Sunday and we enjoyed the Lord helping folks.

Odie captured some great pictures that round out the weekend perfectly. Thank you for dropping by.

Monday, April 22, 2024

It Is A Joy To Help GoodNews Christian School

Thank you for rejoicing with us on Friday concerning the new sanctuary at the church branch in Abeokuta. I also appreciate the encouragement we received about the possibility of traveling there to dedicate the church later this year. 

I have no idea IF I will be able to do it. It is nice to know not everyone is cheering/praying against the prospect.๐Ÿ˜

We believe in the purpose and the promise of the school in Abeokuta and we have been vocal about it. We have and we are willing to continue putting our money where our mouth is.

Today I want to write to you about what is needed to complete the building for much needed classroom space. I shared pictures with you earlier of the new construction at GoodNews Christian School. You can click on the link or you can see a few pictures below.

The structural engineer has cautioned them to finish the second story floor as quickly as possible. The wood and iron are now exposed to the sun. Also the rainy season will be on them soon. The engineer wants it covered with concrete. 

It is not much further along now than the pictures above because they have come to the end of their resources. Inflation is completely out of control in Nigeria, much worse than when we were there in December. The economy is spiraling and it is very difficult for the people to meet their personal needs.

We have a little more funds we have planned to send but not enough to cover the concrete for the second floor. The price of the rebar, gravel, sand and bags of cement have went out of sight. We hope to scrape up enough for them to finish that phase and send it next Monday 4/29.

It is a joy to help provide a place for GoodNews School to touch the lives of over 200 children. We look forward to doing all that we can.

Thank you for reading today.
