Friday, July 26, 2024

Preparing For A Big Weekend!

We have about thirteen things going today but we hope to have a service in our Summer Revival Series this evening IF we can swing it. I reckon we will have to wait and see how it falls together.

One thing that I know for sure is that we did have service last night at Dryden Rd. Bro. Russell McDonald preached at Dryden and it was great. He and his son-in-law were there and it was wonderful to see them. We had a big crowd and they responded very good to the preaching.

Odie snapped a few pictures and I will post them below.

This weekend should be a full one. Saturday afternoon we plan to gather with family and friends to celebrate my Mother's 80th Birthday! That should be a great day! 

Then we are supposed to preach at Corwin church for Pastor Randy Brown on Saturday night and Sunday. We are looking forward to that. I think that is enough for me.

Thank you for stopping by for a few minutes.


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Searching For A Power Solution

I never could get pictures from my Apple phone to load on Blogger but we made it back to the Lazy OD Ranch and I have the pictures I wanted to show you from Monday.

Jeff Rowe and Odie

The front steps are nearly finished. Here they are in December in transition from storage to entrance stairs.

This is what they look like on Monday almost finished. They look so much better than I imagined! Wow!

The bus is at Jeff Rowe's for several piddly things but the main event is the generator. It is original to the bus and was built in Ohio in July 1995, It is a 15 KW Martin generator with a Yanmar engine. It has served us well and we hope it will for years to come.

It has given me voltage problems for a few years but we could always work around it. Last spring the problems kicked into overdrive and became insurmountable. We had to work our travel schedule around available campgrounds and that is a travel nightmare for us. Not to mention more expensive.

I am oversimplifying the problem because the herts are unstable too. We think that is the root of it all. But maybe you get the idea.

We spent a few thousand dollars on campgrounds in the northeast alone last summer.. When you add the inconvenience of not finding appropriate campgrounds along our route or near churches, it is a large headache. We had to park over one hour from churches for three straight weeks. Ugh!

Maybe that gives you a glimpse of how important the generator is in our travels. We like to have electricity for a working fridge, hot water and especially air conditioning. Sometimes the generator is the only way to have electricity.

Jeff is elbow-deep into the problem and seems to be close to a solution and we are pulling for him. The nuclear option is replacement and we are ready to investigate that IF necessary but that is a bigger step than we really want to make. We will pull the trigger on that IF the time comes.

We intend to travel in the bus this fall so we are down to the wire. We are praying for the right solution at the right time. Thank you for reading and praying.


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

A Word For Wednesday,The Impact of A Personal Experience, Boggs Family Ministries

Thank you for joining us today. We are so happy to bring you A Word For Wednesday. A few moments ago I posted A Word for Wednesday on our YouTube Channel. Please give it a listen and leave us a comment here or on YouTube.

A personal experience with God is imperative. It will Impact every area of our life and will Impact many other lives  

We Need revivals in our communities, families and in our nation. We need to experience God corporately.  But we must experience God personality. We must have a personal experience! It is vitally important.

Thank you for watching today. 


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Can’t We Just All Get Along?

Mike Marker is late this morning but we are fine. We are away from home without my laptop and the blogger website is not playing nice with my phone. It is a little frustrating  

I wish Google and Apple would kindly get a long. 😳 They seem like quarreling parents with us children stuck in the middle. 

We checked on the bus yesterday and our friend Jeff Rowe. It was good to see the bus and the progress. I will add pictures but that is one of the things I am struggling to do 

It was great to see Jeff too. That is where I insert a picture of Odie and Jeff but more parental squabbling prevents it. 

I give up for now. Maybe I can update later. 😎

Thank you for reading. 


Monday, July 22, 2024

The Weekend Dispatch 7/22/24

Our weekend began Friday with another service in our Summer Revival Series. We enjoyed the evening gathering virtually for revival.

Sunday morning we attended our home church and I preached at the request of our Pastor, Bro. Bennie Sutherland. It was wonderful to be home and wonderful to preach at home again. Odie snapped a few pictures.

We rested on Sunday afternoon and preached for Pastor EJ Lamb on Sunday evening. We appreciate the invitation and the warm welcome. I really enjoyed preaching at the Anchor of Hope last night.

There was not much more to our weekend, but my body tells me that was enough. I hope you enjoyed the pictures. Thank you for stopping in.
