Showing posts with label BFM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BFM. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

A Few Things To Cover

Hey Friends.

Thanks for visiting with me today. Welcome to any new visitors! Hello to my faithful friends! You all are awesome! I hope your day is going well!

I have a few different topics to cover for today's post, so let me get right to the matter at hand. 

1. Goodnews Christian School 

Thank you for the good response to the new video posted to YouTube! You can see it by clicking below. 

We really appreciate some of you already getting on board with us for this special project! May God bless you for your help!

2. Uncle Steve Update

Thank for the prayers and concern for Uncle Steve and Aunt Karen Boggs!

 Uncle Steve is making progress towards recovering from Cellulitis! Praise God he was released from the hospital yesterday! He will receive out patient treatment for a few days and continue oral antibiotics a while longer. We are so thankful for the Lord touching him!!

3. Revival at DRPC

Bro. Josh Smith and Family start revival tonight through Friday at Dryden Road Pentecostal Church. services nightly at 7:30 PM February 11 through the 14th.

Youth rally is scheduled for Friday night. If you are in our local area come be part of revival! Dryden Road Pentecostal Church is located at 3201 Dryden Road, Moraine, Ohio. 

Thanks again for reading! See you again next time!

Monday, February 10, 2025

Our Heart For Goodnews Christian School

 Hey Friends,

We are starting the week with a new Boggs Family Ministries YouTube channel video. 

This is something that we have been wanting to share for a while. We dearly love our friends in Nigeria, and today we are telling you about a project that is very near and dear to our hearts!

Goodnews ChristianSchool is the vision and heart of Reverend Ade Shobanke in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. We are standing beside them as they add new classrooms to the Goodnews Christian School. 

We welcome you to get onboard and share in seeing this project completed. 

IF you choose to give to Boggs Family Ministries, Inc then you should know we are recognized by the IRS as a 501c3 not-for-profit ministry. Your contribution to our ministry may have valuable tax benefits for you.  In such regard, however, you should consult your personal tax adviser with respect to tax deductions and any limitations of such deductions, which may impact your tax return.

You can donate by going here to the link below using PayPal or Credit card. 
100% of your donation will go to the school construction project. 

Another way you can donate is by mail. 

Make checks payable to Boggs Family Ministries with a note in the memo specifyingschool construction project

You can mail donations to us at
Boggs Family Ministries 
PO Box 28
Waynesville, OH 45068

Thank you very much for every donation! Also, please join us in praying for our dear friends in Nigeria! They are precious people doing a wonderful work for the Lord! We love and appreciate their heart for God so much!

We appreciate you for spending a moment of your day with us. See you tomorrow.
Kelly Jo and Odie

Monday, January 27, 2025

Tribute To Davy From GoodNews Christian School.

Hey Friends, 

I am in vacation mode. I tried to plan out the blog this week and schedule each post. So you would not be without a daily post. I did not want Mom to worry about the blog while I was gone. 

All that being said, I have a few tributes or memories of Dad that will be shared for a few days.

The GoodNews Christian School in Nigeria is a ministry that Dad loved! He put his whole heart into supporting their work. He was so happy to know the school was growing continually! 

Boggs Family Ministries is continuing to support the school today. More information will be coming shortly. 

We all know Daddy loved to visit the school when he could. He was always planning his next trip!

Pastor Samuel Bamidele, is the principal of the upper grades in the school. He sent us this letter back in November. Below is his letter behalf of the school.


 "Dear Family of our beloved Pastor Davy Boggs,

Our hearts are deeply saddened as we mourn the passing of our beloved Pastor Davy Boggs, who was not only a guiding light to the Goodnews Christian School but also a faithful missionary to Nigeria and a pillar in our church, Christ Ambassadors Holiness Church. Pastor Boggs was a true servant of God, selflessly dedicated to the work of the Kingdom, touching the lives of countless individuals across generations.

His love for people—children, youth, and the elderly alike—was evident in every interaction. Pastor Boggs’ unwavering support of various projects in our churches and schools reflects a legacy of compassion, faith, and evangelism that will continue to inspire us for years to come. Though we grieve his loss, we rejoice that he has entered into the rest of the Lord, whom he served so faithfully.

We extend our deepest condolences to our beloved humble and caring Mummy Kelly and our ever loving Sister Oddy and the entire family. We pray that God's peace, which surpasses all understanding, will comfort and strengthen you during this difficult time. His legacy of love and devotion to Christ will live on in our hearts and through the lives he has touched.

With heartfelt sympathy,  
Pastor S.O Bamidele,
The Principal Goodnews Christian school Saje Abeokuta Ogun State Nigeria.”

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Happy Birthday Daddy 2025

 Hey Friends,

Thank you for dropping by for a visit! We have been in reflection mode this week. A couple of big days are here this week, back to back. 

January 15th, last year, Daddy came home from the hospital after the stroke. Click here to visit yesterday’s post

January 16th is my Dad’s birthday! Dad did not like a lot of attention on his birthday. He always wanted to make a big deal about mine or Mom’s, but not his! A blog post is just about all I could get by doing for him.

He does not get a choice this year! We are spending today honoring the great man I got to call Daddy!

Mom and I sat down and reflected on Dad’s last days on earth. He taught us to love God and His greatness always! Dad’s love for his Great God was evident until the end. 

Also, we included Dad singing If You Could See Me Now. This video was recorded as part of a church service at my house in April of 2020. We also played it at Dad’s celebration of life. Some people have requested to hear the song again. I figured his birthday was a great day to share it again.

I will close with a note for my Daddy. See you tomorrow. 

Happy birthday, Daddy! I love you, “More than a hog loves slop”! You will forever be my superhero! 

This is the first time in my lifetime that I could not celebrate your birthday with you in person. Over the years we have celebrated your birthday in a myriad of states and ways! You may not physically be here, but we are still marking this extra special date on the calendar. 

In a while we will enjoy a delicious dinner with several family members in your honor! I know there will be tears, laughter and lots of memories! I so wish you could be here with us! You are always dearly missed!

 Love Your Baby Girl, Odie!

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Throwback Thursday, 1/9/2025

 Hey Friends,

It is time for another photo from the archives. Mom sent this picture to me last week. I do not know the time and place it was snapped.

I love it because it is a picture of Dad and two of our wonderful friends, Bro. Mike Crafton and Bro. Kurt McCrorey. Both men have been part of our lives for a long time and hold a special place in our hearts!

Bro. Mike Crafton and his family have been our friends since I was a small girl. We reconnected with them while we were living in Kansas. They lived in Joplin, Missouri. Our families would visit the same concerts and revivals without planning it. 

Soon the three Crafton sisters and myself were super close. They became like my sisters We fellowshipped every chance we could find or create!😀

Bro.  Mike and Sis. Denise, Mom and Dad Crafton, just claimed me as their older daughter! I still love my Crafton family! Their crew now includes two son-in-laws and 7 amazing grandchildren!

Bro. Kurt and Sis Angie McCrorey became dear friends of ours in the early 2000’s. Our pastor told Dad we needed to get to know them, and he was right!

From the beginning of our first evening spending time with them we bonded. The friendship was more like family. They were with us during lots of good times and rough patches. 

It is hard to remember life without the McCrorey family! We watched their children grow up. Now they are married and have their own families. Where has time gone?!

I know they helped us move three different times. Bro. Kurt has been part of our ministry since BFM was incorporated. We are so thankful for his friendship and assistance!

We have so many great memories with the Crafton and McCrorey families! We love and appreciate all of them! Both families traveled many miles and hours to be in services with us!

I am so thankful for the excellent friends God placed in our path! We value these wonderful people! I will never forget their friendship and dedication to our family!

Thank you for joining us! See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Goodbye Prevost BoggsMobile

Hey Friends,

Mom and I had a big week last week. On January 1st, we traveled to Tennessee. Gran and Papaw Morgan and Mamaw and Papaw Boggs traveled with us, too. Once in Tennessee, Steve, Karen, Bro. Scott and Sis. Kim Morris met us there as well. 

The goal was to empty the BoggsMobile of 16 years of life. Jeff Rowe at East Tennessee Luxury Coach allowed us to empty the bus at his shop. Mom rented a U-Haul bought supplies to help make the job easier. 

Wednesday evening, Mom and Papaw Danny picked up the truck and totes and got things ready to go. Thursday, Mom and her army of helpers descended on the Boggs Mobile.

After several hours and lots of hard work by several precious people, the job was complete! Everything was safely loaded into the truck. Thank the Lord  for His help! We thank our family for helping us with the move! We love you!

The BoggsMobile served us well for 16.5 years. Dad suffered from self diagnosed bus induced psychosis the entire time. He worked hard to maintain and keep our home on wheels rolling! There was always a list of issues vying for his attention!

We all loved the BoggsMobile. It was undoubtedly the best travel vehicle we have had. It was a dear member of the family. It carried us thousands of miles every year that we owned it. Oh, the memories that the bus holds for us!

We shopped for a bus for years before ever buying this one. God led us to the exact one we needed. It was an answer to a lot of prayers!

 Dad once wrote, “March 21, 2008 we purchased a 1995/1996 Prevost XL Vantare and drove it into the sunset.” I will never forget that day in Sandford, Florida.

Below are pictures from day 1. Mamaw and Papaw were there that day, too. Also, Uncle Ed and Aunt Nettie Mays came to see us off. The salesman is also pictured with Dad. 

Dad often said the first day he saw diesel at $4 a gallon was the day he bought a bus. Thank God, with His help, we had money for every drop of diesel we needed. 

In the middle of each month, the payment was paid. Dad gladly paid the BoggsMobile off last year. We rejoiced that day!

We owe a huge thanks to Ben Isaacs, Jeff Rowe, and Tim Dillman! These men helped Dad navigate owning a bus! We can never adequately say thank you. Your help means so much to us! Others were there to help right when we needed you! Thank you for your help as well!

Before Dad passed we knew the BoggsMobile days were numbered. Maintaining and driving it was much harder on Dad. I was struggling to get in, out and around in there. It was not super accessible. We were searching for the next best option to make life easier. All the while hating to close the Prevost chapter in our lives. 

I had decided to stay home a little more this year. Trying to make it easier on all of us. The events of November 10th 2024, sealed the deal. We no longer needed the bus!

The Lord helped us, and we sold the BoggsMobile last week. Mom and I have great peace with our decision! The new owner will take good care of it and give it a little TLC. 

Here are pictures from our BoggsMobile move out. 

BoggsMobile, you were good to our family! We are thankful that you helped us get through many years and miles. Thank the Lord for His protection! 

We have our share of bus stories that we will always remember, but thankfully, they were not horrific! The Boggsmobile will always hold a special place in our hearts.

Thanks for reading as we said goodbye to an old member of the family! Many of you helped pray for us as we travel across the country time after time in the BoggsMobile. See you next time.