Showing posts with label Campmeeting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Campmeeting. Show all posts

Saturday, July 20, 2024

2024 DRPC Indoor Invite

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in from my Ohio Beach Cottage. Sadly, I am not actually sitting by a real beach, but a girl can dream. I do have the privilege of looking up from my computer to see a beautiful photograph of a Pensacola, Florida beach. The exquisite photo, titled Pathway To Happiness, was taken by Shavona Deane Golden. It does help me seem a little closer to the water. It also makes me feel a little happier!

I hope you are doing well this week. It is always an honor to have you spend a moment of your time visiting with me here. Your time and friendship are very much appreciated!

Today, I am here to tell you about an annual event coming up next month. For 30+ years, the Indoor Fellowship Meeting at our church, Dryden Road Pentecostal Church, has been a highlight of my year. It is almost Indoor time at DRPC.

Our pastor, Bro. Bennie Sutherland and the DRPC church family are very excited about Indoor 2024. God always shows up and helps us in a special way! You are invited to join us as well. It will occur on Tuesday, August 20, through Friday, August 23. DRPC is located at 3201 Dryden Road in Moraine, Ohio. 

The meeting starts Tuesday night at 7. Pastor Bill Parks is scheduled to preach the 7 PM services. Wednesday through Friday, there will also be a Morning service at 10AM and a youth service at 6PM. Pastor Dwain Galiher is the scheduled morning speaker. Usually, we hear from one or two visiting ministers after Bro. Galiher. Visiting ministers also preach in the youth services.

The services are phenomenal each year! We have experienced some life changing moments for our family during past Indoor meetings at DRPC! I hope and pray for a mighty move of God in my life this year, and in the lives of my church family and visiting friends!

The incredible church services are the focus of the week. We also get to experience fantastic fellowship with new and old friends alike! It is a treat to see many friends during the meeting!

Great fellowship and food go hand in hand. Our young people serve a meal after the 7PM service. Breakfast is served Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 8-9 AM. Lunch is also served following the morning service all three days. You will not leave disappointed after a DRPC Indoor meal! Our church is blessed with some excellent cooks!

Make your plans to join us now. Mark the calendar for August 20-23 2024. I hope to see you there! We will be giving updates right here during the meeting. The services will also be broadcast live and archived on Mixlr here.

Thanks for reading. See you next time.


Thursday, July 4, 2024

Eastern Indiana Pentecostal Camp Meeting

Sister Tammy Harris, the wife of Pastor Alan Harris was in a horrible head-on car collision on Tuesday afternoon. She had surgeries Tuesday and a full day of surgeries on Wednesday as well. 

She is far from finished and needs a miracle desperately. Please pray for our dear friends. We would love to see them receive the miracle they need. 

Next, last week we spent a full day at Eastern Indiana Penecostal Campmeeting near Connersville, Indiana. We were blessed to enjoy preaching from Pastor Dwain Galiher as the morning speaker and Pastor Kevin Lloyd as the night speaker. 

The preaching was excellent as well as the worship and the fellowship. We are blessed and happy that we made the time to attend one day. It was great. 

Odie snapped some pictures of the people and I know that some of you will enjoy seeing them. Thank you very much for stopping by today. 

Finally, Happy, Happy July 4!


Tuesday, April 9, 2024

PFYC Thursday April 4th In Pictures

 Hey Friends,

Thank you for joining me today for another post. This is Odie reporting in once again. I hope you are ready for a picture overload today.

I have pictures from last Thursday's Pentecostal Fire Youth Conference. Later this week, I will have pictures from Friday. If you missed yesterday's post, click here to see my notes. 

It was great to see so many friends and make new friends again this year! Many people I have not seen in several years, and it made me so happy to reconnect with them! I tried to get as many pictures as I could. 

At PFYC, I have to stop and say hello and grab a quick selfie with as many people as I can. Some people I only see for a fleeting moment, and others I don't even get to speak to; I just see them at a distance. 

I apologize ahead of time. I am unable to put names on all of these pictures. I know many of you enjoy it when I can add names to the pictures. I may jump in with some commentary in a few places.

Pre-morning Service Fellowship

I was able to see Jennifer Smith on Thursday morning. She is an employee of the Leconte Center. Ben Isaacs introduced us several years ago.

11:00 AM Service

Bradley Searcy is the official PFYC photographer. I had to get a shot of him in action.

After Church Fellowship

Paula Dean's Time

Thursday Evening Pre-service Fellowship

Let me jump in here and say it was great to see Tara Cooper again! She is another employee of the Leconte Center. Ben Isaacs introduced us several years ago.

Thursday Night Church Time

The kids choir sang so awesome! I was so proud of Kelsey Blevins!

I found videos of their songs on YouTube. Click here and here to see the videos.

After Church Fellowship

Ensemble practice for PFYC Mass

Rocky Top Fellowship

That wraps up Thursday of PFYC. I plan to post pictures of Friday in a couple of days. Tomorrow, tune in for Dad's Word For Wednesday.
