Showing posts with label Special Friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Special Friends. Show all posts

Monday, February 17, 2025

Odie’s Vacation Recap Day 2

Hey Friends,

Thanks for stopping by today. I hope your week is off to a great start. Here in Ohio, it is frigid and cold once again. Below is a picture that Mom took out my window yesterday afternoon. 


Personally I am ready for sunshine and warmer weather! so let's rewind a few weeks. This is day two of my 2025 vacation, Which, as you can tell, was dedicated to good food and R&R! 

We had two places that we wanted to order from again. In 2024 we ordered for 407 Cafe. They have excellent crepes and coffees. Also, we had dinner from a local Italian place in Orlando  

407 Cafe was a must this year!


We repeated both restaurants for 2025! Oh my word it was so good! 

Most of the day we stayed in our room. I didn't take pictures when we were resting. 

In the afternoon we ventured out to explore the hotel. Hyatt Place near MCO was a great place for a pre-cruise stay!

After dinner we went outside to enjoy a some warm weather. There was no where to sit out there. We did take some pictures.

I was thrilled to see real palm trees!

That wraps up day 2 of vacation. Next vacation recap post, we will get to Singing At Sea 2025. 


Singing At Sea 2026 is selling out quickly. Next year is the 50th anniversary cruise. It will take place January 26-31. 

If you are interested in going next year contact Templeton Tours soon. Click here to see more information. 


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Throwback Thursday 2/13/25

 Hey Friends,

Thank you for joining me for Throwback Thursday! For today's installment, I have one of my favorite memories! This one actually comes with a video clip. 

I hope you enjoy watching the video. Then, I will tell you the rest of the story.

Several years ago, we were in Alabama. We had spent the day around Mobile spending time with friends.

Dad and Bro. Scott Morris were in rare form that day. I literally thought they were gonna get us kicked out of Dirt Cheap store with their crazy antics! It was hilarious!

I had just been given my first wheelchair scooter. I was learning how to use it. Dad decided to take the seat off and have a little fun. This is where wheelchair surfing was born!

We all laughed until we hurt and cried! It was hilarious! A police officer was circling the parking lot, keeping a close eye on us. I am not sure what he thought was going on!

I know this video quality is not the best. But we were all laughing too hard to worry about video quality in the moment.

Oh, I am so glad that we captured this moment! Dad, thank you for the great memory! You were always the life of the party! I love your sense of humor. Thank you for teaching me to laugh and love life!

Bro. Scott pulled this out of the archives in November and we have all laughed over this several times!

Thank you for reading. I hope this throwback moment brought a smile to your face! 


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Odie’s Vacation Travel To Florida 2025

 Hey Friends,

I hope you are having a great day! Thank you for stopping by. As most of you know, I was on vacation from January 25 through February 1. I have been looking forward to this vacation for a year! I love every time that I get to go on the Singing At Sea cruise. This was my sixth time going on this particular cruise since 2012.

This was my second year sailing out of Port Canaveral, Florida! Once again, the ship was the Carnival Freedom, and the cruise set sail on January 27. 

Let’s begin the vacation recap posts. I will spread my recaps into several posts so as not to overload you with pictures. Several people told me last year they would like me to break it up into more posts. I had some people told me they wanted vacation to last longer next year lol. 

Before getting to the cruise part of a vacation, we must travel to Florida first. We also had a two night pre-cruise day in Orlando, Florida.

Thank you to my Mom, Mamaw and Papaw for making sure I made it safely to the airport in Cincinnati. It is just shy of an hour from my house to the airport. We had a smooth drive that Saturday afternoon. 

Of course, we had to stop for food along the way. I chose Chick-fil-A for a good start to the vacation food! Sadly, I forgot to get any pictures of that meal. Food is an excellent highlight of every vacation in my book!

Soon, it was time to bid everyone goodbye. I feel like once I make it through security and safely to my gate to wait on the plane, vacation can officially begin. 

This year I was able to have straight though flights to and from vacation. I am used to flying with a layover and I can navigate airports well. But it is nice not having to do it very much! Thankfully, all of my flights were excellent! No delays, smooth flying and great weather!

Once I arrived in Orlando, I retrieved my baggage, and then met up with my travel companion for the week!  It was so great to see my wonderful friend and Nicole Estes once again! We had not actually seen each other since vacation last year.

Our flight schedules worked out to where we arrived near the same time. We were able to meet up at baggage claim. Then catch the hotel shuttle together. It all really worked out great!

Our home for the next two nights was the Hyatt Place near the Orlando airport. We booked the room through Templeton Tours. The staff at the hotel was very helpful and accommodating. They had a wonderful accessible room with two beds, which can be challenging to find.  One great advantage, their airport shuttle was a bus that actually had a handicap lift for my wheelchair.

Once we were checked in and settled into our room. Our first order of business was to find food. Nicole and I both were very hungry after a busy travel day. 

We Door Dashed from a local sandwich place. The food was excellent. We made a great choice on that first vacation meal together. We may have to try it again next time. There were so many good looking things on the menu it was hard to choose.

After dinner we started preparing for bed. We were excited to catch up in person, so it took a while for us to get to sleep mode.

The travel day was behind us. The next day was dedicated to R&R and food lol! I will have more on that in the next vacation post. 


Monday, February 10, 2025

Our Heart For Goodnews Christian School

 Hey Friends,

We are starting the week with a new Boggs Family Ministries YouTube channel video. 

This is something that we have been wanting to share for a while. We dearly love our friends in Nigeria, and today we are telling you about a project that is very near and dear to our hearts!

Goodnews ChristianSchool is the vision and heart of Reverend Ade Shobanke in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. We are standing beside them as they add new classrooms to the Goodnews Christian School. 

We welcome you to get onboard and share in seeing this project completed. 

IF you choose to give to Boggs Family Ministries, Inc then you should know we are recognized by the IRS as a 501c3 not-for-profit ministry. Your contribution to our ministry may have valuable tax benefits for you.  In such regard, however, you should consult your personal tax adviser with respect to tax deductions and any limitations of such deductions, which may impact your tax return.

You can donate by going here to the link below using PayPal or Credit card. 
100% of your donation will go to the school construction project. 

Another way you can donate is by mail. 

Make checks payable to Boggs Family Ministries with a note in the memo specifyingschool construction project

You can mail donations to us at
Boggs Family Ministries 
PO Box 28
Waynesville, OH 45068

Thank you very much for every donation! Also, please join us in praying for our dear friends in Nigeria! They are precious people doing a wonderful work for the Lord! We love and appreciate their heart for God so much!

We appreciate you for spending a moment of your day with us. See you tomorrow.
Kelly Jo and Odie

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Throwback Thursday 2/6/25

 Hey Friends,

Thank you for dropping in today. It is once again Throwback Thursday. We appreciate your visit!

Today, we have a picture from Sis. Ann Gabbard. She found this photo recently and sent it to me. I thought it was a good one for this segment of the blog. 

I believe this was taken October 2004 or 2005. I know it  was taken during the Bond Campmeeting. 

Thanks, Sis. Ann, for this memory! We love you all!

See you next time.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Sunday Morning Recap West Harrison

 Hey Friends,

This is Odie. I am back from a wonderful vacation. I got home late Saturday night. I will post lots of pictures and details later. I have not had time to edit and sort things yet. 

I had a fabulous cruise and flights! Thank God for allowing me to have a smooth vacation. Thanks also to many of you for your prayers and concern for my well-being!

Sunday Morning Recap

We traveled just a little more than an hour to Indiana yesterday. Pastor Wade Hicks invited Mom and me to service Sunday Morning at West Harrison Pentecostal Tabernacle. 

It was so good to see our dear friends again. They have been dear to our hearts for many years. We are thankful for their friendship now and always!

Pastor Hicks asked us to come sing and testify yesterday morning. Bro Wade preached after we sang. We are grateful for the invitation to minister, in our way, to their congregation. They received us with open arms!

After service, we enjoyed a meal and fellowship with Bro. Wade and Sis Sharon. We are thankful for a great morning, and the Lord helped us!

I will close with the pictures I captured and a few from Sis Chrissy. The pics upload is in a crazy order! Some days, I can not get it right. 

Thanks for reading! See you tomorrow. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Tribute To Davy from Pastor Matthew Erinola

Hey Friends,

Thanks for stopping by to visit with us. Here is an email that was sent to us last week. Bro. Matthew Erinola granted us permission to share this publicly. 

Pastor Mathew is of our precious friends from Nigeria. He interpreted many sermons for Dad on the trips to Nigeria. 

I will let Pastor Mathew finish this post. See you all later. 

“Good day to you sister Kelly and compliment of the season. Once again, I commiserate and express my heartfelt condolence to you on the passing on of your husband very lately.

It's as if he were still with us. I looked forward to hearing him preach and teach, for his messages were clear, simple, sincere, yet very powerful and touching.

Oh how I missed him! Your husband was a rare gift to the Body. But he left the stage too soon. Yet we can't question God. He knows best and I very much believe He’s prepared the best for you and Odie, even before he was taken to glory. Therefore take heart. He'll take care of you both. 

He ( and of course all of you in the Boggs family ministry) have a heart like that of Jesus. Jesus ministry wasn't limited to preaching and teaching, He was healing and feeding multitudes altogether. And that's the pattern you were showing each time you came to Nigeria. 

I personally know how many needy in the church I reached on your behalf last time you came in NOV/DECEMBER 2023. I'm an all time beneficiary of your kind gestures.

The God of all comfort who is also the father of mercies (2Cor 1:3-4) will comfort you on all fronts. God will give you a better, brighter and a bigger tomorrow. You will laugh in a large place and forget all your sorrows in the name of Jesus.

You are still in our hearts. We are praying for you. Blessings.”
Matthew Erinola.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Tribute To Davy From GoodNews Christian School.

Hey Friends, 

I am in vacation mode. I tried to plan out the blog this week and schedule each post. So you would not be without a daily post. I did not want Mom to worry about the blog while I was gone. 

All that being said, I have a few tributes or memories of Dad that will be shared for a few days.

The GoodNews Christian School in Nigeria is a ministry that Dad loved! He put his whole heart into supporting their work. He was so happy to know the school was growing continually! 

Boggs Family Ministries is continuing to support the school today. More information will be coming shortly. 

We all know Daddy loved to visit the school when he could. He was always planning his next trip!

Pastor Samuel Bamidele, is the principal of the upper grades in the school. He sent us this letter back in November. Below is his letter behalf of the school.


 "Dear Family of our beloved Pastor Davy Boggs,

Our hearts are deeply saddened as we mourn the passing of our beloved Pastor Davy Boggs, who was not only a guiding light to the Goodnews Christian School but also a faithful missionary to Nigeria and a pillar in our church, Christ Ambassadors Holiness Church. Pastor Boggs was a true servant of God, selflessly dedicated to the work of the Kingdom, touching the lives of countless individuals across generations.

His love for people—children, youth, and the elderly alike—was evident in every interaction. Pastor Boggs’ unwavering support of various projects in our churches and schools reflects a legacy of compassion, faith, and evangelism that will continue to inspire us for years to come. Though we grieve his loss, we rejoice that he has entered into the rest of the Lord, whom he served so faithfully.

We extend our deepest condolences to our beloved humble and caring Mummy Kelly and our ever loving Sister Oddy and the entire family. We pray that God's peace, which surpasses all understanding, will comfort and strengthen you during this difficult time. His legacy of love and devotion to Christ will live on in our hearts and through the lives he has touched.

With heartfelt sympathy,  
Pastor S.O Bamidele,
The Principal Goodnews Christian school Saje Abeokuta Ogun State Nigeria.”