Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts

Friday, June 28, 2024

Kelly Jo And Ribeye

First the ribeye and then the more important subject of Kelly Jo. 

Last year for our wedding anniversary we went to Longhorn with my parents and Odie and enjoyed a great meal in celebration. I had the Outlaw Ribeye and loved every last bite. 

June 2023

Some of you will remember that a few weeks ago I ate a few bites of ribeye for the first time since the stroke in December. It tasted fabulous but it was not easy to eat and I was eating in front of KJo only. 

I determined then that we would return to Longhorn after a long absence on our wedding anniversary and try to eat some fantastic ribeye. We plan to go again with my parents and Odie and see how it goes. 

I will start with a salad which I am able to swallow most of the time and then a few bites of steak IF I can handle it. I have struggled to eat most solids this week because of tiredness so no guarantees. I sure would love to eat some though. 

But the main focus of the day is to celebrate 39 years of being married to the beautiful and talented Kelly Jo! I have been head over heals for her for longer than that but the last 39 years have been amazing. 

The day of our Anniversary will also mark six months since the stroke. There have been a few very dark days the last six months but i have been blessed with light in Kelly Jo. She has been a shining representation of encouragement, grace, strength, courage and class. 

I am almost embarrassed at the riches that I possess it terms of a wife to walk along beside me through great times and incredibly difficult times. 

She is absolutely dedicated to helping me get back on my feet, back on the road and being instruments of revival as much as possible. She is also entirely open to switching gears and changing direction if that is required. 

I can not express how refreshing that has been to me through this journey and how much hope it gives me for our future. I am a fabulously wealthy man indeed. 

I know this and I know it well.  

However, it has amazed me how many of my close friends have observed the notable riches I have been granted in Kelly Jo. I have loss track how many have commented on her commitment to my good and her tireless energy in taking up my slack in every area. 

They are proud of KJo and astounded at the demonstration of her boundless love for me and her engagement in my care and recovery. Their heartfelt compliments have put a big smile on my face and bounce in my still unsteady step. 

Not only have friends and family noticed my riches but several hospital staffers and therapists have made the same comments. They have placed great confidence in my recovery due in large part to the devotion of KJo to that cause. 

Kelly Jo is never comfortable with the attention of others. That is not why she does anything she takes on. But she deserves every ounce of praise I can muster today. I have been blessed as much or more than any man!

Tomorrow we will mark 39 years since we stood in front of a few family and friends and said “I do”. Neither of us really knew what we were singing up for but I definitely got the far better end of the deal. 

Happy Anniversary KJo! I love you!😍😍🎂🎉🎊

Thank you very much for reading today. I believe a few Amens would be appropriate. 😎


Thursday, June 13, 2024

Friends From Down The Road

Hey Friends,

This is Odie checking with you. Thanks for stopping by for a visit today!

Friends From Down The Road 

I mentioned recently that I had some special visitors from Oklahoma. The Mayhans and Browns were on vacation, and they worked it out so that one of their stops was to visit me. 

Bro. Bruce and Sis. Priscilla Mayhan has a habit of visiting us in many places. I have lost track of all the places they have shown up. They are precious friends to us!

Sis. Naomi Brown is one of Sis. Priscilla Mayhan's sisters. We have known the Browns and Mayhans since I was four. We are blessed with some great long time friends!

Bro. Alton and Sis. Naomi had not visited the beach cottage, so I gave them a tour. We visited for a while. My mamaw and Papaw joined us before lunchtime.

Alcapulco was on the menu for lunch! The salsa was on point of the day.

The food was so good. I am happy when you take friends on a perfect day. Lunch Pollo Fundido was my meal.

The day just happened to be Sis. Naomi's birthday. 

Alcapulco helped her celebrate it big.

Bro. Alton tried on the hat and glasses for size.

Here is a picture of our lunch crew. We had to get a photo to send to my parents.

Bro. Bruce rode the horse.

Bro. Alton gave it a try as well.

Bruce decided to try it side saddle.

We moved the party to Mamaw and Papaw's barn. Papaw shared some of his birthday ice cream cake.

Here is a selfie with Sis. Naomi.

Now, a selfie with Sis. Priscilla before they hit the road again.

Their visit made my day. It was great to see Bro. Bruce, Sis. Priscilla Mayhan, Sis. Naomi and Bro. Alton Brown. I look forward to seeing my friends somewhere down the road.

See you next time.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Odie’s Weekend Dispatch 6/3

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in for Monday. I hope you had a good weekend. I know that I had a wonderful weekend! Mine included friends, family, food, fun and church on Sunday. I will have a couple more in depth posts on some of the fun later. Today, you get a peek at the highlights.

First, we will rewind to Thursday. The Mayhans and Browns from Pauls Valley, Oklahoma, visited the beach cottage. It was so good to see these friends for a little while. They are kind enough to include me in one of their vacation stops!

One guess where we journeyed to next?

The party then moved to Alcapulco for lunch! We had to eat some scrumptious food and drink some salsa.

Here is a picture of the whole gang. I am glad Mamaw and Papaw were also there to see our friends.

Friday, I spent the day at home. Lisa, Mamaw and Papaw came by to check on me. I forgot to snap any photos. That day, I did a lot of porch sitting to soak up the beautiful weather.

Saturday was the 24th annual Tractor Parade in Corwin, Ohio. The weather was phenomenal, and the company was even better. I love spending time with Mamaw and Papaw!

My cousin Gary Coffman was at the front of the parade with his John Deer tractor. 

Mamaw had a craving for China Cottage. After the parade, we found our way to Centerville, Ohio, for lunch. 

The crab rangoons were the appetizers. My meal was beef LoMein. All of it was so delicious!

Sunday, I attended both services at DRPC. I love my church family!

That wraps up my weekend. June is now in full swing. Stay tuned for more adventures ahead. Thanks for dropping by today!

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Jeff And Sheri Easter March 2024

Hey Friends,

It is Odie reporting in from the beach cottage. I hope you are doing well this weekend.

This week has been eventful, and I am here to tell you today about one of the events. Come back next week for another fun filled post.

Pastor Tim Livingston of the Greenview Calvary Tabernacle and WGNZ in Dayton, Ohio, hosts several concerts yearly. Usually, the concerts are on Sundays, or I am not in town when I see those dates advertised.

Several weeks ago, my cousin Lisa Isaacs told me she had heard an advertisement for one of the upcoming concerts. This concert, in particular, had one of our favorites, Jeff & Sheri Easter, singing. We decided that if our schedules allowed, we would attend this concert together. I ordered the tickets, and the plans were set for us to go.

Jeff And Sheri Easter March 2024

Monday, March 18th rolled around, and it was go time. Lisa and I were excited to spend the evening together, enjoying great food, fellowship, fun music and singing.

Lisa picked me up at 4:15 in the afternoon. We headed toward Greenview Calvary Tabernacle, which is about 45 minutes from my house. Doors opened at 5:30, but we were allowed ample time to find our way to the church and locate the accessible entrance.

Our tickets included a delicious dinner served in the church fellowship hall. The menu included rolls, salad, green beans, mashed potatoes, carrots, fried chicken, and dessert. The drinks provided were water, tea and lemonade. Everything that I tasted was fantastic! The dinner was served promptly and with a smile!

The sanctuary is on the church's upper level, but they had an elevator that made changing levels possible for me. Side note: They also did have an outside ramp to use. By 6:20, we had secured good seats for the concert, which started promptly at 7:00.

I had a fabulous night. Thanks to Lisa for being the chauffeur and letting me tag along! It was incredible to enjoy the night of music with you.

Pastor Tim Livingston and a local businessman who helped to sponsor the concert had a few opening remarks. Also, they drew some names for door prizes.

One awesome thing that was mentioned in these remarks was that WGNZ Dayton's local southern gospel station is celebrating 45 years. They have been sharing the good news of Jesus all these years in the Miami Valley!

I listened to this station for many hours when I was a girl. I loved 1110 AM! Now, WGNZ can be heard on 1110 AM, 104.3 FM and online. I am glad my community can still hear southern gospel!

Pastor Tim Livingston started off the singing. I always enjoy hearing his songs on the radio. It was great to hear him in person!

Then, it was time for Jeff and Sheri to take the stage. March 18th happened to be Jeff Easter's 64th birthday. We all took a moment to celebrate Jeff's special day.

Blowing out the candles.

Time for the main event.

Landon Smith did a fantastic job on the drums. He is married to Jeff and Sheri's daughter, Morgan.

Bradley is an excellent musician and singer.

He has been with Jeff and Sheri for a couple years. Bradley plays acoustic, electric guitar, mandolin and banjo.

Tim Livingston joined them on Thank You Lord For Your Blessings On Me. That song was written by James Easter, Jeff's Dad.

Jeff and Sheri are so sweet. They are always so friendly. I have enjoyed their music for 30 plus years! It was a treat to see them again!

Good to meet Pastor Tim Livingston!

That wraps up my fun Monday night of southern gospel. I hope you enjoyed being there through pictures. See you next Saturday.
