Showing posts with label Revival. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Revival. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

A Few Things To Cover

Hey Friends.

Thanks for visiting with me today. Welcome to any new visitors! Hello to my faithful friends! You all are awesome! I hope your day is going well!

I have a few different topics to cover for today's post, so let me get right to the matter at hand. 

1. Goodnews Christian School 

Thank you for the good response to the new video posted to YouTube! You can see it by clicking below. 

We really appreciate some of you already getting on board with us for this special project! May God bless you for your help!

2. Uncle Steve Update

Thank for the prayers and concern for Uncle Steve and Aunt Karen Boggs!

 Uncle Steve is making progress towards recovering from Cellulitis! Praise God he was released from the hospital yesterday! He will receive out patient treatment for a few days and continue oral antibiotics a while longer. We are so thankful for the Lord touching him!!

3. Revival at DRPC

Bro. Josh Smith and Family start revival tonight through Friday at Dryden Road Pentecostal Church. services nightly at 7:30 PM February 11 through the 14th.

Youth rally is scheduled for Friday night. If you are in our local area come be part of revival! Dryden Road Pentecostal Church is located at 3201 Dryden Road, Moraine, Ohio. 

Thanks again for reading! See you again next time!

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Sunday Sanity 12/29/24

 Hey Friends,

Well, we have reached the end of 2024. Let's have one more Sunday Sanity.

Bro. Andrew Blevins is preaching Christmas revival at Dryden Road Pentecostal Church this week. His preaching has spoke to my soul!

Friday he preached on “Praying Like A Prophet. “Here is one of the statements Bro. Andrew made that night that stuck out to me, and I thought it would make a great Sunday Sanity. 

“You may not be wise like a prophet, bold as a prophet but you can get ahold of God like a prophet!”
Andrew Blevins

Thanks for stopping by. See you tomorrow!


Thursday, November 14, 2024

Davy Boggs Obituary Information

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in from the beach cottage. Mom and I made it home to Waynesville last night. It was so good to spend some time surrounded by family!

Thank you for your calls, texts, comments, emails, prayers, hugs and support! Once again, the family of God has surrounded us. Your kindness and generosity are helping us through a difficult time. Words cannot adequately express our gratitude and appreciation!

On Tuesday, I posted the details of Dad's Celebration of Life, scheduled for next week. You can see that post by clicking here.

For anyone planning to attend the services from out of state. Here is some lodging information that you might find valuable. Thank you to Bro. Jeff Roberts for helping us with this information! He asked me to share the details below with our blog readers

“If you are making arrangements to come to the viewing or funeral for Bro Davy, we have a special rate with a block of rooms reserved at the following hotel. You can get a room for $65 plus tax. You need to request rooms under the block for Dryden Road Church. 

The Hotel at Dayton South
8099 Old Yankee Street
Centerville, OH 45458
(937) 291-0284”

Today, I have Dad’s official obituary for you. Thanks to my Uncle Steve and Aunt Karen for aiding us with this task! Here is a link to the official listing. 

Davy Boggs 

Jan 16, 1967 - Nov 10, 2024

Boggs, Davy, age 57, of Waynesville, passed away Sunday, November 10, 2024, in Wichita, Kansas.

Davy graduated from Waynesville High School, class of ’85, where he served as class president. 

Davy began preaching as a teenager and married young to his great love, Kelly Jo. They traveled and preached on weekends, worked public jobs, evangelized full-time some and pastored churches twice. Their daughter Odie traveled with them everywhere. In 2003, the family committed to full-time ministry with their only home on the road. After wearing out a couple trucks and fifth-wheel campers, in 2008, Davy moved his family into the Boggsmobile, a 1995 Prevost Motorcoach bus. While this complex machine stressed him at times (a condition the family called bus-induced psychosis), it quickly became home to him and remained his home until last week. 

Davy and his family spent much more time away than they did at home, often spending months traveling across the United States spreading the word of God as an evangelist. His days were spent studying and seeking the Lord so he could fulfill his calling to encourage pastors. Davy and his family ministered more than 340 services most years. Davy’s passion was for souls, and he loved to reach for them under the Blue and White Gospel Tent. In fact, he spent more than 800 nights holding tent revivals. In 2016, the ministry had a year of City Reach tent revivals across much of the country. Along the way, Davy and his family became close to many pastors and their congregations; places that became like home, friends that truly became family.

Boggs Family Ministries, under Davy’s leadership, traveled the world spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In 2007, on the invitation of Pastor E. Ade Shobanke, they began traveling overseas to Nigeria. Davy was widely known and loved by the people in Abeokuta, Ogun State, where he preached minister’s conferences, camp meeting services, revivals or wherever he was asked to go. He pledged support from Boggs Family Ministries to the GoodNews Christian School when it was only a dream, and they have continued that support. He believed in the mission of the school and was convinced they are changing lives for good in Abeokuta and beyond.

Another abiding passion and ministry are his many thousands of blog posts at He used the blog for many purposes: spiritual edification, travelogue, bus maintenance journal, and whatever else his interesting mind beheld and wished to share. Davy also had a regular Word For Wednesday ( on the ministry’s YouTube channel. Archived on the YouTube channel ( as well is the much-loved 61 night revival Davy held early in Covid-19. His encouragement and sharing of the Gospel would not be stopped because people were unable to gather.

Davy loved books. Eventually he found a place to keep them out of storage at the Lazy OD Ranch. He has long collected and shared his preacher’s library used as inspiration for his messages, videos and blog posts. Earlier in his life, he enjoyed playing the acoustic guitar, which developed into a passion for the sweet sound of a good Martin. He also loved to eat. When he was home, he had a tradition of visiting Acapulco Mexican Restaurant in Lebanon at opening time almost daily. They referred to him as “SeƱor Salsa;” he might even drink the salsa straight from the bowl. Many of Davy’s food adventures are documented on BoggsBlogs, including pictures of course.

Davy was faithful, caring, ethical, dedicated and kind. His sincerity with people made them feel like they were his best friend. He loved God’s people and the lost alike. In addition, he was very generous, for he knew God blessed him so he could help others. He kept his hands open to share God’s blessings. In Davy’s words, “We are humbled by what Christ has done in our lives and unashamed to travel the roads singing and preaching that Christ will do the same for all that go to God the Father through Him.”

Davy was preceded in death by his daughter, Ali Elizabeth Boggs. He is survived by his wife of 39 years, Kelly Jo Boggs; one daughter, Andrea Eve "Odie" Boggs; his parents, Eugene and Martha Boggs; two brothers, Steve (Karen) Boggs and Tommy Boggs; one sister, Theresa (Jay) Osborn; parents-in-law, Danny and Betty Morgan; sister-in-law, Kimberly (Brian) Roush; brother-in-law, Danny (Jeanna) Morgan Jr.; and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, church family, and many friends all across the world.

Funeral services will be held at 11:00 AM on Thursday, November 21, at the Dryden Road Pentecostal Church in Moraine. Burial will be at Miami Cemetery in Corwin. The family will receive friends from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM Wednesday, November 20, at the church. 

In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to GoodNews Christian School, c/o Boggs Family Ministries, PO Box 28, Waynesville, Ohio 45068 or via the following link:

Stubbs-Conner Funeral Home in Waynesville is serving the family. Condolences at

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Revival Memories, Summer Revival and A Word For Wednesday

Thank you very much for watching A Word For Wednesday each week and the current Summer Revival Series. It is always nice to have you with us AND to hear from you as well.

It is kind of strange to realize that we are in the fourth year of producing A Word For Wednesday. I never dreamed that I would have anything left to say when I began In January 2021. There are some weeks that I feel like I have exhausted every possibility and then my mind opens to a whole treasure trove of Biblical insight and stories that stir me spiritually.

I reckon I will continue until the well of my mind goes completely dry. I think I have another week or two in me.šŸ˜

We have really enjoyed the Summer Revival Series the last several weeks and we hope to run through July and maybe a week or two into August. It has been wonderful to get back to the roots of our YouTube Channel and the ten weeks of revival in 2020.

The link above will take you to the playlist of those 61 services and below is the very first service.

We had no idea what we were doing. We had begun the YouTube channel in the previous 48 hours and we were learning on the fly. However, we wanted to be instruments of revival and we were doing it the only way we could think of at the time. 

It worked out pretty good and we were spiritually blessed because of it. You may notice that Odie's voice is included during the first three weeks of revival but she is not physically present. We are having church in her garage and she is in the house using a cordless microphone and in-ear cordless monitor to hear us.

Kelly and I had been exposed to Covid the week before in Australia and we had been cautioned by the Australian government to self-quarantine for three weeks. That is exactly what we did. This was the first service where Odie joined us in person 21 days after we returned to the US and the 18th night of revival.

It was a very uncertain time in the world but God gave us revival in the middle of it. We will always look back fondly on those days. Even though Covid beat up on me pretty badly in 2021 and is still affecting my health three years on, it can not kill revival.

Thank God for revival then and thank God for revival now, Thank you for joining us too! We plan to crank up again tomorrow evening at 8:00 Eastern.

Thank you for stopping by today.


Friday, June 21, 2024

Summer Revival Series, Friday Night Revival, Boggs Family Ministries

Last Friday we posted the first in our Summer Revival Series. It was an audio only recording of a sermon I preached the night before at our home church, Dryden Rd. in Dayton Ohio.

Tonight we plan to continue the Summer Revival Series with a live stream service. Before we took the bus to Tennessee, we unloaded a little of our sound equipment at Odie’s house. Kelly set that up along with her old Yamaha P120 which now belongs to Odie.

It is set up in Odie’s second bedroom, which is the room we moved in when I was released from rehab after the stroke. KJo has completed a lot of work to convert it into our temporary church and video room. 

Our last regular revival in the United States was the week before Thanksgiving. In fact, we ended Monday night before Thanksgiving. The PA system has been inactive since then and it is good to get some of it out.

We plan to go live about 8 o’clock Eastern tonight, Friday, June 21, Hopefully through the link below. It has been quite a while since we have posted any live stream, so please forgive us if we have a few bugs along the way.

If the link does not get you there, you can go to our YouTube page, click the live button and it will take you to the proper place.

It may take us a few minutes to get the sound to acceptable levels but we will get it by God’s grace. We will have some singing, hopefully, some preaching and then we will pray for folks before we close. I imagine we will be less than an hour for this first live service. 

We would love for you to invite others and join us live if possible. If you cannot join us live, the service will be archived to watch anytime later at your convenience.

We are excited about having revival services this summer while we are staying close to home. Thank you for praying for us and we hope to see you soon.


Wednesday, January 24, 2024

YouTube Revival Announcement

We have a Revival announcement today. Beginning Friday night and running a total of three Friday nights, we are going to post revival videos on our YouTube channel.

These are NOT current revival services but services from the Gospel Crusade in December at Christ Ambassadors Holiness Church in Abeokuta, Nigeria. Please take note of this. These services are from December.

This was the final revival for us in 2023. The crusade ran on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights outdoors at the church.

I had already edited these videos before Christmas hoping to post them at sometime in January. Now is the time. 

The first night I am preaching to people who are hurting, the second night I am preaching directly to those who need to be saved and the third night I am preaching to those who need a miracle.

I am preaching with an interpreter and that will be included in the video. I hope that you enjoy the videos. We had an awesome time those three nights in Nigeria.

I think that you will see how much I love and enjoy preaching to the Nigerian people. They are sitting on the edge of their seats, pulling the preaching out of me and I love every moment of it.

I added some bloopers from Odie at the end of Friday's video. She was recording an introduction for me this week and we laughed so hard I thought I was going to pop the feeding tube out of my stomach. I posted the bloopers video this morning separately. Let us know what you think.

Thank you for joining us today and I hope you will join us Friday night at 8:00 Eastern/7:00 Central time.

Thank you.


Monday, November 20, 2023

The Weekend Dispatch 11/20/23

Our weekend began with a morning of travel, finishing the trip to Junction Hill Pentecostal Church near West Plains, Missouri. By 11:30 AM we were parked, hooked up and loading in sound equipment. Bro. and Sis. Galiher helped us load in and soon we were getting soundcheck and getting ready for the first service Friday.

We had a full weekend of great revival services and we enjoyed every moment. We love these folks and we love singing and preaching here. They have wonderful singers at Junction Hill and Bro. Galiher is a tremendous preacher, yet they are so gracious in embracing our singing and preaching.

Texe Boggs flew his plane from La Russel to be in revival with us Friday night. That was cool! It has been quite a while since we had seen Texe and we were meeting Charlie and Liberty for the first time.

We have enjoyed a great weekend of revival services, wonderful meals and encouraging fellowship. Tonight, Monday is the Thanksgiving Fellowship Meeting here at Junction Hill and we are looking forward to the service. Come see us if you can.

Thank you for reading today.
