Note From Odie
While I was in Mississippi last week I was blessed to see a miracle with my own eyes. I even held the miracle in my two little hands. God blessed Bro. Paul and Sis. Tracy from Ellisville with a beautiful little girl, a girl that was impossible for them to have. Praise God for His wonder working power.
Actually this precious baby is just the latest in a long line of miracles for the Sheffield family. They waited many years for a child and three years ago they were blessed with Caleb through the miracle of adoption. Caleb was definitely an answered prayer!!! They grabbed hold of the promises of God by faith and Caleb was the result. You can read a little about their amazing miracle HERE.
Here is Caleb with his parents at about 6 months.

And with my Daddy...
And with his mother at about 18 months.
Thank God for the miracle of Caleb but God was not finished with the Sheffield family. He had huge plans that were full of surprises in store for them. God gave them Caleb and now he has given them a beautiful little girl.
The last week of October Sarah Katherine "Katie" was born. She's just the perfect little angel! We have all been so excited about this baby! I am so glad I was in Mississippi when she made her arrival. When I held her Wednesday I was overwhelmed with the fact that I was holding a miracle from God. Congratulations to Bro. Paul, Sis. Traci and big brother Caleb on the arrival of Katie.
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