Monday, April 25, 2016

#17 Weekend Woundup and Weview

We wrapped up City Reach Friday night with a tremendous service. It was a fitting end to a wonderful three week tent revival. God was good to us and we are thankful for His faithfulness and help.

It has been our happy privilege to work with Pastor Noah Martinez and this great congregation of people. These are some of the greatest folks in the world and we are super glad to be part of them. May God bless our dear friends for their hospitality and their willingness to partner with us in order to reach the lost.

After church Friday night most the folks stayed around and helped us bring the tent down. In just a few minutes all the gear was stored and the tent was on the ground and packed away. I will try to post the last of the City Reach pictures tomorrow along with a few pictures from the take down.

Here is the lot with the tent earlier in revival.

Without the tent on Saturday.

Saturday Bro. Jimmie pulled over by the BoggsMobile to rinse some of the dirt off before he hit the road. He went on to preach Sunday night in California and then he is going to work a few days for a friend before meeting us for City Reach in Atwater, California. It was sad to see him go but we will be with him very soon.

In the mean time I am back to building towers!

It was a pleasure to help Bro. Jorge Stevens celebrate his 53rd birthday with a meal and a little fellowship Saturday evening! Bro. Jorge and Sis. Mary have been our friends for a very long time and we appreciate them very much.

Sunday was a great day at Desert Cove Assembly and we were very glad to be a part of it. They had quite a few visitors and at least three families in attendance that started coming as a result of City Reach.

Sunday night was a very special service for us. We are usually long gone shortly after tent revival and we hear testimonies second hand. Last night we were blessed to be in the service and hear folks tell first hand how God blessed and helped them in the City Reach tent revival. It was amazing to me that after three weeks of tent revival, some were saying they wished it was going on. 

Praise God for all of His help. Please help us pray for people that visited and prayed during this City Reach.

We wrapped up the great weekend with wonderful fellowship Sunday night. Weekends just can not get much better than this! We are off until Thursday night so we plan to rest as much as possible.

Thanks for reading.


Sunday, April 24, 2016

View From The Front Window April 24, 2016

Check out our posts from the last week at the links below.

This is the view our of our front window at Desert Cove. It is basically the same view as last week with one notable exception. Where there used to be the Gospel tent, there is bare ground now.

Tent Revival closed Friday night and we were able to get the tent down after service. Praise God for His help the last three weeks in City Reach Phoenix area. I am so thankful for those that have been touched by God.

We are singing and preaching today at Desert Cove in the church and we are expecting a great time. I hope you have a great Sunday.


Saturday, April 23, 2016

Operation Surprise Deidre

Hey friends, it is Odie. Dad and Mom and all my Arizona friends have been enjoying the last two nights of City Reach in the Phoenix area but I have been gallivanting across the country. I hated to miss but all of this came together last week before plans were made to continue revival.

As you read my post this morning I will be traveling back to Arizona from Missouri. I made this whirlwind trip in order surprise my cousin Deidre, who graduated last night from Ozark Bible Institute in Neosho, Missouri. 

I was super excited to be with Deidre, some family members and lots of friends as she celebrated this tremendous milestone in her life. Next Saturday I will try to post pictures from graduation day. 

Today I will share pictures from my travel day to Missouri on Thursday and from Deidre's surprise. 

Dad and Mom took me to Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix for my early morning flight Thursday. We left the BoggsMobile about 4:40 AM and arrived at the airport about two hours before my flight. Both of my flights were awesome. We even arrived early at my layover at DFW and at my final destination in Joplin. 

I love looking out the window while flying. Here are a few shots from the flight from Phoenix to Dallas Fort Worth. 

I had a quick stop and plane change at DFW airport and all of than went very smoothly. In a little less than an hour after leaving Dallas, we touched down in Joplin, Missouri. 

I was then picked up by my crew from Ohio. It was wonderful to see Mamaw, Papaw, Uncle Steve, Aunt Karen and my cousin Lisa Isaacs! Since they were going to be in Neosho for the graduation, that made it possible for me to easily make the trip myself. I am so glad it worked out. 

After they picked me up from the airport we went to the hotel in Neosho. It was time to put Operation Surprise Deidre into full gear.

Deidre knew her parents and our grandparents were making the trip to graduation. She had no idea that me and Lisa  were going to be there. So below are some screen shots from a video of Deidre coming in our hotel room. 

Lisa hears Deidre about to open the door... 

Deidre enters what she thinks is her room for Thursday and Friday. 

She realizes I am sitting there waiting on her. Deirdre's phone and purse went flying to the floor and then she attacks me. 

After hugs all around, she looks behind her to find cousin Lisa hiding and waiting to be discovered. 

Mission successful! We surprised her! The whole hotel probably heard her scream. Later in the evening I saw a friend in the lobby. He asked me, "Were you the reason I heard Deidre scream?"

Thursday night We had a wonderful dinner with our Boggs clan and the Shoemaker family from Mississippi. 

Then Deidre, Aunt Karen, Lisa and I went to the Deidre's dorm to get her stuff packed and ready to go home. I enjoyed catching up with some friends. It was a great end to an extremely long day. 

My friend Amanda from Livingston, Texas.

Miss Layla Grace Hoover, not even 2 years old and loves selfies. 

My dear "sister" friend Anna Hoover 

Layla pushing Auntie Odie. 

Thanks for reading! I will have more to report next Saturday. 


Friday, April 22, 2016

Goodbye Bro. Joey Hight

Today is the funeral for the most unique and one of the most influential preachers among the conservative Pentecostal people in the last 40 years. Bro. Joey Hight passed away Sunday morning April 17. He is finally home but his going is a hard blow to his family and the many, many people that loved him.

Bro. Joey made an impact on many thousands of people and had a special way of connecting with young and old alike. His preaching was anointed and powerful, along with being a touch entertaining. There were many who wanted to be Bro. Joey but there was only one Bro. Joey Hight.

Bro. Joey was naturally funny. He could not be anything different and still be genuine. But he was serious about having a move of God and by the time he was finished preaching, most everyone in the church was serious about it too. Bro, Joey put as much strength and passion into preaching as any man I have every known. He was a tremendous help and inspiration.

Camp meetings across the US will never be the same. Youth camps will never be the same. Calvary Pentecostal Tabernacle in West Plains, Missouri will never be the same. Bro. Joey will be missed and leave a big hole, but each of us will be better off for having known him and having sat under his preaching.

There is nothing we can do for Bro. Joey Hight now. But we can pray for his precious wife, Sis. Tricia and his church. Their burden must seem completely unbearable at the moment. I can only imagine the grief and sorrow. Let us fervently pray that the God of all comfort will rush to them and stand by them in their darkest hours.

If you knew Bro. Joey, you can not help but cry a little today. We cry because of all that we lose with him leaving. If you heard him preach and witnessed his passion for God and God's people, you might also smile a time or two today. We smile because of all the joy he brought to us and the joy he is now embracing first hand. Bro. Joey is experiencing eternal gain.

Thanks for reading today.


Thursday, April 21, 2016

Wednesday Night City Reach

I have fretted and prayed all week about the service Wednesday night and God came through in a mighty way. It was a service of healing and restoration and we are praising God for all of His help. We are believing the next two nights will be powerful services and will be the best of the whole meeting.

Thank you very much for praying for City Reach. We are hearing from folks all over that are bombarding Heaven with faith to believe that God will save, heal and deliver. I can not begin to explain how encouraging it is to hear those reports. We can feel the effects of your prayers as God moves among His people. Hallelujah! The altar service tonight was awesome! Praise God!

We are not only enjoying God's help and favor in the Phoenix area but we are also making progress on locations for other cities in the last few days. I appreciate the Pastors and others that are working so diligently to pull everything together for City Reach in their respective towns. The last thing that most Pastors need is another responsibility so I appreciate their dedication.

 One Pastor told me, " I am not complaining because I love it, but you have no idea how much work is involved in preparing all of this." After I remained silent a few moments he said with a chuckle, "Well, I guess you do know how much work is involved!" Yeah, I know a little bit about it and I am glad to have some one share the load.

No one said tent revivals and City Reach would be easy but as I often tell my family, "If all of this was easy, then anyone could do it!" I am very thankful that my Dad and Mom taught me how to work and would not let me quit when I wanted to quit so much. Those lessons were hard to swallow then but they have served me well throughout life. They definitely serve me well now!

That is all for today. Thanks again for praying and thank you very much for reading.


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

BoggsMobile Generator Radiator Project

Looking back over my posts the last few weeks, I realized that I had not finished a BoggsMobile story I started back in January. Once I had the problem repaired I wanted to make sure it was "good and fixed" before I told the story on the blog. I think I am ready now.

I am always learning something new about the BoggsMobile and most of the time it is something I probably could have lived the rest of my life without knowing...unless I am going to own and operate a bus.

Way down in this post back in January I wrote that the radiator for the generator was low on coolant. As I watched it the next few weeks I could see the radiator was leaking. I could never discover the source of the leak other than to know it was coming from somewhere on the radiator.

I was really hoping I could put the repair off a while but the generator is critical when we are traveling AND when we are parked next to the tent without electrical power. I knew I needed to get to the bottom of this sooner rather than later. I already knew the task was beyond my pay grade. I had changed the belt and hoses on the generator and radiator last summer and I decided then that removing the radiator would be a bad job.

Unfortunately, I was right! Sometimes I hate being right!

I took the plunge while we were in Sweeny, Texas because the weather was bearable and Pastor Larry Lamb said there was a good radiator shop in the next town. If you have not noticed, it is hard to find a good radiator repair guy nowadays.

I was hoping the old radiator could be repaired but just in case, I called Martin Generator and found the number and price for a new one. Wow! A new one had to ship from overseas and it was about $900 plus  US shipping! Ouch! For my future reference in case I ever need it the radiator is Yanmar radiator part #171460-44500.

First, I had to get the old one out. In the picture below the generator is in a hush box to the left of Kelly and the generator is mounted on the wall to the right of Kelly. There is not much room in there and I could not reach the two bolts in the back.

I removed the coolant, the hoses and the two bolts I could get to and Kelly Jo loosened the two bolts in the back. Once it was loose I used all the geometry I could remember from tenth grade and squeezed the radiator through a space too small for it. It had to be angled just right but I got it out!

While it was out, there was a lot of cleaning to do. Most of this area had not seen the light of day for over 21 years.

When I took it to the shop the expert radiator guy suggested removing the filler neck from the top of the radiator since it was not reachable anyway. He said, "That is a leak just waiting to happen."

He removed that first and then went to chasing the leak. He search and searched and tested and tested and could find no leak at all.

He told me there was no way for him to be absolutely certain but he was 99% sure there was no leak in the radiator and the leak had probably been in the unusable filler neck that he had capped off in the beginning.

There was only one way to find out and that was to reverse geometry and re-install the radiator.

That is what I did. Kelly Jo helped me with the bolts in the back.

I filled it up and turned it on. It took me a few hours of running to get it full of coolant but it has been running great and cool ever since. I wanted to run it quite a bit before declaring victory. I have probably ran it 40-50 hours since then with no issues and no leaks at all that I can see.

I told you that I am learning more about the BoggsMobile than I ever wanted to know! I appreciate A-1 Radiator Shop in Brazoria, Texas for all of their expertise, guidance and help! I could not have done it without them.

Thanks for reading.
