Monday, December 8, 2014

A Weekend in Blanchard, Oklahoma

We arrived in Blanchard, Oklahoma mid afternoon Saturday. Since we only had once chance to scratch our itch for Oklahoma Mexican food we rushed around and made time for Tarahumara's in Norman.

It was very, very good as usual.

Our first revival for Bro. Lendell and Sis. Cyndi Birdsong was in January of 1993 and we fell in love with them and their church then. These folks have been faithful friends all these years and we love it when we have a chance to be with them.

We had a good service Saturday night. Here are a few pictures from Saturday.

They have an outreach service in the fellowship hall Sunday morning and we were blessed and honored to preach in that service. I love preaching to folks that know they need God to help them and it is a great privilege to point them to Jesus as the help they need. We had a wonderful service and great response in the altar.

We heard the testimony of one of the men in the service. He came a few weeks ago on Sunday morning as a newly homeless man not believing that God existed at all. By the time that service was over he was saved and was throwing away his drugs. He brought his wife the next Sunday and she was saved. He now has a job and a place to live and he was so thankful for the grace of God. It was awesome!

Sunday night we had another great service in the church.

We were so glad to see Bro. Jimmie Radcliffe Sunday night. He drove down from the Tulsa area to be with us and was a blessing to us.

We sure appreciate Bro. Birdsong inviting us to his church this weekend. We enjoyed it so much. Our plan is to leave for Wichita this morning. Kelly Jo and I plan to clean out our storage unit and load up the stuff that needs to go to Ohio in a U-Haul trailer. We will have Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning to get it done so we need to get right on it.

Tuesday night we will have service and Wednesday morning we will head toward Ohio by God's grace. I hope you had a great weekend too. God bless you for reading.


Sunday, December 7, 2014

View Out The Front Window December 7, 2014

Thanks for praying for the Martin family the last few days. Please continue to hold them up before God. People came from all over the USA to Sis. Martin's visitation and funeral. We visited with as many as we could in the few hours we were there Friday night. 

Obviously we were not taking pictures during the visitation but Kelly Jo did snap one outside of our dear little friends Devin and Darah.

We were back to the BoggsMobile earlier than I thought we would be Friday night so I actually had a good night's sleep. I woke up Saturday morning well rested and ready to go. After a minor glitch in our air system that solved itself we made the trip from Gainesville to Blanchard, Oklahoma in a little over 2 hours.

It was cloudy and kind of cool when we arrived yesterday but it is supposed to stay above freezing while we are here so that is in the plus category.

Here is the view out the front window.

And our the front door.

We had a good service last night and we are expecting a great Sunday with Pastor Lendell Birdsong and his church. They have an outreach service here on Sunday morning and I am looking forward to preaching it today. I hope you have a great Sunday.


Friday, December 5, 2014

Odie's Memories of Christmas Past - Chicken Pox Christmas

Odie normally posts on Saturday but we are adjusting our scheduling a bit this week. We are leaving in a few minutes to drive to Sis. Martin's visitation near Mt. Vernon, Texas. It will be very late when we get home and then Saturday we will be moving the bus to Blanchard, Oklahoma and having service that night. Since Odie had her post ready to go up I figured I better post it now.

From Odie

Happy Friday, my wonderful friends. I hope you have had a great week. We have had a grand week in Gainesville, Texas. I am thrilled we were able to see a lot of friends this week and spend some time visiting with them. We love coming to House of Prayer. The people here will always hold a special place in my heart! God visited us each service this week. It was encouraging to see our friends getting help from God!

I am excited that Christmas is fast approaching. I love this season!!  It is a happy time of year that I enjoy. I love the shopping, music, and all the fun things of Christmas and also remembering to always be thankful for the real meaning of Christmas, the blessed birth of our Savior. 

In December 2010 I blogged about a not so happy Christmas.  I decided to share it again for any new readers.  

Christmas 2005 is a memory that is engraved in my mind. First I must rewind a couple weeks. We went to a church for revival where several of the children had Chicken Pox. Also this is an important fact to remember: Dad nor I had never had Chicken Pox before.  

We left that revival drove overnight and boarded a plane for revival in Mexico. I prayed the whole week that I would not break out while there! I remember inspecting every mysterious bump I had that week. 

On Monday before Christmas we made it back to Ohio. I was so happy to be home for the holidays! All day Tuesday I was in bed trying to catch up on my rest. The trip to Mexico wore me out, or so I thought.  

Wednesday was laundry day. My parents had been trying to encourage me to work through sickness. I was trying to help Mom with the laundry but I felt horrible. 

At this point we were the only two in the laundrymat. Mom looked at my face and then my back and realized I was breaking out with Chicken Pox. All I could do was cry! 

Yes at 20 years old I had Chicken Pox for the first and I pray last time. They are hard on an old person! I broke out for three days. I spent a total of nine days stuck in our trailer before I was completely scabbed over. It was a miserable Christmas!! 

Dad tried his best to stay far away from me. He survived without getting them. Its a miracle! He was exposed when I was and then again when I had them. He didn't hug me for three weeks! LOL  

Thanks again to the few brave family members who visited me! Deidre and I played Scrabble untill we were sick of it. Some family members were scared of my me. I really don't blame them!  

I am glad that is passed! That year the Grinch didn't steal Christmas. It was that mean chicken. 

It is hard to believe "The Chicken Pox Christmas" was nine years ago. I would not allow pictures to be taken of the chickens damage to my face. Just know this, it was BAD!  It will forever be etched in our memory has a Christmas we do not want to live again. 

Next week I will try to share a happy Christmas memory. Have a good weekend. 
