Sunday, December 14, 2014

View Out The Front Window December 14, 2014


Danny Morgan Update

Kelly Jo's Dad continues to improve as he recovers from open heart surgery and we are very thankful to God for that. Thank you for holding him and his family up in prayer.

Prayer Request

Friday night Morgan and Laura Stephens lost their house in a fire. It was a total loss. Laura is the daughter of Pastor John Eaton. Morgan is the son of Pastor Shawn Stephens. He is also the grandson of Pastor Mike Stephens. We have mentioned all of these folks many times on the blog.

Morgan and Laura have only been married about two years and you can imagine how devastating this is  for a young couple. To add insult to injury they had welcomed their first child on Wednesday. They were dismissed from the hospital Friday and lost their house and possessions that evening. They were not at home at the time and arrived to find it on fire. As I said it was a total loss. Please pray for them. I am sure they could use financial help too. If you would like to help, we could point you in the right direction.

View Out The Front Window

With a busy travel week comes a varied view out the front window. Monday morning we left Blanchard, Oklahoma and hurried to Wichita, Kansas. We parked at Bethany Revival Center and jumped quickly into sorting and emptying our storage unit. Here is our view at Bethany.

Out the front window.

Out the front door.

Tuesday night was spent in the parking lot at First Church of God in Christ in Wichita. I neglected to take pictures from the window but I did get one of the BoggsMobile and Uhaul trailer from the parking lot.

At least part of Wednesday night was spent at the Flying J in Effingham, Illinois. 

Out the front window.

Out the front door.

It was a great place to park and I should have rested good. But my girls were already home and I was anxious to join them. I left Effingham a little before 11:00 and pointed toward Ohio.

I pulled into the Dodds Church a little after 5:30 Thursday morning. After posting the blog I sacked out for about 2 hours and took this picture about 8:00. The BoggsMobile is parked at Dodds and I am standing on our new property.

The BoggsMobile is safely parked inside the barn at the Ranch and honestly does not have much of a view.

Here is the view out the front window with the doors closed.

And with the doors open.

And the view our the door.

We begin our last revival before Christmas this morning at Dodds Church. We sure appreciate Pastor Kelly Rogers inviting us to be with them. We may have to drive to church since we are 200 feet away from the parking lot instead of being parked right in it as was usual until this week!

I hope you have a great Sunday.


Saturday, December 13, 2014

Odie's Christmas Memories Past- 1999

Good morning! This is Odie! Before I launch into my Saturday post I want to update you on my Papaw Danny Morgan. He came through open heart surgery fine. The doctor said he did four bypasses and that the surgery could not have went any better. He said his heart and arteries look very healthy and that my Papaw should feel 10 years younger in a few weeks. Of course the first few days after open heart surgery are still very challenging but we are so glad to report he is doing well at this point. He sat up several hours this morning. Thank you for praying and thank God for helping.

Christmas Memories Past - 1999

1999 was a year of change for us. We moved to Wichita, Kansas in that year when Dad became the Pastor of New Horizon Holiness Church. We lived in Kansas until January 2003 so we were there at Christmas time for four years. Although we usually went home right before or after Christmas I really missed being home with the family on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  But we do have some incredibly happy memories from the Christmas seasons spent in Kansas from 1999-2002. 

We spent Christmas Eve 1999 eating pizza and listening to Christmas music. We decided to attend the 11:00 PM Central Christian candlelight Christmas Eve service. Central Christian was a large church and we did not know a soul there. We slipped in and enjoyed the music and service. It was a fun way to end our evening and we still laugh over a few memories from that cold winter night. 

We arrived home after the late Christmas Eve service and it was very late when we finally went to bed. I had my alarm set for 7:15 AM. As a 14 year old girl I was excited for Christmas morning. I had several gifts under the tree that I was anxious to open. Several of our family members had sent packages from home. With those packages it seemed to me we had a piece of the family there with us. Christmas morning could not come quick enough. Mom and Dad were always teasing me about oversleeping and missing Christmas but that was not about to happen.

Well my alarm went off at "7:15" just like I had set it to do. I woke up every morning at 7:00 AM for school and in December it was very dark at 7:00 AM. When I woke up Christmas morning at "7:15" There was bright sunshine streaming in my windows. I remember thinking, what is going on here?  As I walked through our living room to wake up my parents I quickly realized the correct time was 9:15!

Now, for the rest of the story.  After I went to sleep on Christmas Eve my parents changed my clock. They wanted to trick me and sleep a little longer in the process so they set my clock back TWO hours. I was not thrilled with them at all but we had a good laugh about it and had a great Christmas morning anyway. Now days I am all for sleeping late on Christmas morning or any morning for that matter!

We went on to have wonderful family day. I remember several nice gifts from that year. I am still thankful for the clothes, desk chair, clock radio, and computer game to name a few things. 

One little gift mom did not know if would like was a 4 Square ball. It turned out to be one of the best gifts of the year! We had so much fun with that ball. Most of our afternoon Christmas Day was spent bouncing the ball back and forth. We are an easily entertained family. All it took that year was a cheap grocery store gift. 

That day taught me to cherish family time and to enjoy the small things. I also learned to hold on to memories because they last a lifetime. 

Have a great weekend and enjoy the small things during this busy season. 


Friday, December 12, 2014

Pray For Danny Morgan

Update 2:20 PM: Danny Morgan, Kelly's Dad,  is out of surgery and in the special ICU unit. The family should be able to see him soon. The doctor said the surgery could not have went any better. He said his heart and all the tissue is very very healthy. 

Praise God for His help. Thanks for praying. Please continue.

Odie with her grandpa Danny Morgan.

Although we have much to write about our busy day yesterday, we do not have much time. Kelly Jo's Dad, in the picture with Odie above, did not get good news from the heart doctor Thursday

They told him he has four blockages and needs open heart surgery immediately if not sooner. We plan to be there by 6:00 this morning so that means not time or much inclination to blog about all of the other exciting stuff. 

I will try to update at the top of this post when he comes through the surgery. Please ask God to help Danny Morgan today. Please pray as well for Kelly Jo's Mom and the rest of their family.

Thank you. 


Thursday, December 11, 2014

Travel Days - From Wichita to Ohio

The girls left Wichita about 6:15 Wednesday morning and I pulled out about 10 minutes later. They were able to drive 75 MPH most of the way to Kansas City so they were at least 40-50 miles ahead of me by then and they missed the freezing rain and sleet that I was blessed to drive through. I must have hit it just right. It was bad for about 60 miles on me.

I noticed the rain hitting the windshield had turned solid about the same time I started noticing cars and trucks all over the median and sides of the interstate. Some had slid off the road, some had hit the guard rail, some had hit each other, some had turned over and some had done all of the above. I slowed way down and stayed off the brake as much as possible.

Once I cleared all of that about 30 miles east of Kansas City it was pretty much smooth sailing all the way to St. Louis. I hit the suburbs about the beginning of rush hour and only a few were rushing as they were weaving in and out of traffic. The rest of us crawled through.

I stopped right about there at a Quick Trip Truck Stop that we used to always stop at when driving back and forth between Wichita and Ohio. I normally would have waited about 300 more miles to fill up but diesel in Illinois was 3.69 and diesel at Quick Trip in Missouri was 3.19. That's 50 cents a gallon or a savings of $56.55. We paid $3.79 a gallon for our last fill up. 115 gallons at that price would have been $68 more than we paid today. 

It pays to pay attention to the prices.

I was feeling pretty good on the west side of St. Louis where I stopped for fuel. By the time I had cleared the city traffic and then endured a few construction zones in Illinois, I was ready to stop. I pushed on to the Flying J at Effingham, Illinois and parked for the night.

537 miles is pretty good for me in the bus now days.

Kelly Jo and Odie made it all the way home. They can drive faster than I can pulling this U-haul trailer and it is easier in the car anyway. They pressed on because Kelly Jo's Dad is scheduled for a heart cath today and she wanted to be there. I am glad they made it. 

I stayed at Flying J about seven hours but only slept about 90 fitful minutes. After I realized that was all the sleep I was going to get I decided to drive a little farther.

I went outside and emptied the holding tanks and hit the road. The roads were clear, the weather was good and I made it into Dodds church about 5:35 AM eastern  time. It was 277 more miles.

I am laying down to sleep until Kelly Jo calls me and brings the key to the barn. Then I will pull over there and park the BoggsMobile in the barn for the first time.

Thanks for reading.


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A Wonderful Night In Wichita!

Tuesday night was a wonderful night in Wichita, Kansas! We were invited to First Church of God in Christ by Pastor Don Crowley to share our burden for City Reach Tent Revivals. We are planning to join with Pastor Crowley and Pastor John DiZazzo along with their churches to bring City Reach to Wichita in September of 2015. It will be our kickoff of City Reach that will run all the way through 2016.

New Horizon church was represented in the service too. We hope they and other churches will be able and willing to join with us to reach out to the people of Wichita that need to be saved, healed and delivered. If last night's service is any indication, and I believe it is, we are going to have a great City Reach meeting here.

It was Pastor Crowley's idea for me to preach my vision to his people. He has caught the vision and Pastor DiZazzo has caught the vision but they wanted their people to catch it as well. I thought it was a wonderful idea and I believe that God helped me communicate my heart to the saints that were there in the service last night. God moved among us in a wonderful way.

I like the idea so much that we may spend next December visiting at least some of the cities on the schedule for City Reach 2016 and do the same thing we did here last night. If the saints catch on fire then we will all burn that much brighter for Christ and have more affect on lost souls.

I really appreciate Bro. Crowley and Bro. DiZazzo joining with us for City Reach Wichita. I think God has big plans for Wichita.

We have a few pictures from last night. We arrived at First Church of God in Christ in the afternoon but I forgot to take a picture of the church in the daylight. I did get a picture of the BoggsMobile before church but there was not enough light to do much more. Maybe I can get a picture this morning before we leave and add it in.

Thanks for reading.


Pastor DiZazzo, Pastor Crowley and Davy

Davy and Pastor Don Crowley

Pastor John DiZazzo and Davy

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

I Wanna Be There For Odie's Miracle!

For whatever reason the videos below did not embed properly for some computers. (Thanks Tommy for the heads-up.) I have added a direct link to each clip and redid the embed.

We told you back in September of 2013 about a song on the Isaacs latest CD titled "I Wanna Be There." It was written by Jimmy Yeary, Sonya Isaacs Yeary and Rebecca Isaacs Bowman

The first verse is written about Gordon Mote and the second verse is about Odie. It is an awesome song about folks receiving their miracles in Heaven IF they do not receive them here and I wanna be there when they do receive it. I wanna be there when the blind man sees for the first time. I wanna be there when the crippled girl runs for the first time.

We have heard the Isaacs do it live a few times but we have never been able to get a good recording of it. Here is a YouTube clip of the album version. If you know Odie, I dare you to listen to it without tears.

Here's The Link

Here is a live version filmed by a fan from the crowd.
Here's The Link

It is a beautiful song! I mention it again for two reasons. One we have been asked several time lately by people that have heard the song if it is about Odie. Yes, in fact it is about Odie.

This is from the liner notes

Gordon Mote and Odie Boggs

Secondly, the reason more people are asking is because more people are hearing it. The Isaacs and their label have release the song as a single to radio and it is climbing the Singing News Gospel Charts. It will be #20 in next month's magazine. That is pretty neat!

If you have a southern gospel station call them or drop them an email and tell them you appreciate the song. If you listen on XM send Enlighten an email and thank them for playing it too.

Hey, if you see the Isaacs in person let them know you love them loving on Odie with that song. God knows how we desire the miracle for Odie. One of these days We Will Receive it!

You can buy the song or whole project on iTunes or you can order the CD HERE.
