Friday, January 27, 2023

Revival In Pictures-Sweeny, Texas PLUS An Update

Job 12:9 Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the LORD hath wrought this?
 10 In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.

I do not know what God is doing, but I know that God is always doing something. He has a plan that is bigger than my plan. He has ways that are bigger than my ways. He has thoughts that are much higher than my thoughts.

Dear Friends, I desire the hand of Lord to help me. I desire the Lord to heal me. I desire Him to breathe into me the breath of life.

There are people all over the world praying for me as a result of our prayer request last week and I sure appreciate it. With all these saints praying for me, I know that my case is in the hands of God. That is the safest place in the world to be!

Bro. Lamb allowed us to close revival Wednesday in order to rest my lungs a bit and I know it was the right thing to do. I am finished with the strong round of medicine, but I still feel tightness in my lungs. I have no congestion, only tightness. Honestly, from Thursday evening into Friday, it is worse. We know that God is able.

Revival In Pictures
It has been a wonderful revival this week at Full Gospel Lighthouse in Sweeny, Texas. The altar services have been tremendous and we are thankful the Lord has met His people in a special way.

Pastor Larry Lamb and his people have been our friends for over thirty years and we love coming to Sweeny to be with them. We have had great meals, great fellowship and great services this week.

We also had a special guest for two nights this week. Sweeny is kind of off the beaten path for most of our friends, but Bro. Jimmie Radcliffe flew in and blessed our services while he was here. Wow! What an amazing treat! You will see pictures of him mixed in below.

Thank you for stopping in. Now I give you Revival In Pictures.


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