Friday, January 17, 2020

I Dare Not Forget!

We are coming up on a year since the BoggsMobile brokedown on our way to Sweeny, Texas. It was January 24 about 9:00 PM on I-45 a few miles north of the loop near Houston. It was an event that I would like to erase, but a day I dare not forget.

Dare not forget? That is right. I dare not forget it. 

I dare not forget this old bus is only a machine and machines break down. It is not divine. It is not perfect. It is a 25 year old bus.

I dare not forget that Kelly Jo is an amazing, Godly, calm, caring and beautiful woman! She is the perfect evangelist's wife. If I had a lesser wife, I would be wallowing in self pity and out of God's will.

I dare not forget that nothing I set in stone is actually set in stone. "My" schedule is changeable. "My" schedule is subject to mechanical failure, weather, health problems and probably a thousand other variables.

(That is worth going over again) 
I dare not forget that I am not in control although a control freak I may be.

I dare not forget that God IS in control of machines, mechanical failure, weather, health problems and EVERY other variable or aspect that needs to be controlled.

I dare not forget that nothing surprises God, even when the surprises seem to be driving me crazy.

I dare not forget that God already has people praying for me way before I even realize I am headed for difficulty.

I dare not forget that my problems are minor compared to the challenges that families are facing every day.

I dare not forget that God can pay the bill, reveal his will, make the waves chill, bring the onslaught of the enemy to a standstill, absolutely to nil, turn the mountain back to a molehill, with superior skill and by the Holy Ghost my spirit fill all before I get out of bed in the morning.


After the second breakdown, this one in Alabama, Bro. Brad Nicholson wanted to change the oil. It had been less than 2000 miles since the change, but the engine had been opened up and he felt it best. I appreciated his concern and I agreed.

That oil sample was good. Praise God!

I had the oil changed and checked in 10,000 miles. That oil sample was good. Praise God!

I had the oil changed January 2, 2020, after 10,000 miles again. That sample was good. Praise God!

The expert that reads the samples said I could extend my oil change interval back to the normal 15,000 miles and recommended continuing to sample the oil each time as I plan to do.

The bus may never start again. I understand that! But I will praise God for his help over the last year! God has been good to me. He has been good to us! Hallelujah!

I dare not forget!
