Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Today's House Headlines 3/27/2018

We are having great services in Douglas, Georgia this week. Several friends blessed us Monday night by visiting the revival and they were a tremendous encouragement to us. I plan to have more on that later in the week.

Progress is being made on the house even though we are in south Georgia this week. My Dad and my cousin, Gary Coffman completed most of the electrical work on the kitchen island Monday.

Before the slab was poured in May, they buried two runs of PVC conduit from the panel to where the island would eventually sit. Monday they ran the wires from the panel through the conduit and into a box mounted in the island. They ran receptacles for the dishwasher, the microwave/convection oven and two receptacles for handheld appliances that might be needed.

We discussed final plans for this project the last day we were home and now they have checked this item off the list. I appreciate both of them working on it and Gary donating most of the materials too. Thank you both.

There is a reason the electrical needed to be finished in the island. I received a phone call the other day telling me that the counter tops should be installed next week! That is very, very exciting. Once the tops are on, the plumber can finish the sinks, faucets and all of the rest, bringing us one step closer to being ready for final inspection! Yay!

Our next huge step is the concrete porches. I am hoping we can make some plans for the concrete to be poured soon. We will be home a few days the end of April to drop the tent trailer in the barn. It would be perfect if the plumbing and porches could both be finished that week.

Speaking of the house, I also have some pictures that Odie took the week we were home working on the house, eating at Acapulco and taking the Deanes to Dryden Rd. I have posted them below.

Thank you for stopping by today.



Emily and JC Burris stopped in to visit while in Ohio on tour with Heritage Seminary.

More flooring pictures. Can you every have too many flooring pictures? Probably!

Our Pastor invited Bro. Phillip Deane to preach Thursday night. We had a great time enjoying all of the singing and preaching.

Me, Gary and Dad going over the electric for the island.

We had lots of help during the flurry of activity the last day before we rolled out of town.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Weekend Woundup and Weview 3/26/2018

We had so many visitors Friday night for the last service of revival at Mount Sinai, that I thought Odie was going to run out of film taking pictures of them all. I thought about making this a Revival In Pictures Part II, but decided to include them all in the Weekend post as usual.

It was really great to have several Pastors and churches in attendance. We had not seen a some of the folks in a few years. God moved and blessed in the service and I was thrilled to see His people receiving help. It was a great way to cap off revival.

Here are a few more pictures from Dothan and then I will continue the weekend weview.

The girls rested a while Saturday morning while I prepared to ride. We only had about 185 miles to drive, but none of the drive was interstate. The route also covered some new territory for us and we encountered something we had never encountered while driving the BoggsMobile or pulling any of our 5th wheels.

As we entered into Blakely, Georgia, Kelly Jo saw a sign for an annual peanut festival on the forth Saturday in March. She said, "That is Today!" A few moments later we discovered the truck route through town was blocked for the festival and we only had one chance to turn before crashing the gate.

We literally had no where to go but through the barricades, a tight turn to the right or remove the car and backing out. Ouch!

I could see on the GPS that three turns could route us around the town square. The first turn was the street in front of the barricade and it looked doable. I had no idea what the next two turns would look like. People were lining the streets walking toward the festival and we attracted a bunch of attention as we made that first turn off the truck route.

The next turn was a whole 'nuther' story! It was a four way stop and both roads were very narrow. I waited for traffic to clear and inched through the left turn. I barely cleared a sign with the passenger side mirror and barely cleared the curb with the driver's side rear tires. It was CLOSE.

It was not as pressured filled as it could have been. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood on their way to the festival. Instead of horns blowing and people yelling, the drivers were waiting patiently and the pedestrians were smiling and waving.

The right turn back onto the main road was easier because the traffic was blocked from the left and from straight ahead. It could have been an aggravating ordeal but it was only a minor inconvenience. Whew!

We were all a little too preoccupied to take any pictures of the action.

We arrived in Douglas about 4 hours after we left Dothan. We parked, loaded in the sound equipment and went to eat at the Mexican buffet in town. The good food wrapped up a pretty good day.

Sunday we began revival with two great services at First Assembly in Douglas, Georgia. It is wonderful to be back with Pastor Marshall Adcock and his wife, Sis. Paige and the church. We are anticipating three more great services!

Odie and Pastor Marshall Adcock

What a great weekend! Thank you for joining us today.


Sunday, March 25, 2018

View Out The Front Window March 25, 2018

I failed to snap a picture of our view out the front window while we were in Dothan, Alabama. This is a picture of the BoggsMobile and the Green Machine where we parked next to the church.

This is our view out the front window this week at First Assembly in Douglas, Georgia.

Odie posted a small tribute to Sis. Naomi Frank yesterday. I have it listed below in the links of last week's posts. Bro. and Sis. Frank have been special friends of ours for many years and we are heartbroken for Bro. Frank. May God bless and comfort him in the days ahead.

Here are all the links to our posts from the last week. Please take a moment to check them out.

Thank you for dropping by today. I hope you have a blessed Sunday.


Saturday, March 24, 2018

My Friend Sis. Naomi Frank

Hey Friends,

This is Odie checking in from the road. Today we are traveling to Douglas, Georgia. We always have a fabulous time with Pastor Marshall Adock and our friends at First Assembly. We will be there Sunday morning through Wednesday night and we are looking forward to it.

We spent a good bit of time running from storms last year in Douglas. The windowless sanctuary seemed like the safest place to be when tornado sirens went off at 4 AM on Sunday. What do you do in the middle of a tornado warning? We decided to do sound check.

I was also keeping a close eye on the local weather. The storms that night proved deadly for some, thankfully we were safe! It is definitely a memory that we will keep forever, but it is a memory that I do not desire to repeat! Hopefully this visit we will be free of bad storms. 

We received some sad news this week. This is the text that Bro. Richard Frank sent me early Tuesday morning. “Naomi has won her battle with cancer. At 3:10 AM she crossed the river to the other side of Eternity. She loved all her family and friends. Thank you so much for all the prayers. They have been answered with eternal healing.

Sis. Naomi at City Reach Fort Worth May 2016

Sis. Naomi was a true friend to so many people. I am thankful to have been on that list of friends. She carried my needs to God many times in prayer! She was a great encourager.

The Franks have been dear friends to us since our days of living in Wichita, Kansas. God brought us together when both families needed friends. We are very thankful for them. 

Bro. Richard and Sis. Naomi have been so supportive and encouraging while we have worked on the house project. Just last week when I spoke to them on the phone they were asking about the progress. Sis. Naomi had wanted to see the house on their next trip to Ohio. 

I will definitely miss Sis. Naomi Frank! I look forward to seeing her in Heaven. I can not believe my friend is gone. Thank God for the hope of Heaven! 

I do have one story to share. Back in 2005 I had surgery in Pensacola, Florida. I received a card from the Franks. Sis. Naomi had sent me a picture of flowers that she had cut out from a magazine. 

She wrote in the card, “Here are some flowers for you.” I cracked up laughing and have never forgotten that get well card. I love her sense of humor. Last week I text her a picture of some flowers to cheer her up. It was our little joke. 

Please join me in praying for Bro. Richard Frank. My heart breaks for him. He and Sis. Naomi were a team. They worked together in ministry for many years. Bro. Richard Frank needs the prayers of the family of God right now! 

Sis. Naomi and Bro. Richard Frank with Dad in Gainesville, Texas in January 2017. 

Thank you for stopping by for a visit. We are grateful that you spend some of your time with us. I hope you have a fantastic weekend. 
