Friday, March 31, 2017

Revival In Pictures - Liberty Pentecostal Tabernacle

We had another tremendous service again Thursday night. God blessed the people greatly and especially the young people. The young lady that prayed Wednesday night testified to being saved! I am so glad we went on a couple nights in revival! 

We have enjoyed being with our friends at Liberty Pentecostal and we have also enjoyed seeing friends from this area. It has been a good two weeks in London, Kentucky. We are anticipating one more great night of revival and then we will head for the bus in Tennessee and our next revival.

We have been saving pictures from revival this week so it is time for a Revival In Pictures post. I hope you enjoy them all! Thank you for reading today.


Thursday, March 30, 2017

A Change of Plans


Not much blog Wednesday. Blogger was slow and temperamental Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. It kept kicking me out and losing text even after it had been saved. The internet connection was good and other sites opened fine so it was just Blogger. It seems fine now but I will know when I try to publish this in a few minutes.

Change of Plans

I have been telling you how good revival has been this week with Pastor Lester Carpenter and his folks at Liberty Pentecostal Tabernacle. We have had people in the altars seeking salvation nearly every service and they just keep coming.

Bro. Carpenter asked me Wednesday at lunch about continuing revival. We had planned to close on Wednesday night and then move on down to the Pentecostal Fire Youth Conference in Pigeon Forge. I am very careful about canceling commitments and changing plans mid-stream and I explained that to Bro. Carpenter. I do not extend revival past the original dates lightly.

The way the Lord has been dealing with lost folks and bringing them in this week has been a great blessing to all of us. I hate to walk away from that even though we had made commitments to be at PFYC and wanted to be there. I asked God to lead me Wednesday afternoon and talked to my girls about it too.

By evening I told Bro. Carpenter that we would stay through Friday IF that is what he desired. He announced during service that we would continue revival and then the Lord met with us in the altar in a might way again. He keeps bringing people in. I love how God is reaching and I love being a part of it!

I believe that God is going to help us the next two nights. I believe that more are going to be saved and that He is going to continue to strengthen the ones that have already been saved this week. Praise God!

We had planned to be at PFYC this week for two years and Odie had her heart set on being there. She was very willing to stay in revival and I was willing to drive down for the day services. It is only 131 miles from here. However we figured out a way for her to hitch a ride with cousins that were passing through and Bro. Carpenter was gracious to give his consent.

So, Odie is at PFYC and we are still in London in revival! Is that final? Stick around and we will all find out together! We are happy on the journey.

Thank you for reading.


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Blog Fits This Morning

Blogger is giving me fits this morning with posting and I have spent too much time on it already. Maybe it will post with just a few sentences!

We had another great service Tuesday night with another man saved, saved, saved! It was awesome and we all love it!

Tune in later for more, hopefully!


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Marvelous Monday!


Wow! What a wonderful revival service Monday night! To say we had a breakthrough would be a tremendous understatement! God moved in the altar service in a powerful way! It was awesome to see! I do not know how many young people responded and prayed for salvation but it was several! Praise God for His amazing help.

I love revival. You know that. God reviving people, giving new life, saving souls, healing bodies encouraging saints is what revival brings. It does not matter if the church is big or small, in the country or in the city, real revival is what we need and real revival will change us for the good. We have been getting a glimpse of that this year and we are thrilled.

I long to be an instrument that God can use to bring revival. I want to be tuned in to God and speak His Word faithfully and dependably. I find myself falling short of that often, but I am still striving.


In the midst of revival we also made some progress on the house Monday. I turned in the application for the building permit to Warren County Friday March 17th. They said it would be processed in 3-5 days and then they would mail a letter.

The application was approved that very day and the letter was typed on Monday the 20th. It came in the mail on Saturday the 25th. The people in the county office have been extremely helpful and pleasant to deal with and I appreciate that very much. I am a novice at this part of building and they have been patient with all my questions.

Since the permit was ready to be picked up and I am closer to home than I will be the next few weeks, I made the trip home to get it. I left late Sunday night and made it in about 1:30  AM Monday morning and left at 11:15 after a whirlwind morning with the permit in my hand. I was back at the hotel by 2:15 PM with plenty of time to get ready for church and even a small nap!

I am still waiting on definitive prices from excavators but we are now legal to dig the footer the week after Easter! We have a long way to go for a house to be built but a multitude of things have fallen into place to bring us this far. We are terrifically thankful!

Good news, a grand travel day and a great revival service made up a Marvelous Monday!

Thank you for reading today.


Monday, March 27, 2017

Weekend Woundup and Weview #13

This was an unusually rare type of weekend for us. Revival ending on Friday and another one beginning on Sunday morning is usual enough. That is normal. That is what we have come to expect and enjoy. But ending revival on Friday and beginning another one on Sunday with no travel in between is very unusual. 

First Pentecostal Church and Liberty Holiness Church have only about 6 miles between them. Since the BoggsMobile is in the shop, we are staying in the same hotel in London for both revivals, so no travel on Saturday. I must admit that it felt a little weird.

Friday night we enjoyed one last great service with Pastor Vernon Jarvis and all of his folks at First Pentecostal. We really enjoyed the whole week and the last night capped it off nicely.

We are only about 200 miles from home and I thought I might need to go home to tend to construction stuff Saturday. Dad and Mom took care of finding one of the property pins for me so I did not have to make the trip. We had a great day preparing for Sunday and helping Odie blow her nose! (Well the whole family had to stay home just to blow that poor kid's nose. -You get a gold star if you know the song with those lyrics!) She has been sick but she is gaining ground.

Sunday morning we began revival for Pastor Lester Carpenter at Liberty Pentecostal Tabernacle south of London, Kentucky. It has been over two years since we have been here and we are glad to be back.

Our last revival here was in late August, early September 2014. It was a tent revival and the Blue and White Gospel tent was set up right here.

Davy and Pastor Lester Carpenter

We had wonderful services to get started Sunday and we are expecting God to help us the next three nights! If you are close enough to come be with us, church starts at 7:00 through Wednesday.

That wraps things up. Thank you for reading.


Sunday, March 26, 2017

View Out The Front Window March 26, 2017

Here are links to our posts from the last week.

This is our view this past week from the window of our hotel room in London, Kentucky.

That will remain our view for a few more days. We are beginning revival for Pastor Lester Carpenter this morning south of London. I hope you have a great weekend.
