Monday, June 29, 2015

Happy 30th Anniversary Davy and Kelly

Hello, Wishing you a marvelous Monday! Today is a special for my parents. 30 years ago they pledged their lives to each other. I want to publicly wish them a Happy Anniversary!

I know they never dreamed this would be the path life would take them when they started this journey together . it has been a huge adventure. I am thankful they have shown me a Godly example.  Real life is work, but you can make it work.  In my parent's marriage they have not let an exit be an option.

I love you Mom and and Dad so very much! I am proud to be a part of your family!

June 29, 1985
The Blue VW Bug.  Dad Says this is the car that won Mom's heart. LOL!


I am blessed with amazing parents!
Have a great day!


Sunday, June 28, 2015

View Out The Front Window June 28, 2015

 Check out our post from this week.  We love hearing from our readers.

Hey Friends, it is Odie writing to you on this Sunday. My Dad normally does a View Out The Front Window Post for most Sundays. When I thought over my options for this post I kept thinking of the windows we all carry with us everywhere.  The eye is an impressive window!  It is the window to our heart and soul.

 Here is a song that has been on endless loop in my brain the last few days.  It is an older Martins song titled Windows. This song is from an early 2000's release by the Matins also titled Windows. actually the whole project is probably my favorite CD recorded by the Martins. I want God's love and His Light to shine in and thru my windows.

The eye is something you can easily take for granted. It is easy to think clear vision will always be there. I know first hand our vision can leave quickly. You will sorely miss your sight when you are used to it being there.You can feel helpless in the blink of an eye.

Spiritually the eye is important too! What we choose to view can harm our souls.The Lord has been working on me personally in this area. I have a renewed desire and determination to keep pure vision.  Keeping my vision clean and pure helps me to stay focused in other areas. I get distracted easily and lose my focus.

I have been reminded this week God restored my vision miraculously.  I do NOT want to be ungrateful by using my vision for the wrong things.  My sight is now 20/25 in my eye that was blind for 9 days, and I do not want to face blindness again!

Dear Lord,
Thank for giving me today.  Thank you for being my Savior, Healer, Friend and so much more.  I Thank you for my vision. I am deeply sorry for the times I have let my focus wonder from you! I am grateful for your new mercy daily, and I do not want to waste your mercy and grace in my life. Thanks for having patience with me as I get back on track. I love and worship you with all my heart.  And I want to serve you from this day forward with a pure heart always.


Saturday, June 27, 2015

Washboard Too Laundry Wichita, Kansas

Happy Saturday friends,
I hope you have had a wonderful week. Our week was rushed at times but turned out smoothly. We split ways as a family Wednesday afternoon. My parents trip got off to a good start. I am enjoying a quiet break from the road. 

Part of our road life is finding a laundromat every week. We jokingly say we know our towns by the good and bad laundromats. There are some places we make laundry last two weeks, because there are not any good laundry facilities in the area. There are even a few places we look forward to laundry day.

One of our favorites is in Wichita, Kansas. We have been visiting here on our yearly trips for over 10 years. It is a nice clean place to do our laundry. The owners are super nice! We feel like we are seeing our long-lost friend every time we visit their place of business. 

The owners are now ready to slow down a little bit. The place is for sale. I understand they need to get a way from the workload. It does make me sad to think we might have been seeing our friend for the final time last week. 

Our world is filled with great people. Who put bright spots in our day.  We have been blessed to meet so many of these kind people along the way! Have a great weekend.  


Thursday, June 25, 2015

Let The Fun Begin

Well, the long anticipated trip is finally beginning. We are off and running and glad to be on the go. We have traveling adventure partners for this one so you will see some characters you do not normally see in our traveling pictures. It has already been tremendously fun and we have only just begun.

I will try to post some pictures Friday morning of Thursday's travel. After that we may be out of touch for a few days so I will leave you in the hands of Odie. Take it away, Odie!

Audios Muchachos!


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Thankful For Things I Did Not Know I Needed

Even though I try to live with my eyes open and my heart heavenward I often miss God's near silent working in various situations of life.Thankfully He keeps working faithfully even when I am oblivious. I am very grateful that He does.

God's Help

I knew God helped me with a task I was working on a few weeks ago but I did not realize how important AND timely that task was. God knew.

I quickly realized I was in over my head on my generator project a few weeks ago. The belt, hoses and coolant really needed to be replaced. As I mentioned the hoses turned into an ordeal and I was racing against time to get it completed before pulling out for Oklahoma and Kansas.

There are months that I use the generator very, very little. If I close revival on Friday and drive 2-3 hours  or even 8-10 hours and set up at another church on Saturday there is no need for the generator. We have air conditioning and heat powered by the engine when we are going down the road. Also the inverters provide for our electrical needs from the house batteries while moving.

Since there are times that we have no need for it at all, I end up running the generator once a month for 3 hours going down the road or while stopped to eat in order to keep it exercised, not because we need it. Most experts recommend doing that to keep it in good shape.

What I Did Not Know

Because of that I almost stopped mid project a few weeks ago and just let it go for the moment. I was having such a hard time finding the correct hoses and I figured I would not need the generator on the next trip so I could finish the hoses and coolant later. Sometimes when I am banging my head against the wall the best thing to do is stop. Banging my head against the wall hurts me!

I am so glad I did not stop mid stream. Because of the problem I described in yesterday's post and in the original post I needed the generator on that trip very badly. If the generator had not been available it is very possible that I would have needed to find an RV park nearby and waited for parts to arrive and go through all the diagnostics there instead of Wichita.

That would have been difficult on a time sensitive schedule. I might have been able to limp 275 miles back home but that would have been bad for several reasons. 

1. We would have driven nearly 600 miles and 10-12 hours for nothing. 
2. We would have had to take the car to Oklahoma and Wichita and stay in motels or cancel the revival. This means hardship for Odie, not taking our sound system and not sleeping in my own bed at night.

3. I would not have been able to pick up the new tent section in Miami, Oklahoma. The center pole will not go in the Green Machine even if the tent pieces would. Lol

4. I would not have been able to place the tent trailer in the right position to pick it up when it is time. I would have had to pull the tent trailer later in the summer from here an extra 1000+ miles plus the 600 wasted miles. Not Good.

God Knew

Because the Lord helped me to pull all the generator stuff back together and get it going I was able to run the generator over 30 hours on that trip. That is way more than usual and about 30 hours more than I had any idea I would need. Also, because it had a new belt, new hoses and fresh coolant I was very confident that it was up to the task.

Praise God for helping me more than I knew I needed. When I take the time to look around I see plenty of opportunity to praise God for situations just like that. I am thankful He knows more than I do.

Look for something to be thankful for today. I think you will find it. Thanks for reading.
