Sunday, June 2, 2013

Tent Revival in Pictures

A super great week of tent revival in Springville, Indiana with Pastor Dallas Lakes and the Tunnel Hill Church. We has several folks in the altar seeking salvation and many folks that were blessed. I hope you enjoy the pictures at least 1/100 as good as we enjoyed the meeting.

God Bless you all.


It was great to see my dear friend, Bro. Chris Juneau this week. Bro. Chris was in revival nearby and we were able to fellowship together a couple of days.

Sis. Antonia is from Nigeria. She teaches at IU in Bloomington and attends the Tunnel Hill Church. The young lady on the right in the picture is from Ethiopia, lives in Washington D.C, was in Bloomington for a university conference conducted by Sis. Antonia and was saved in Tent Revival. Hallelujah! I did not write down her name but it means Mercy.  God's mercy indeed!

I told you this was going to be a great week. All of the food was excellent!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Travel Day and Family Time

This morning I post a bunch of pictures from the last night of tent revival in Springville, Indiana.

Today (Saturday) was a long, full day. The storms rocked us Friday night and the rain continued all morning until we left Springville about 11:00 AM. I had quite a bit of preparation to do in order to leave and all of it was completed in the rain. By the time Bro. Lakes moved the trailer into position and I had hooked it up to the BoggsMobile I had been soaked to the bone for hours.

I changed clothes and we hit the road running toward Ohio. We drove out of the rain after about an hour. The trip was about 200 miles and it took us about four hours including a stop at Flying J to empty our holding tanks. We pulled in to Anchor of Hope church near Lebanon about 3:00.

Dad helped me get parked and then I cleaned up and went into the visitation for my cousin, Annette Cook. The crowd huge all evening. There were so many people that I had not seen in years including lots of first cousins. I counted 31 of us first cousins there last night with more coming tomorrow. I could have easily missed some in the crowd. There are 88 of us left living if my count is correct.

The funeral is tomorrow at this church at 2:00 PM. Please pray for her husband, son, parents, siblings and all of the family. I know that it will take God to comfort them. 

We will attend the funeral and then stay until Tuesday. We begin revival Wednesday night for Bro. Herman Woods in Tennessee. We are contemplating leaving the bus here since we are coming right back to this church to preach revival the following week. Some of that depends on whether on not I can find a good deal on a hotel in Oak Ridge.

I hope you all have a super great Sunday.


Last Night of "Tent" Revival

Friday was the last night of tent revival although for the third tent revival in a row, the last service was not under the tent. In Millry, Bristol and now Springville the rain caused us to take the tent down before the last night. But as in each of those previous occasions, we still had a wonderful service.

Bro. Lakes worked hard with us yesterday to prepare the shelter for the service. All that hard work paid off when the great crowd showed up ready to have church. God met with us in the altar on the final night and folks went home rejoicing. It was tremendous. Praise God for it.

It was youth rally night so several of the local churches were represented. It was good to see so many familiar faces in the congregation. We started going to Youth Camp in the Shady Springs fellowship 24 years ago, so these folks have been our friends a long time. It was great to see them and to be a part of youth rally.

After service everybody jumped in to help tear down and load up. It did not take long at all and all the heavy lifting, organizing and strapping down was completed. I appreciate all the folks that helped. The Tunnel Hill Church folks are super hard workers and it is pleasure to work along side of them. Plus many of the visitors worked hard last night too.

While we were working, Odie was working her charm on the crowd. Most of these folks have known Odie since she was 3 years old and they have been smitten all of that time. She loves them too and loves being in church in this area.

It was a special treat to have Pastor John Eaton from Evansville, Indiana in church with us last night. Bro. John is a great man and a super friend. He serves on our ministry board as well and I appreciate his friendship and Godly advice.

It rained a whole bunch Thursday night and Friday morning but that was nothing compared to the rain we have had the last few hours. The same storm system that caused so much destruction in Oklahoma has been pushing rain right through Indiana. About 3:00 this morning it was really rough around here. It is still raining as I type and is supposed to rain all day.

We need to hook up and head toward Ohio today. My cousin, Annette Cook, passed away on Thursday. Her visitation is tonight and the funeral is Sunday. Please pray for her husband, son and extended family. We would like to make it to the visitation tonight but all of this rain and the mud it generates complicates things some. 

We have a huge mud puddle in front of and underneath the bus. It not dry out all week long even with lots of sunshine. The present rain is creating a lake and that is not good news. They assure me it is very solid under that water but the BoggsMobile is 45,000 lbs without me in it. It remains to be seen if we can get it out or not.

Worse case scenario is that we will have to drive the Green Machine home for the funeral and then come back for the bus. That would mean an extra 7 hours of driving but it is doable. I hope the bus pulls right out. I do not want this thing stuck in the mud! Please pray.

We have lots of pictures from tent revival and we will try to post them in the next few days. Thank you for praying for us.


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Tent Down Early

The weather is supposed to get nasty tomorrow and Saturday. In fact it is supposed to start storming later tonight. The sky is lighting up with wicked looking lightening right now.

It does not look like we would be able to get the tent down dry until Monday so Pastor Lakes suggested taking it down tonight after church. It rained a little about 5 but the sun was shining and the tent was dry before church started.

After service the tent came down without a hitch. The folks worked hard and in just a little while it was all finished and loaded in the trailer. Odie took some pictures while it was coming down and I will try to post them when we wrap up revival.

It is always a relief to get the tent down dry and packed away. But revival is not over yet.We did not put the chairs in the trailer because we will use them for church tomorrow night. If it is not storming to bad we can have church under the pavilion next to where the tent was set up. If it is storming we can have it in the Gym.

The service tonight was excellent again and we are expecting even greater things tomorrow. It is amazing how many people from the community have been praying in the altars this week. God is touching people each night and I am sure that tomorrow night will be more of the same and better.

Thank you so much for praying for us.


Congrats Class of 2013

A note from Odie

I wanted to take a moment and recognize a some family and friends who graduated this year. Congratulations to all of you!!!!  We are proud of you!!!!

Isaac Boggs graduated from Wanesville High School. Pictured here with his BIG brother Victor.

Courtney Morgan graduated from Southern State Community College.

Jacqueline Coffman finished high school this year!!  We've been cousins all her life, and friends for most of her life. LOL 
Jacqueline sent me this picture of us taken 10 years ago. We still get pictures every time we are together. 


Regan Brooke Morris is one special friend!!!  She also graduated this year!

Luke Chapman graduate also class of 2013. He's pictured here with his younger brother Cooper.

Judson Martin is another friend who completed school this year. 

We have several more friends that graduated high school or college this year. We are so happy for all of you


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday May 28, 2013

We had another great service tonight (Tuesday) under the blue and white Gospel tent. We had two saved Monday night and at least two saved tonight. Praise God for reaching souls for Christ right here in Springville, Indiana. Hallelujah!

The crowds have been good each night with visitors from local churches, visitors from the community and the Tunnel Hill folks. They have been worshiping and praising God and He has been saving and blessing. Praise God for His help.

We have been taking pictures each night and we will post them later in the week. Since our phone signal is nonexistent and our Internet is slow, it is night unto impossible to email very many pictures to the blog. We should have plenty when the time comes.

We kissed a dear with the Green Machine the night before we left home in December. We barely hit the deer and she did not seem damaged at all. The Green Machine was not hurt too bad but the plastic bumper was cracked and two braces behind it were cracked as well.

Bro. Jack and Bro. Tom Jacobs from the Tunnel Hill church are excellent auto body repairmen and work in a local shop. The did some repair work on my tent trailer last year so I saved this job for them this year. Bro. Lakes and I took the bumper off and took it to them.

The Green Machine does not look very happy with it's face torn off.

My Dad and I had taken the bumper off last fall to install the base plate for towing. If I had not taken the bumper off before I do not think I would have tried it on my own. I am not the most mechanical person in the world. But I knew it was just a hand full of screws and it pops right off. It is not really driveable as it is. We will be glad to get it all put back together.

Have a great day.
