Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hanford Fellowship Meeting

As you can see I have a new app on my phone that makes a collage. I'm practicing on you. These are pictures of the Hanford meeting.

This week we have attended four out of the five services of the Hanford Fellowship meeting. It was good to see the folks from Victory Holiness in Hanford and from the fellowshipping churches as well. Bro. Rocky Kirk from Ohio preached the nights, Bro. Doug Cornett from Ohio preached the days and I preached a morning myself. I would say they have had enough Ohio preaching to do them for a while.

On our first trip out here in 1992 I preached one night of the Hanford meeting and a revival too. Bro. Garmen was the Pastor then and he and his family have sure been our friends in the years since. It was great to be a part of the meeting again.

We are working on getting a newsletter out tomorrow so I will try to post it here as well. God bless.


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