Monday, December 19, 2016

Weekend Woundup and Weview

It has been a busy and fun weekend for our family. It is very nice to be back into somewhat of a routine. Friday night was our first Christmas service. We had a great time with Pastor Randy Brown and the church in Sharonville, Ohio. It was very good to have my Mom and Dad there with us.

My brother Steve and his wife Karen were there and Renae and Jacqueline Coffman were there too.

Pastor Randy Brown and Davy

Saturday was quite a bit warmer with rain all day. I worked on some bus things and barn things most of the day but we did take a little time to drink some salsa for lunch.

Sunday morning Odie went to Dodds with my parents.

We went to Dryden for a super great Sunday morning service.

Sunday night we had our second Christmas service at Anchor of Hope in Lebanon, Ohio. They included us in their special candle light Christmas service and it was so good.

This is sound check.

They have a terrific band at Anchor and we supplemented their band by having Bro. Michael Alexander with us playing bass. They all sounded awesome together and made it real fun to sing. I wish I could take a full band with me every where but I am very thankful to have the best piano player in the USA every night. I suppose I should not be greedy!

That pretty much wrap up our weekend. The cold came back with a vengeance Sunday and that is no fun. I keep telling myself that we will be in the south before too long. That will be nice!

I hope you had a great weekend. Thanks for reading.


Sunday, December 18, 2016

View Out The Front Window 12/18/2016

Check out our posts from the last week at the links below. 

I fully expected the view out the front window this morning to be different. I expected to be looking at the church in West Harrison, Indiana. But the Christmas service was rescheduled. The weather guessers were predicting a wintry mix early Sunday morning in West Harrison so Pastor Wade Hicks decided to reschedule the service in an abundance of caution. We now plan to be there Wednesday December 21st at 7:00 PM.

I was getting the bus ready to crank and ride Saturday morning and opened the front doors a little. This was the view out the front window. That is a beautiful view. Do you know what is so nice about it? The rain washed all the snow away! Yippeeeee!

We do have a Christmas service tonight at Anchor of Hope in Lebanon, Ohio at 6:00 PM. It should be a super great day. I hope you have a tremendous Sunday.


Saturday, December 17, 2016

A Glimpse Into Odie's Fun

Update: Tomorrow morning's Christmas service has been rescheduled. The weather guessers are predicting a wintry mix early Sunday morning in West Harrison so Pastor Wade Hicks decided to reschedule the service in an abundance of caution. We now plan to be there Wednesday December 21st at 7:00 PM.

Hello friends, it is Odie checking in on this Saturday. It is hard to believe Christmas is next weekend. I am just about ready although there are a few last minute gifts to buy. I have not wrapped or bagged a single thing yet. I need to get busy on that. 

It has been wonderful to finally have Dad and Mom home! I missed them while they were gone. As Dad mentioned in previous posts this week, we have been getting ready for our Christmas services and trying to stay warm. 

Last night we were in Sharonville, Ohio for a Christmas service and it was great. We always have a great time with Pastor Randy Brown and his church. Sunday we will be in West Harrison, Indiana and Lebanon, Ohio. I am sure that Dad will have lots of pictures when he wraps up the weekend.

We finish up our Christmas services in New Castle, Indiana on Tuesday night with Pastor Brian Hisle. Check out this post for more information and come see us if you can!

On my phone camera roll I found some pics from a few weeks ago that never made it to the blog. I decided to share them today. 

November 30th I was in Hillsboro with my family. I attended a Wednesday night youth service at my Uncle Danny's church. Flannel was the dress theme for the night. Red and black ended up being a popular combination. 

I am pictured below with our good family friend Bro. Fred Moore. 

Then here were the red and black and black vest triplets, Gade Abrams, myself and Hunter Medford. 

The youth choir from Hillsboro House of Deliverance

On December 1st I was invited to join a group of family and friends in Springboro, Ohio for a delightful evening. Seeing the play "A Christmas Carol" was a wonderful way to begin the Christmas month. 

Waiting for the fun to begin. 

Dinner buffet time

Deb Livingston, Aunt Alice Coffman and Aunt Karen Boggs

Myself with Mamaw and Aunt Theresa Osborn 

Me and Aunt Theresa 

There was no way to get pictures of everyone in the group. I think we filled 6 or more tables. It was a great night with good food and lots of fun.

OOPS I missed the no photography announcement of the play. 

Just in case you are wondering, they will see you if you take pictures! They will want to watch you delete the pictures. 

That was just a glimpse of my family fun lately. Have a fabulous weekend and thank you for stopping by to visit us today!


Friday, December 16, 2016

A Practice Day

The real story of the day in Waynesville, Ohio, is cold weather. Are you tired of hearing about the weather? Kidnap me and take me some place warm and I will shut up about the weather. I promise! It is entirely too COLD here.

If you are familiar with history, then you know that people came from east of here and took this Ohio valley from the people that had lived here for centuries. On days like this I wonder, why? Why all the bloodshed? Why all the broken families and ruined lives? Why did people have to suffer and die?

It would have been much easier if the folks that floated down the Ohio River had just kept floating a few more days and went a little farther south. Daniel Boone and Simon Kenton and thousands of others came across the mountains and though Kentucky and latched onto Ohio in the process. They could have easily loaded up the wagons and rode south a few days and settled in Tennessee.

Tennessee is fairly nice in the winter. 

But no, they had to live in Ohio. And this is the result! I showed you this yesterday but it deserves the repeat. 7 degrees and feels like minus 9 degrees before daylight Thursday morning.

And it was 13 during the heat of the day but felt like a big fat ZERO!

Okay, on to other things. With permission from Pastor Kelly Rogers, we set up some of our sound equipment in the church so we could practice our Christmas music. Kelly Jo had practiced the piano all week and we had worked on vocals a little. Yesterday we threw it all together. It was a long but very productive day.

We ended the practice day with a great trip to Acapulco with Steve and Karen. it was terrific. Maybe we should have started the day like that as well. Man, I love that place.

When we got back to the bus, I could not help but look at the weather again.

Ain't nobody got time for that!

All this cold weather sure makes me thankful for the barn. The barn was below freezing this morning and hovered around 24-26 degrees all day. But it was not 7 inside!!! 

The bus can handle mid 20's fine, especially since it is shielded from the wind. If we were outside, keeping the bus from freezing would be a full time job in these temperatures. Thank God for the big red bus barn!

Thanks for reading, friends. I hope you have a great weekend.


Thursday, December 15, 2016

A Winter Wonderland?

The week so far has pretty much been all about getting ready for the Christmas services that will be going on between now and Tuesday. I posted information about those services yesterday. We are looking forward to singing Christmas songs and preaching a little Christmas sermon.

Tuesday we met our dear friends, Bro. EJ and Sis. Lacey Lamb for a great lunch and wonderful fellowship. We love these folks and before we knew it we had talked and eaten for over two hours. Even after all that, you can see below that it was still smiles all around.

We will get to see them again Sunday night at Anchor of Hope where they serve as Associate Pastor and worship leader. This will be a special Christmas service so come be with us.

This is what it looked like on way home Tuesday afternoon.

And this is what it looked like as we turned into the ranch. That is the barn and tent trailer way back there but where is the lane?

I was up early Wednesday morning and went outside to check things out. I think we definitely beat the 1-3 inches estimate. In fact, that estimate spun off in a ditch some where! Then in a tragic road rage incident, a driver got out and beat that 1-3 inches estimate to death right there beside the road.


I shoveled some of the areas around the car and barn door because I knew if the cold came as they were predicting, the snow would be frozen solid.

We were going south for a lunch meeting so I was checking the roads. Our road looked good but I text my brother to check the conditions in Cincinnati. He said there was no snow there. I thought he was joking but there was literally NO snow there. In fact, I would say there was no more than one inch of snow ten miles south of us. That is crazy!

Although it did not get above freezing Wednesday, the cloudy day still brought us a little melting. Here is Kelly Jo styling and profiling in her warm, dry and fashionable snow boots. (Thank you Sis. G!)

This is the temperature now, Thursday morning. 7 degrees and feels like minus 9! For our readers overseas, that is minus 13 and minus 22 Celsius!

Please explain to me again why anyone one wants to live north of the Ohio river or even north of Interstate 40? This is ridiculous! I know that some of you love cold weather and I can sympathize with that. I get it. 

I may not be completely right in the head but THAT is not my particular kind of illness. This is too cold for human consumption!

Today we hope to set up the sound system and go through our Christmas program about 394 times. We should have it down pat by then.

Thanks for reading today. I do hope you are some place very warm, I am, if only in my dreams!
