Sunday, April 10, 2016

View Out The Front Window April 10, 2016

Check out our posts from the last week at the links below.

Here is our view out the front window the first few days we were at Desert Cove in El Mirage, Arizona.

This is our view after we turned the bus around last Sunday so we could see the tent out of the front window.

We are having a great time in City Reach. God has been blessing each and every night. We have had several first time visitors and they have been touched and blessed and we are very thankful for it. Thank you for praying for us. We have six more services here and we are anticipating several folks being saved. 

One of the Pastors that has been attending City Reach is Pastor Johnson George. 

He pastors Bethel Christian Assembly, an Indian Pentecostal Church. He asked us to preach for him this morning and we plan on trying to do that. We are looking forward to it.

I hope you have great Sunday.


Saturday, April 9, 2016

Coming Back To Thank God For A Miracle

Hello my dear friends, this is Odie reporting in from City Reach in El Mirage, Arizona. We have had a wonderful week! It is amazing to watch God moving in people's hearts and lives. I cannot wait to see what next week holds. I am praying and believing for several of our friends and others to come back home to God this week!

I really do appreciate all of you who have taken time to pray for us this week! Many of you have called, text , or emailed and let us know you were keeping up with the events of City Reach. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

I wanted to take a little bit of time to thank God once again for the miracle he gave me in April 2014. Here is a short recap, I woke up April 13, 2014 completely blind in my left eye. For nine days I had no vision in my left eye. It was an extremely scary time for me and my family. We had no idea what the future held for us.

Doctors say I had Optic Neuritis. My optic nerve in left eye was inflamed. A team of wonderful doctors begin to treat me with medicine, but I had no promise that my vision would return.   

At the end of the ninth day my victory began. The family of God had surrounded our family with prayer and love. Many of you are the soldiers that went to war for us! I will forever be indebted to everyone who prayed and fought for my victory. 

April 21, 2014 my vision began to return in my left eye. And as of my last check up at the eye doctor in November 2015, I now have 20/20 vision in both of my eyes. In fact, my vision is better now than before I went blind! God is so good!

This Wednesday will mark 2 years since we suddenly began that battle. It was scary. At the time I felt like I was fighting for my life. I look back now and I am blown away by God's sustaining grace that carried me to victory. 

I thank God daily for the miracle He gave me. I will never be able to give Him praise He deserves!  We blogged about the whole journey, but today I wanted to thank God once again for restoring my vision!

I will close today with my actual words from nearly two years ago. It was a frightening experience and I am still praising God for His help.

Have a great weekend.


Odie's Heart Full of Praise

Originally posted April 26, 2014
A Note From Odie:

Hey friends, it is almost 2:30 AM Saturday morning as I type now. I can not find sleep yet. I am full of thoughts about what God has done for me. Two weeks ago this battle started with blurred vision in my left eye on Saturday. By Sunday morning, as most of you know, I was mostly blind in my left eye. In a way I sit here shaking my head saying that it does not seem like two weeks ago, It feels like yesterday.  In other ways it has been a very long two weeks. 

I think back to Friday night before this all started as we finished revival in Central City, Kentucky. At the end of the service The Lord visited the place strongly with peace. As we begin to sing Peace Peace Wonderful Peace, wave after wave of God's peace came through the building that night. I remember thanking God for the nearness of His spirit. Little did I know how much I would lean on His Peace the next two weeks.  

By that Sunday night in Salem, Kentucky I was in the thick of the fight. Yet I had an assurance of peace to weather whatever this storm brought my way. Most of the times I have had way more questions than answers but God's peace settled me. Now I am seeing victory clearer and clearer everyday. My heart is so full of joy right now. 

One week ago I crashed into bed after an eventful afternoon and evening at the ER. I must say the ER staff at Bethesda North Hospital treated me great last week. All along I have prayed for God to heal or to guide me where I needed to go to get the correct care. After last weeks MRI results I was rejoicing over some good news but I still did not have the promise of my sight returning. 

I chose to believe I would see again because of God. Everyday is  better!  I can not begin to thank God for His help!! God began to give us insight Monday into what was going on spiritually and He began to heal me physically. Although I am not seeing like I used to, I am improving tremendously every day.

My doctor's office called yesterday to check on my progress and I gladly told the receptionist who called that I am praising God because my sight is coming back. I have talked to her many times in the last two weeks. I was desperate to get the correct treatment in a timely manner. I have stressed to her, I am blind and I need help. I was glad to now be able to tell her that God is helping me.

Over the last last several days I have leaned on scriptures and songs to encourage me.  "Be still an know that I am God" has been my lifeline. During my MRI I was listening to Enlighten on XM and the song "Stand Still" began to play. As I listened closely to the words of one my all time favorite songs again, every word hit home. I had to stop myself from losing it completely right there. I knew again this was in God's hands.

Take few moments to listen my favorite group sing this timeless song. This video is from September 2010. 

I can not yet declare total victory. I know it is close!!!  I know it is because of prayer! Thank you to all who went to war on my behalf. Please continue to pray. I hope and pray I never face this again, but I have no promise this will not return. But I will try to rest with these words in my mind 

Victory is mine Victory is mine 
Victory today is mine
I told satan get the behind
Victory today is mine."

Friday, April 8, 2016

The Mind-Boggling Gift of Friendship - Pastor Scott Morris

It is raining as I write this and the wind is blowing pretty good too. We had to put up two short sections of side walls during church Thursday because of the wind. I really hate to do that but we had to. 

Otherwise we all would have swallowed a pound or two of dust. We did have a great service though. Thank you for praying for us.

It has been amazing to have Pastor Scott Morris with us for several days this week. He flew in Friday night and flew back home Thursday. He was here for the tent set up, Sunday morning service in the church and four services under the tent.

Bro Scott bought a ticket, took time away from his family, left his church and school for several days including a Sunday, to come out here and work like a mule. I knew Bro. Scott was my friend but all this is way beyond the bounds of mere friendship. 

This is a mind-boggling gift of friendship. It is hard to believe that a man would love us so much, believe in us so much and love revival so much that he would do all this. What an amazing gift. 

Words are cheap and there are lots of us that talk a good game. It is something much higher to walk the talk. We realize that we have been abundantly blessed when it comes to friends. Bro Scott's actions this week are living proof of that blessing. 

Thank you Scott Morris for making our week so memorable. Thank you for caring for us. Thank you for helping to carry our vision. You have done many things to help promote City Reach but this week was one of the best.

Thank you as well to Sis. Kim, Regan and Rylee and the saints in Richton for loaning us your husband, father and Pastor. May God bless you for your sacrifice. 

Thank the Lord for surrounding us with such friends as Scott Morris and the many, many others that would be here if you could at all.   May God send revival to all of you for doing everything you can to promote revival here.   

Here are a few pictures of my dear friend while here. 

Thanks for reading. 


Thursday, April 7, 2016

The Astounding Gift of Sound - Meyer Sound

City Reach has been great so far this week and we are expecting it to build each and every night. Thank you for praying for us.

It is about time I bring you up to date on a very important part of City Reach. I have told you we had some sound gear donated and I want to share some of the details.

We are really enjoying all of our "new to us" sound equipment that was donated recently for City Reach and beyond. We have had it set up in churches but this week is the first time to set it up under the tent. It sounds awesome and so clear!

We had pieced together a pretty good sounding system through the years. We have been very pleased with the ease of set up each night and the overall performance. It has been great for churches and perfect for tent revivals. 

This new system takes the sound quality to a whole new level. It is absolutely amazing. It is hard to believe how much better it sounds. 

The new equipment is Meyer Sound which is the top name in sound and for very good reason. It is incredible equipment. All of it is used but it has been completely checked out by Meyer. 

We owe it all to the kindness and generosity of Ben Isaacs. Ben wanted to help bear the burden of City Reach and to help us be as effective as we can be. This is what the Lord inspired him to do.

We are stunned by Ben's unbelievable gift and tried to talk him out of it. He insisted we allow him to obey God and help us spread the Gospel.  

Ben's overwhelming gift includes
-Four Meyer main speakers
-Two massive Meyer sub speakers
-Three Meyer processors 
-Three high powered power amps
-Road cases for everything
-Hundreds and hundreds of feet of special cables. 

Like I said, it is an overwhelming gift. 

I am still learning how the Meyer stuff handles under the various circumstances we sing and preach in. It is a completely different animal than the Mackies but I am loving it, my girls are loving it and the folks in the congregation seem to be loving it. 

I have a few pictures below of the Meyer system as we picked it up and set it up. When we left New York in February we flew into Nashville and rented a truck. We met Ben at Soundcheck in Nashville and found a room full of Meyer. Wow!

Ben spent about an hour showing us how to hook our existing system to the Meyer equipment. It is different from what we have had in the past but not that difficult. Set up time was a little longer in the beginning but as we learn it is only taking a few minutes.

Then we loaded it in the truck and strapped it down. 

After lunch  and a great visit with Ben, we headed toward Texas. Thanks, Ben. I do not know how we will every thank you enough! Your confidence in us and your generosity to help City Reach and Boggs Family Ministries has humbled and blessed us. May God bless you, Ben!

Once we unloaded everything in Gainesville we had to figure how to load it all in the bus. We tried a dozen ways to load it on the existing pass through drawer. 

It would not fit so the drawer had to come out. 

Once we knew it would fit in the bay, we pulled it all out and set it up for a few days in the church. 

The subs

The mains

The processors and power amps

Once we had it going we did a side by side comparison with our existing Mackie 450's. 

We love the Mackies and they have served us very well in churches and under the tent all over the country. We will still be using the Mackies for monitors. However, there was absolutely no comparison between the Meyers and the Mackies. The Meyers blew them away, hands down! In some ways, it is sad how much better they are. 

We sang and played music through the new system for hours and hours and then we packed it all in the bus for the ride to California.

Here is Kelly Jo with just a few of the many, many special cords that Ben included.

Last week we set it up at Desert Cove while we had some time to test the system some.

Here it is under the Blue and White Gospel Tent. It sounds amazing under the tent. We have never used subs and they are unbelievably good! What a difference!

We are still overwhelmed by this gift but we are really, really, really enjoying it.

Ben is a Meyer sound rep so if you want some very high quality new sound equipment, I can put you in touch with him. 

Thanks for reading.
