Sunday, November 30, 2014

View Out The Front Window November 30, 2014

Since we have been on the move this last week, we have lots of pictures from our front window. We traveled four days. Two of those days ended in truck stops in Bellemont, Arizona and Albuquerque, New Mexico. The third ended at an RV Park in Amarillo, Texas and the fourth ended at our destination, the House of Prayer in Gainesville, Texas.

This is our view out the front window Monday night at the Pilot Truck Stop in Bellemont, Arizona near Flagstaff.

This is our view out the front window Tuesday night at the Flying J Truck Stop in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Out the front door at the same place.

Out the front window a little later in the evening.

And one more from beside the BoggsMobile looking toward the front. Albuquerque is a beautiful city at night.

This is the view out our front window in an RV Park in Amarillo, Texas Wednesday night. I guess they put the riffraff in the back.

Here is the old familiar view out our front window at House of Prayer in Gainesville, Texas.

And out the front door.

Gainesville is a very comfortable place to park. We first brought our Hitchhiker 5th wheel here in February 2003. We loved it from the first moment. There is a very nice concrete drive all around the church with the RV parking and full hookups in the back away from all the traffic. Bro. Logan loved evangelists and did everything he possibly could to make us feel comfortable at his church.

Bro. Logan was not able to pastor the last couple of years of his life and has now been in Heaven over a year now. Pastor Dennis King is still taking great care of us and we are enjoying every moment of it. He took me to lunch Friday while the girls were shopping and even took me to see Santa.

Here he is. A skinny Santa riding a Harley! It cracked me up.

Bro. Larry and Sis. Rosemary Landress were passing through Gainesville on Saturday. They are on their way to the border for a missions conference and then on into Mexico for a few days. 

We realized several weeks ago that our paths would cross this weekend and we have been looking forward to seeing them ever since. It was super great to spend a few hours with our dear friends. We hated to see them move on. Bro. and Sis. Landress included us in their travel plans many, many times through the years. We love to see them every time we can.

Pastor Dennis King took us all to lunch and we enjoyed the food and fellowship. 

We begin revival today in Gainesville. We are looking forward to it.


Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thankfulness Soaring In My Heart

Hey friends! Happy Saturday to you. How was your Thanksgiving?  We had a great day. Most of our day was spent traveling from Amarillo to Gainesville, Texas.  

I must admit I missed my Ohio family this week. I am already anticipating being home in a couple weeks. The Morgan crew met up at my grandparents Thursday for dinner. I am thankful we were able to talk and text with them.  I wish I could have some of my Gran's cooking. Our Boggs clan meets up this afternoon at my Mamaw and Papaw's. I know they will have a fantastic evening. I am thankful for my whole family! Love you all and we will see you soon!

As you all know we left California Mond+ay morning. We had several good weeks in one of my favorite states. I was sad to leave, but the asphalt in my blood was itching. It was time for us  to roll. 

Last Friday was the final day of school before Thanksgiving break at Riverdale Christian Academy. It was party day for most of RCA.  Sis. Twila Spencer invited me to visit her class. The 4th graders had built rockets and Friday was launch day. It was exciting to watch my buddies launch their creations.

I had a blast getting to see several of my Riverdale friends one last time. We topped the afternoon off with ice cream and brownies in the learning center. Thanks Twila for allowing me to join in the fun. 

I am thankful we have been blessed with a smooth travel week from California to Texas. I have picked a habit up from Dad, of thanking God every time the BoggsMobile cranks on command. The Lord shields us thousands of miles each year, and I am truly grateful. I do not want to take His protection lightly. 

On long travel weeks I like to use some of the time to catch up with my great friends. I am blessed beyond measure with friends. On Thanksgiving I was able to touch base with many I had not talked to in a while. 

Let me close this week with a little personal note.  

Dad and Mom, I am thankful God put me in your family. Thank you all you do!  Both of do so much behind the scenes working to keep our family machine oiled and working!!  I love you both more than word express!!

God bless,


Friday, November 28, 2014

A Great Thanksgiving Day

Amarillo, Texas OR Gainesville, Texas?

Thanksgiving buffet at the Big Texan with Cajun Turkey, regular Turkey, Prime Rib and all the trimmings OR Cracker Barrel Thanksgiving meal?

Relax all day Thursday and drive Friday OR drive Thursday so I can rest Friday?

The girl spending all day riding in the BoggsMobile Friday OR Black Friday shopping in Dallas/Ft. Worth, one of their favorite shopping places of all.

Decisions, decisions. Honestly nobody had any strong leaning either way. We were all kind of ambivalent about the whole thing.

We went to bed with no decision made. We got up Thursday with no decision made. We seemed to have no inclination to make a decision.

So what do we do when we can not make up our mind? We do what we do best. We drive! We hooked up, loaded up and pointed the nose of the BoggsMobile toward the southeast and Gainesville, Texas. After a little over 5 hours we had the 300 miles behind us and we were pulling into the House of Prayer about 4:30.

A few minutes later we were walking into Cracker Barrel and walking straight to our table without any wait at all. That is two years in a row that has happened and I may get use to that.

As usual on Thanksgiving at Cracker Barrel, we had a wonderful meal!

As we were eating a family from Tennessee came by the table on their way out. We met them in 2011 at camp meeting in Elco, Illinois. They were out in Texas and Oklahoma visiting relatives and stopped for Thanksgiving meal at Cracker Barrel as we did. We did not even think to snap a picture but their last name is Curtis.

We asked for the check later and it had already been paid. We assume the family from Tennessee paid our bill.

God bless them for their kindness!

The girls brought me back to the bus and they moseyed over to WalMart to see if they might stumble into some unbelievable deals. They plan to shop most of today in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area if all goes as planned. I will probably stay right here and try to get rested and ready to preach Sunday.

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving day too!

Before I leave you I have some pictures from the Big Texan. We really love this place. It is big, hokey and over done just like all good roadside attractions. Plus their food is great!

They have a 72 ounce steak dinner that is free if you can eat it in one hour or less. Last May Molly Schuyler ate two of them in less than 15 minutes. That is 9 pounds of meat plus all the trimmings of two meals. The first one was gone in less than 5 minutes! Wow!

This is a 72 ounce steak they have on display.

Nope!  I did not eat one.

The smaller one that I did eat was excellent!

That is all for now. Thanks for reading.
