Monday, July 28, 2014

Beechfork Holiness Church - Revival In Pictures

Davy and Pastor Herman Woods

We are thrilled that we were able to have a few nights of revival with our good friends at Beechfork Holiness church. Pastor Herman Woods was not strong enough to come to revival every service but I am glad he was able to come some.

We love these folks and they love us in return. That sure makes it easy to come back year after year. We are already marking the calender for our next visit.

We have several pictures below of the Beechfork folks and some more pictures of Chuck Spencer and his family that surprised us with a visit. I hope you enjoy the Revival In Pictures.


My study on Thursday morning.

These are our surprise visitors Thursday night. Bro. Chuck Spencer and his family all the way from California!

They walked in during the second song Thursday night and totally floored us. They had surprised us a few years ago and showed up at tent revival in Weir, Kansas. But they really got us this time. They knew nobody at Beechfork and trusted their GPS to get them to the church. 

They drove their 36' motor home up the curvy hill to Beechfork. If you have ever been there then you know that is really something!

The church received them warmly and when the kids started singing the deal was done. They were awesome. 

They parked next to us Thursday night at Caney Creek and then took time to eat lunch with us Friday before they continued toward Virginia.

We are so glad they came to be with us. They made a great week even better!

Here are a couple pictures of my study on Friday morning. 

My study Saturday morning.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

View Out The Front Window July 27, 2014

It has been a great week. Here is our ever changing view out the front window of the BoggsMobile.

Our first night at Prevost Nashville out the front window.

From the front door.

This is the view from the front window the next two nights at Prevost.

And from the front door.

This is our view from the front window at Caney Creek near Harriman, Tennessee.

And from the front door.

We have had a great few nights at Beechfork with our friends and we are expecting a super service this morning to close revival. We are making a special trip this evening to see friends and family at church and then we will hammer down toward Ohio Monday morning.

I hope you have a great Sunday.
