Showing posts with label prayer request. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prayer request. Show all posts

Friday, December 18, 2020

Building A Church In Castle Rock

This is Day 5 of 12 Days of Christmas on our YouTube Channel. Thank you for taking a few minutes each day to watch. Let us know what you think. It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Building A Church In Castle Rock
I told you about preaching for Pastor James McCoy the last Sunday we were in Colorado. We had outdoor service the first Sunday in December in Castle Rock, Colorado. There was snow on the ground, but it was 60 degrees. It almost felt sort of warm standing in the sun. We had a wonderful service and we loved getting to be with Bro. James and his people.

I did receive a few questions about us having service outside in December. I do not know everything, but I do have answers for that.

Liberty Holiness Church in Castle Rock has been leasing a children's dance studio for their services for a few years. It has suited them perfectly. It was in town, it was a great meeting place and most of all it was affordable in an extremely unaffordable city.

They were leasing the worship space from a business that was leasing the whole building from the owner. The dance studio used the building during the day and the church used it on Sundays and sometimes at night. When Colorado locked down businesses, the dance studio could not operate. Eventually, the dance studio could not afford their lease and lost their business.

Since the church was sub-leasing from the dance studio, they no longer had access to the building. Ugh!

All spring and summer the church has been having service in the yard of the McCoy's house when weather permitted it. Someone came through and preached for them and had the idea for the church to build a pole barn for services. Several churches got on board and now they have a pole barn up with a concrete floor.

What you see above is almost completely paid for. It will take several more thousand to finish inside, but they are well on their way to having it completed enough to have church service. We have helped twice and we intend to help some more as we are able. I thought that some of you might want to get involved too.

I will put the mailing address and PayPal address below and you can contribute directly to the church if you like.

There is another way you can help too. The church needs favor with the county. If I understand correctly, the county was OK with them having services in the building as long as the congregation was under a certain number. The county is crawfishing on that now and they need God to settle this for them.

Please pray that God will work all of this out and provide everything they need to have church in that building on that land.

Thank you for reading today.


Liberty Holiness Church
P.O. Box 1974
Castle Rock, CO 80104

Sunday, November 1, 2020

View Out The Front Window 11/1/2020

Our view is the same as last week because we are still in revival at Fairland through tonight by God's grace.

Please pray for a brother from the Fairland church, Bro. Shon Matthews. He has been hospitalized for several weeks with complications brought on by COVID. He and his family are in desperate need of prayer. They must have a miracle.

Sunday Morning Sanity

The delusion that life is supposed to be fair is the source of much unhappiness.

Have a super great Sunday. Thank you for stopping by.


Friday, September 18, 2020

Revival In Pictures Nigeria Camp Meeting

We do not have many pictures from revival for you this Friday, but we do have a few. It is pretty cool to flee from a hurricane and still get pictures from revival! The pictures are from Camp Meeting at Christ Ambassadors Holiness church in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria.

Bro. Shobanke said that playing our singing and sermons went very smoothly. He said that everyone listened well and responded great in the altar. He told me that one altar service lasted at least 30 minutes after I quit praying for them. That is awesome.

He told me something funny too. He said that while I was preaching Sunday, his mind wondered for a moment and he realized he had not planned anything for lunch. He was trying to figure out where he would take me to eat. He was so caught up in the preaching, he forgot that I was not with them personally. 

That is hilarious!

This was Sunday's preaching. You can find the rest on our page.

During Camp Meeting and on Sunday, they separated people that only speak Yoruba so they could clearly receive the message through a Yoruba interpreter. When I am there, they interpret for me 100% of the time.

Most of the people understand what I am saying in English, but the interpreter makes sure everyone receives the message. I try to speak clearly and distinctly when I preach for my friends in Nigeria. My southern Ohio talk is not always easily understood.

We are now pointed back toward Alabama. Some of our friends along the coast escaped major damage from Sally, but some of them were directly in the path. They got lots of rain, flooding and wind damage. May God help the people along the coast!


Thursday, August 27, 2020

Only God Can Heal Our Land

I had another post ready to put up this morning, but I have been up early this morning reading the news and looking at pictures and video from Hurricane Laura coming ashore in southwest Louisiana/ southeast Texas. The live coverage has been limited by the darkness of night, but what I have seen looks horrendous!

Let us pray for everyone affected by the storm. It is not near over yet. As of 5:45 AM the hurricane was well over land, but was still a Category 3! Wow! There are a lot of people losing their homes and businesses in the path of this storm. It is hoped that most of the people evacuated and that the loss of life will be minimal.

Only God Can Heal Our Land

We are nearing the end of August and this month we have been focusing on II Chronicles 7:14. As a family and in my personal walk with Christ, we (I) have been seeking to humble ourselves before God, praying, seeking His face and turning from our wicked ways. We have been repenting and asking God to forgive us and purify our lives, body, mind and spirit.

As we near the end of the month and approach the last Sunday of August in three days, we are asking God to hear from heaven, forgive our sin and heal our land. Only God can heal our land and we are asking Him to do it.

This worldwide pestilence and the world's response to it, has wreaked havoc on individuals, families, cities, states and nations. There are literally thousands of businesses in the USA alone that will never, never be the same. The economy is wrecked and there may be much more misery ahead.

There is so much hate and anger in America. It seems to be coming from all sides. No one seems to be able to trust anyone else or love anyone. Frankly, no one really knows what to do. The wickedness of this world had already risen to the level of perilous times described in II Timothy chapter three before all this, but it is downright scary now.

Our families need to be healed. The fabric of our society needs to be healed. Our relationships with those around us need to be healed. Our nation needs to be healed. Our world needs to be healed. Only God can heal our land.

On July 25th I posted this short video sharing my heart and asking folks to join with us in considering and praying about II Chronicles 7:14.

I also preached about it two nights of our Tent/Cruise-In Revival a week later in Ohio. We also sent out a written appeal in our newsletter and posted about it here on Mile Markers. I have been delighted and I am thankful for the response to my plea.

I have received phone calls and messages from churches all over the USA and in other parts of the world letting me know that Pastors and churches are taking this very seriously. More churches than I could list right here started prayer chains, fasting chains, weekly prayer meetings, daily prayer meetings and much more.

Churches are seriously praying about the instructions Solomon was given in II Chronicles 7:14 and are culminating three days from now on Sunday, August 30. Many churches are planning to come together to ask God to heal our land!

I am obviously thrilled with this response to the Bible. We need unity as we ask God to stop this pestilence. Also, I am thrilled from the multiple reports I have heard of ministries and churches around the world that have set aside time in August and July to specifically pray about II Chronicles 7:14 and they are doing this completely independent of me.

These ministries have never and will never hear of me. They do not know me, they heard nothing from my lips or from my pen. They heard from God and began efforts to ask people to pray and fast and believe God for a divine move of God in Covid 19. That tells me God is speaking and therefore God is interested in seeing His people humble themselves AND He wants to hear their voice!

I would love to see our President humbled in prayer. I would love to see governors humbled in prayer. I would love to see the Senate, the House, the Supreme Court humbled in prayer. I would love to see celebrities humbled in prayer.

HOWEVER, God said in II Chronicles 7:14, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways...."

Do you see that, friends? I would love to see the whole world join in, but God is speaking to His people, the people that are called by His name. He is calling us to humility. He is calling us to prayer. He is calling us to repentance. He is calling us to intercessory prayer.

I believe that there is a remnant that is responding. I believe that on Sunday, August 30, 2020, there will be thousands of purified, sanctified Christians banding together asking God to heal our land!

I firmly believe God can stop this pestilence in its tracks. There is no doubt in my mind that He is able. Is it part of God's plan to do so? I am not privy to that information, but I know it is part of God's plan for me to ask Him to do it!

We are in Virginia through Friday night and we are supposed to be in south Alabama to begin revival Sunday night. We will be dodging the remnants of hurricane Laura while we drive and I have no idea where we will be along the road Sunday morning. I do plan to spend my time Sunday morning asking God to heal our land. 

I hope you will join me wherever you are. Only God can heal our land! If it is possible, we may be praying together live online at 8:00 AM eastern. IF not, we will still be praying.

God may use a vaccine to bring healing. God may use a new technique or new medicine or repurposed medicine or treatment to heal our land. God may heal our land with one command from His mouth. We will take it however God gives it. Amen? Amen!

May God receive all the glory and not man.

Thank you for reading today.


Saturday, July 25, 2020

Let The Church Rise Up

I have a few things I want to deliver to you today. We are sending this out to our snail mail newsletter list as quickly as possible. I will paste the text below and a link to a PDF of that file. I will also post a YouTube video of me expounding on these comments. Please take a few moments to read and share with others or even view the video. 

Our nation and our world need help. We need God to heal our land and God may be waiting on us to fulfill our spiritual commitments. I am encouraging Christians to spend the month of August preparing ourselves according to II Chronicles 7:14 and then asking God to heal our land on Sunday, August 30. Who can say what God will do, but we know He is able.

This is a link to a PDF of the text below. Please share and forward.

Boggs Family Ministries

Our Nation Is In A Crisis And Needs To Be Healed
Our World Is In A Crisis And Needs To Be Healed
Let The Church Rise Up

Some are hoping that herd immunity will finally stop this pandemic.
Yet experts say that a large percentage of the population needs to be infected in order to have any possibility of developing herd immunity. A large percentage of the population enduring the ravages of COVID-19 could mean many millions of deaths.

Some are hoping that a vaccine will stop this pandemic.
Yet we are not even sure a vaccine that works can be developed.
And at this time, there is no guarantee that immunity from a vaccine would last very long.

There is another remedy and it is a Biblical remedy.
II Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

I have been expecting some nationally or internationally recognized religious leader to call for Christians to fulfill this verse.
We can wait no longer. Our world is desperate for a cure.

I have no authority. I am not a Pastor. I am not a recognized voice outside my little circle. My voice carries no weight, nor do I seek a wider audience. My words have scant influence and my opinions are not important.
But God’s Word is preeminent! His voice must be heard! I have not earned the right for my words to be trusted, but please listen to the Word of God.

God can heal our land! God can stop this pestilence! The Bible teaches us there is nothing too hard for God. It is impossible with man, but not with God!
God spoke the solution to Solomon. What would it hurt if we followed His Word and put ourselves into a position to ask God to heal our land?
II Chronicles 7:14 is not spoken to the world at large, it is spoken to us, the people which are called by God’s name. What does God say to us? God says His people should:
-Humble themselves! God, help us to throw our pride and vanity aside and humble ourselves before You!
-Pray and seek my face! Oh, God, help us to become serious about prayer, sincere, heartfelt prayer, seeking your face!
-Turn from their wicked ways! We must be willing to repent and turn from all our wicked ways. It is easy to see wickedness in those outside the church or others inside the church, but we must turn from our own wicked ways!

IF we do these things and do them sincerely and completely, God promised to hear our cry, forgive our sin and heal our land!
We need healing in our land, why not try the remedy God gave us? We are doing everything we can not to spread the virus. Is there more that we can do?
Why not spend the month of August humbling ourselves before God, repenting, turning from all wickedness?
We the people of God could fast and pray until the last Sunday in August when we could gather in our churches in unity and ask God to heal our land.
If only 1/10 of the Christians would fast a meal in August or a day in August, we could cover every moment of the month many thousands of times over.
Would fasting change God? Absolutely not! Fasting changes us! There is nothing that brings me down to humility like taking my plate.
Let us get down low before God, humble ourselves, pray and seek God’s face, turn from our wicked ways and give God a chance to do a miracle in our world.

Let the month of August be preparation and on Sunday, August 30th let us lift our humbled voices toward God and believe Him for a mighty miracle of healing. Let us believe Him to stop this pestilence!
What if every Christian in the USA joined in fulfilling II Chronicles 7:14 personally and corporately?
What if Christians all over the world joined in the purification and the prayer?
Does our world need to be healed? Can God do it? Yes! Yes! We need to rise up and be light in this dark world!

Spread the word. Share far and wide on every platform, not for the glory of a man or a movement, but for the glory of God!
We have a few days to spread the word to Christians everywhere and we certainly have the technology to do it.
We neither expect nor need skeptics and scoffers to join us in this effort. This is a duty assigned to the church. May God help us to do our part.


Friday, July 17, 2020

Prayer For Friends, Please

We lost a dear friend this week as a result of all this coronavirus mess. Many years ago we met Bro. Ken and Sis. Sylvia Taylor from Bristow, Virginia. We were introduced to them by the Burris family in California.

The Burris family and the Taylor family are connected by the marriage of Benji Burris and Laura Taylor Burris. We love both of these families and we have had many, many great times with them.

Through the years, we have enjoyed several wonderful revivals in Bristow, Virginia for Bro. and Sis. Taylor. They have Pastored there for decades and we always have loved going there.

Late Tuesday night Sis. Taylor passed away suddenly and completely unexpectedly. We started getting texts within an hour and then we begin to contact some of the family. Our hearts were broken and we could only imagine the grief of Bro. Taylor, the five boys, Sis. Laura, the inlaws and all the grandchildren.

My God, please help all our dear friends!

These pictures are from 2018.

I know this is affecting all of us in some way. It affects our work, our worship, our travels and so many other aspects of life., But losing a family member or friend, must be the hardest of all. Let us lift this family up to God.

Thank you for praying for our friends. They need God's comfort and peace, now and for many days ahead.


Monday, March 30, 2020

What's Up, Weekend?

First, a very serious prayer request
Saturday evening I spoke on the phone with two of our travel companions during our recent travels to Australia and New Zealand.  They have received some unsettling news. Bro. Bruce and Sis. Priscilla Mayhan have tested positive for covid 19. 

I am telling you this with their permission and I am asking you to pray for them sincerely. Please call their names in prayer each time you pray. Bind together with them and with us for a touch of the hand of God. We know that His touch will be enough.

Saturday night and Sunday have been horrible for Bro. Bruce. Please, please, please pray for our brother and our friend. We did get word Sunday night after church that his fever had eased a bit and we are very thankful for that. We have not heard since then. Prays saints!

Our weekend was mostly church and that is always a good thing. We did take time for a few necessary things. Even with society shut down, life goes on.

KJo and I are still struggling with the 17 hour time change. I was so thankful when I slept from 12:30 to 5:00 AM one morning last week. I was positive I was on my way to sleeping sanity. Nope! The next night I laid mostly awake until about 6:00 AM and it has not been much better since.

Think of it like this. When we are trying to sleep at Midnight, our bodies are saying it is time for supper at 5:00 PM. When it is time for me to roll out of bed at 5:00 AM, my body is saying it is 10:00 PM and time to start winding down. We have been back in the states 10 days, it is time to get this body clock right.

The good thing is that even though we are not sleeping much, we do not feel sleep deprived. I guess the little amount of sleep we are getting, must be enough.

I had to do a little repair in the barn Saturday. I noticed when I turned the water off to the barn before we left in early January, that I had a small leak where there the water comes into the barn.

With the water main off, it was no problem, but we need water in the bus while we are home, so I needed to tackle it. With advice from my dear friend Bro. Jimmie Radcliffe, I got it.

I cut the pipe.

I slid the new valve in and crimped the Pex ring. Thankfully, I already had the Pex rings and Pex tools. I ordered the valve from Amazon.

You may remember that I purchased a 60" water meter wrench from a wholesale place in Mississippi in February. I needed the extra length for the shutoff valve going into the house. I have not had to use it, but I took the lid off Saturday and tried it out for size. It works perfectly!

Sunday was a pretty good day. I listened to or watched four services Sunday morning and a couple more in the afternoon. I was pumped up and ready to go by the time we had service at 8:00 PM. We had a wonderful time singing and basking in the presence of the Lord.

We had Sunday Night Singalong and we had a wonderful time.

Thank you for joining us IF you were able. If not, all the services are archived for watching or listening at any time. You can go to the YouTube channel of Boggs Family Ministries by clicking on the link. You can find the Boggs Family Ministries Mixlr Here.


Friday, March 20, 2020

Home Is Where The Bus Is AND We Are Home!

An update from Davy:
Please check back later for a more detailed explanation, but we are going to broadcast live revival services online each night next week. We will broadcast the audio on Mixlr and post the video afterward on YouTube. IF we can work out the details and logistics, we will broadcast live on YouTube. 

Go ahead and start telling folks that might be needing a dose of revival in these uncertain times. Like I said, I will tell you more about it tomorrow by God's grace.

Home Is Where The Bus Is AND We Are Home! Yay!

I will detail our smooth trip home later, but we are home. We arrived at the bus in Vonore, Tennessee about 6:30 Thursday evening.

We have some news too. KJo and I had already decided that we would most likely self isolate for the next 14 days. However, we received an email about 9:00 PM last night that we would be required to self isolate until April 2. So the decision has been taken out of our hands.

I am not sure what that self isolation will look like for us. Our home has wheels and I suppose we can self isolate wherever the bus is parked. We can certainly remain parked here for a few days. Several churches have contacted us or contacted Odie to extend the use of their RV parking spots to us for the duration. Plus, we can always park at the barn.

I would love to set up our sound system and have revival service a few nights each week and broadcast on Mixlr. I would like to broadcast live on YouTube as well, but I am going to have to climb a steep learning curve. 

I am an evangelist and I can think of no better time to preach revival than now. We sure need it!

Our goal the next few days is to get our bodies back on the correct time zone. We have been 17 hours ahead of eastern time for most of our trip. Hopefully, we can sync quickly.

Anyway, those are some things to pray about.


Wednesday, March 18, 2020

A Bit of Good News

We were saddened by the news Odie posted yesterday concerning PFYC, but we certainly understand. I am sure that Pastor David Webb and the other men that help guide PFYC have made the decision to cancel with heavy hearts.

We have a bit of good news on our end. Tuesday night we received news that the cruise line has rescheduled our flights. The ship is scheduled to port in Sydney early Thursday morning and we are scheduled now to fly out of Sydney Thursday afternoon.

All of this is contingent on the government allowing everyone off the ship Thursday morning. So far, everyone on board seems fine, but one sick person could delay us all disembarking. We understand the effort of the Australian government, so we are hoping and praying that each person is healthy all the way through.

All of this should be taking place Wednesday evening eastern time.

Once we leave the ship, if we do, we may not have any cell service or Wifi. We will update you when we can.

For now, we are fine physically, not panicking and we are completely content. We are disappointed in having to cancel the preaching part of our trip, but that is out of our hands.

I am sure we will be issued guidance as to what we should do when we arrive in the USA. For now, we plan to self isolate on the BoggsMobile. I will let you know more when we know more.

God bless you all and thank you for praying for us. God is so good to us.

Thank you for popping in today.


Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Vintage View Vednesday Beams of Light 2008.

I posted yesterday afternoon that Bro. Samuel from the church here is very low physically. It seems he could slip into eternity at any moment. Most of the church folks were there with him and his precious family so revival at Beams of Light has been canceled. 

It is times like this when we are especially glad for the family of God to take their places in support of each other. We are praying for Bro. Samuel and his family and we ask that you join us in praying for them. Bro. Samuel is a tremendous man and a wonderful Christian gentleman. As of 7:00 PM Tuesday evening he was still hanging on. 

Vintage View Vednesday
Yesterday I found some pictures from one of our revivals at Beams of Light in 2008. There are a bunch of pictures of the people and especially the kids. There are all grown now and it is awesome to see them again in 2008.

We were here in June that year, less than three months after we bought the BoggsMobile. We were still in the stage of learning the bus and trying to figure out if things were broken or if we did not know how to work them.

It turned out to be a combination of both.

Deidre was with us that summer and I am glad she was able to meet our friends in Cantonment. That visit was also the first time that Odie rode in a Corvette. That is certainly a milestone.

I hope you enjoy this Vintage View Vednesday. Thank you for reading.
