Wednesday, June 28, 2023

A Word For Wednesday-The Real Focus Of Our Fight

So glad you joined us today. It is time again for A Word For Wednesday. A few moments ago I posted A Word for Wednesday on our YouTube Channel. Please give it a listen and leave us a comment here or on YouTube.

All of us have so many things on our plate. If the kids are OK, the car is breaking down. If the car is OK, the blood pressure is high. If our body is fine, the boss is acting crazy, if the boss is groovy, the roof is leaking. We all have so many things in life that consume us.

But most of the things that consume us are temporal. Paul points us to the real focus of our fight in Ephesians 6. Our fight is not physical, it is spiritual. Let us focus our energy on fighting where the real battle is.

I hope that makes sense. It makes sense when I say it to myself. Thank you for reading and watching today.


1 comment:

  1. Bro. Boggs,
    It makes sense to me! Our focus should be on the things of Heaven. Thanks for the reminder!


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