Saturday, March 18, 2023

Motivated To Be More Grateful

Hey Friends,

Welcome to another Saturday post from me, Odie. Thank you for spending part of your time with me. This is a travel day for us. The BoggsMobile is Florida bound.

Today I have a little motivation and encouragement to share with you. Earlier this week, I could not get away from thinking about a couple of things that I focus on a lot, and those things help me survive everyday life. 

I decided to write about the thoughts that were swirling in my head. Hopefully, you can find the motivation to be grateful as well.

Firstly, I try to be grateful for the life God has blessed me to live. He has blessed me with an innumerable amount of blessings. Yes, I face challenges I do not enjoy, but my life has been incredible! I strive to Thank God daily for my blessings and show Him my gratitude!

Secondly, my parents have instilled the value of trusting God's plan for me. It is my prayer and desire to be healed completely, but His plan may not be for me to be healed. Dad and I both live by this motto God is in control!

There is one thing that I know for certain. God will always be God. His plan for my life is perfect. I must trust in Him no matter what my circumstances are now. 

Does my gratitude and trust in God's plan improve everything automatically? My answer is no. It does help me be at peace more when my attitude is right. 

I have often shared two things that help me thru my struggles. I pray for others who are suffering too. I   am never the only person that is having a rough time. Then I  look for inspiration from others who must overcome life's obstacles. 

I do not do this to magnify other people's problems to make myself look better. Praying for another brother or sister, no matter their need encourages me. Sometimes it is easier to believe God will move in their needs. Also, someone else's motivation inspires me to overcome more hurdles myself.

Several years ago, I became familiar with  Nick Vujicic Ministries. The life Nick lives is an inspiration to me. Nick was born without arms and legs. Life has not been easy for him. Now Nick travels the world using his testimony to bring glory to God!

 I first read his story in the book called Life Without Limbs. Click here to find the book on Amazon. Since then, I have read several articles about him and listened to his stuff online. Click here to see his YouTube channel.

Below is a clip of Nick that has encouraged me recently. I hope it inspires you too.

God has used many of you to encourage me along the way too. Thanks for being my friends! I pray God blesses you today.

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