Monday, September 17, 2018

Revival In Pictures - West Plains, Missouri

Another week has flown by and a great revival has come and gone at Junction Hill Pentecostal Church in West Plains, Missouri. It has been great for us to be here. It sure seems like we were in the right place at the right time.

I have mentioned it at other times, but it merits telling it agian. Bro. and Sis. Galiher have had a tremendous influence in our lives for many, many years. Their lives and character and his preaching have impacted all three of us and we are thankful for them.

It is an honor and privilege to stand in the pulpit of this Godly man and minister to the people that God has placed under his care. It is a responsibility that is too great for us except by the grace of God.

The Junction Hill Church has loved us and embraced us and it makes preaching and singing here a joy! May God bless the Galiher's and all of the saints for their hospitality, kindness and response to our ministry.

We have several pictures from revival this last week and youth rally Friday night so we hope you enjoy the Revival In Pictures.

Have I told you that Sis. Galiher is one of the best cooks in the country. Please do not spread that around. I do not want them to be over run with hungry evangelists.😆

Bro. James Wheeler smoked this beautiful and delicious brisket. Wow!

Who in the world showed up in West Plains, Missouri? Bro. Bruce and Sis. Priscilla Mayhan, of course! 

It would have been a complete surprise if I had not thought earlier in the week, "This would be a good place for Bruce and Priscilla to show up." Well, here they are! We were still pretty shocked after all!

That takes care of the Revival In Pictures. Thank you for dropping in.


Sunday, September 16, 2018

Our View Out The Front Window September 16, 2018

Here are links to our posts this last week. I hope you enjoy them.

This was our view last Sunday night in a defunct truck stop about 10 miles west of Poplar Bluff, Missouri.

This has been our view out the front window all week at Junction Hill Pentecostal Church near West Plains, Missouri.

Our final service of revival is this morning and then we plan to hit the road for south Alabama. We have some miles to make so we will not tarry too long. I hope you have a great Sunday.


Saturday, September 15, 2018

Odie Loves Her Grandparents

Hey Friends, 

This is Odie reporting in from West Plains, Missouri. It has been so good to be with Pastor Dwain Galliher and our friends at Junction Hill Pentecostal Church this week. God planned this week, it is amazing to sit back and watch Him orchestrate His plan. 

After service tomorrow morning we will be heading south. Please pray for us as we travel for our safety and for good weather. Our next two revivals in Alabama and Mississippi are outside. 

Last Sunday was Grandparents Day in the United States. It made me think about my my champion grandparents. I know my Gran and Papaw and Mamaw and Papaw are no strangers to the blog, but they deserve an extra shout-out. 

I thank God for my grandparents every day! I have four of the best grandparents in the world! From day one they have been a huge part of my life! They have showered me with love and encouragement my whole life and they are some of my biggest encouragers. 

I would not be where I am today without them. They prepared my parents to be awesome parents. I will forever be thankful to them. The six people in this picture below are my favorites! I do not want to think about life without any of them. 

Gran and Papaw (Danny and Betty Morgan) and Mamaw and Papaw (Martha and Eugene Boggs) I love all of you to the moon and back! Words can not express my appreciation for you. I am so thankful and proud that I get to have you as my grandparents.

I treasure my position as your oldest grandchild although I gladly share you with the other grandchildren. Thank you so much for investing in me and making me a better person. 

You are an amazing gift from God to me! I am hundreds of miles and hours away from you, but I am sending you this virtual hug! 😘😍

I am a blessed girl. Not only do I have my four grandparents, several other people across the country have  adopted me as their grandchild. I love each of them and I am thankful to have them in my life! Thank you to all of you who have a special role in my life. I cherish each of you! Thank for being my family too!

Thank you for stopping by to visit with me today. I am happy to show off my grandparents to the rest of the world. I hope you have a great weekend. 
