Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Taking The Tent Down In Prattville, Alabama

It was a busy day around the Lazy OD Ranch Monday, but we sure had a lot of fun visiting with our friends before, during and after work time. God has bless us with a bunch of great friends! I will have pictures and details of all that later. 

Today it is time for pictures from taking the tent down in Prattville, Alabama. We were able to get it down dry and packed away in the trailer. That is always a relief. A wet tent would change my schedule completely.

We appreciate Pastor Rick Simpson and his folks showing up and working diligently until everything was ready to ride. We could not do it without help, that is for sure!

I hope you enjoy the pictures. Thank you for reading.


Monday, April 23, 2018

Weekend Woundup and Weview 4/23/2018

Our weekend can pretty much be summed up as great church, hard work, long drive, more drive and home sweet barn. What a great weekend it was!

The last night of tent revival with Summit Holiness Church and Pastor Rick Simpson was outstanding. God was reaching for people and people were responding. I love being a part of that. God moving is the whole reason I drag that tent around and set it up. Hallelujah!

Here are a few pictures from the last night of tent revival.

After church the folks helped us take down the chairs and put them in the trailer.

They help us break down the sound system and carry it to the bus.

Last they helped take down the sidewalls and fold them up. Long term readers know that we rarely use the sidewalls but the cool temperatures at night made it necessary several nights last week.

I was out early Saturday morning preparing the trailer and putting everything in place so that the tent take down would go smoothly. Kelly Jo helped me remove the lights and then we were ready for our help to arrive.

We began taking the tent down at noon and by two we were pulling out of the church.

I will try to post more pictures of taking down the tent later in the week but here is the take down crew.

I stopped at the first rest area going north to "do the work of the evangelist" and after that we pretty much hammered down. Hammered down is a relative term when you are driving a bus pulling the tent trailer. I never get in much of a hurry with this rig, that is for sure.

After all of the tent stuff going on, I did not know how far we could drive. We made it 375 miles to a rest area in Kentucky. Traffic was good through Birmingham and kind of good through Nashville. That helped us make some progress.

The Green Machine is a tough little animal to pull this heavy load.

Yesterday we had one stop for fuel and lunch. 

We lost quite a bit of time to heavy traffic but the BoggsMobile and tent trailer pulled in the drive of the Lazy OD Ranch about 3:45. We unhooked the trailer near the road, turned the bus around and backed it into the barn.

Steve and Karen met us with Dad's truck as we arrived and I used the truck to put the tent trailer in place.

We went in the house to look things over and visited with Steve and Karen. Then it was back to work. 

By the time I was finished with all the things that needed to be done and prepared to eat it was nearly 8:00. We ate as we visited with Steve and Karen some more. We love spending time with family.

Bro. Larry and Sis. Rosemary Landress arrived right before bedtime and it is great to have them here. Bro. Larry is here to work on the concrete for the porches on the house. The weather guessers have slipped a big chance of rain into the mix the next few days and we think we need some sunshine. May God grant us what we want and what we really need. He knows which is best.

That wraps up the weekend. We are looking forward to a bunch of progress this week. Thank you for joining us.


Sunday, April 22, 2018

View Out The Front Window April 22, 2018

Here is our view out the front window as we parked at the rest area near Horse Cave, Kentucky Saturday night after a very long day.

Here are all the links to our posts from the last week. Please take a moment to check them out.

Thank you for dropping by today. I hope you have a blessed Sunday.
