Tuesday, June 20, 2017

A House Update - Framing, Electrical and HVAC Inspection

Last Friday I finished up the high electrical work while Dad put the finishing touches on the panel and switches. For some reason we did not get many pictures.

It is a long way up there. More importantly, when I am up there, it is a long way down!

The ladder that Kelly Jo is standing on to hand me the can light is a 12' ladder so that gives you some perspective.

The light near the upper right in the pictures below was the very last of 51 recessed can lights to be hung and wired in the house. Men love darkness because the deeds are evil. We love light!

I am planning to do a wood treatment on the tall ceiling in the living area and kitchen so I will be very acquainted with the top of that scaffolding before it is finished!

I mentioned the other day that Duke Energy installed a new pole across the road. The next day they put one on our side of the road and the next day finished wiring them up. They installed a new transformer across the road. The old one was overloaded from trying to handle several houses. We hope that will solve some of our erratic voltage problems.

Monday was scheduled to be inspection day on the house. The same inspector examines the framing, electrical and HVAC. In Warren County you call the building department on the previous business day and I did that Friday. Then if you want to know a more specific time, you call between 8:00 and 9:00 the day of the inspection.

The inspector told me he would arrive around lunch and he was right on time. One thing that I did not know was that the roof must be completed before the framing inspection can be completely approved. Oops!

I apologized for bringing the inspector out without the roof on but he was cool with it. He went ahead and completed a thorough inspection and will come back after the metal roof is finished.

He gave me a small list of things to correct and that list was knocked down in very short order. Here are most of the items from memory.

-There was one place on the base plate of the framed walls that needed and additional anchor into the slab. That was the only framing item. Not bad at all.

-The main electrical service cable needed to be moved over about six inches as it exited the garage so it would not be near a 2x4 an attract a stray drywall screw or exterior siding nail.

-There were three places where it looked like electrical wires might be laying on he metal gussets of the trusses. On closer inspection, they were all fine but I stapled them over a bit anyway to remove the "very appearance of evil."

-Two pieces of PVC going into the panel needed metal protection plates inside and out, again to protect from screws and nails. I should have seen that one.

-I needed to put 2x4s next to wires running near the attic access to prevent someone (me) from stepping on the wires in the future. Dad had reminded me of that and I forgot! I am a lot like those "Three German Police Dogs" Wendy Bagwell told about. (That is probably an obscure reference for some of you.😀 Look it up.)

-The bathroom exhaust fans are vented to the outside. I had run the flexible duct about one foot above the ceiling and strapped it to the uprights of the trusses. The inspector said they needed to be insulated to R-4 if suspended above the ceiling but did not need insulation if laying on the ceiling. No problem, done.

I think that is about it. He said everything else looked good and was sufficiently impressed with the neatness of the work. Dad's work in the panel and every where else looks great and I am thoroughly impressed myself!

The plumber's helper was here a big part of the day Monday and I am hoping they will be ready for inspection very soon.

That wraps up today's post. Thank you for stopping to sit a spell with us.


Monday, June 19, 2017

Weekend Woundup and Weview #25

We had revival right through the weekend at Pentecostal Faith Church on Cain Avenue in New Miami, Ohio. We had great services each night and the folks received us warmly. It was extremely easy to preach and we enjoyed the whole revival.

I appreciate Pastor Steve Allen and his precious little family for inviting us to be with them the last week. He originally asked about a tent revival but I could not do it at this time. I fully intend to take the tent back in the near future. The church is in a perfect area for tent revival and Pastor Allen has a burden to reach that community!

I posted a Revival In Pictures post on Thursday with lots of pictures from the revival in New Miami. Today we have a few more pictures from Friday, Saturday and both services Sunday.

This is beautiful little Bella with her arms around not so little Belly!

It was great to have so much fellowship in revival. We had several Pastors, folks from local churches, my family and new visitors. I love it when revival generates enough excitement that people want to get in on the excitement.

Sunday night, when the service was over, we loaded the sound equipment into the Green Machine and headed back to the Lazy OD Ranch after some fellowship. Next weekend we will travel to Virginia for services and we are looking forward to it.


I had a few items to finish Saturday concerning the electrical on the house. I finished those early and then we straightened things up and cleaned the house. We have an electrical, framing and HVAC inspection today and we want everything looking good.

While my brother Steve and I were burning some construction debris we had visitors drop in. Bro. John and Sis. Latasha attend our home church at Dryden Rd. They were out driving and decided to drive by and check out the progress on the house.

It was great to see them and we appreciate them taking time to stop and see us. It was a wonderful surprise!

Little Jonah drove the tractor, climbed scaffolding and ladders and generally had a whale of a good time! He was a lot of fun.

It was lunch time so that meant taking a few moments to introduce them to the best salsa in the world at Acapulco in Lebanon.

That pretty much wraps up our weekend. If the inspection goes well today, then all we have left between now and insulation is the plumbing inspection. Hopefully that will be ready in a few days. We will see.  

Bro. Mitch Boggs Jr. and his family are supposed to arrive June 28 to put on the roof and we are ready for that. It is going to be exciting to see our friends again.

Thank you for reading today. I hope you have a great week.


Sunday, June 18, 2017

You Taught Me - A Father's Day Poem

Happy Father's Day to my Dad and to all the Dad's reading. God bless you on your special day. My regular Sunday post is below the poem for all the Dads and my Dad in particular. I wrote this to honor him many, many years ago.

You Taught Me

Dad, you bought me a bike when I was three and taught me how to ride.
You pushed a while and then let go, I thought you were beside.
You said I picked it up real quick and said I went fast too.
Dad, my only dream when I was young was to go half as fast as you.

You taught me how to bat and how to throw a ball.
While others came to play the game, You said “son, give it your all”.
I loved it Dad when the crowd would scream, “hit it out of here”.
But, Dad, I hit that ball with all my might just to hear you cheer.

You taught me how to swim and dive.  We had so much fun.
You’d bury me up to my neck in the sand and bake me in the sun.
You’d throw us in and jump in too, we’d scream and splash and shout.
When the sun went down and we had to go home, you had to nearly pull us out.

Playing football in the fall, I’d run and push and fight.
I’d work all week and kill myself to play on Friday night.
Every game I’d push the limit trying to do my best.
You were standing at the thirty-yard line, I wanted to pass your test.

You taught me how to work, Dad, although I didn’t like it then.
You taught me the value of a hard days work, when to save and when to spend.
You taught me to respect other people and how to put others first.
To say sir and mam, please and thank-you, to see people at their best and not their worst.

There’s one thing you’ve taught me often, Dad, that I’ve been slow to learn.
“Take care of the name I’ve given you son, It’s something I’ve had to earn.”
There’s been several times, through the years, when my head’s hung in shame.
When I’ve drug the name you’ve given me through the mud. I know it’s caused you pain.

But you’ve been faithful to me, through the good times and the bad.
When you should have left me in defeat, You’ve been there for me Dad.
You were there to pick up the pieces, though I lost when I should have won.
The greatest thing you’ve taught me Dad is how deeply you love your son.

The bats and balls and other things have faded in the past.
I’m trying to trade these temporal things for something that will last.
I’m sure I’ve got a lot to learn.  I’ve only just begun.
But the greatest thing you’ve taught me, Papa, is how deeply The Father Loves His sons.

Davy Boggs

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Happy Father's Day 2017

Hey Friends, this is Odie checking in today. I hope your weekend is off to a great start. We are having a great revival this week in New Miami, Ohio. The Lord has visited us sweetly in every service. I am anticipating more great services tonight and tomorrow. 

I have loved getting to be with Pastor Steven and Sis. Sarah Allen. It is wonderful to see my friends work in the ministry. They have been pastoring a while and God is blessing them!

Father's Day

Tomorrow is Father's Day for 2017. I could not let the day pass by without showing my Dad some love. My daddy is Superman, Batman, Captain America, and other super heroes wrapped is one package. I am blessed beyond measure to have the most amazing Papa! 


Daddy has worked countless hours on the house project. I know this would not be happening without him! He has shed blood, sweat and tears for me. I am so grateful for him! 

All my life he has shown me how to persevere and overcome obstacles that life throws in our path. He has taught me to do my best, trust God for the rest and then expect results and never give up.

I get the privilege to sing next to my Dad almost every night of the year. My favorite thing is to watch God cover him up with the anointing. 


Most nights I sit close to Him as he delivers God's Word. He builds faith, reaches for the lost and tries to encourage the broken and bruised. I know he carries a burden for people. My Dad knows that God can save, heal, restore and comfort and he spreads that hope each night.

Daddy, thank you for being my super hero, my encourager and my #1 man. I love you more than a hog loves slop! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do for me. Happy Father's Day!!!

Thanks for stopping by today. Have a wonderful weekend. 


Friday, June 16, 2017

Revival In Pictures - New Miami, Ohio

We have been having a wonderful revival this week in New Miami, Ohio and today it is time for a Revival In Pictures post. These are some of our more popular posts because folks love to see other people from around the country. 

You never know who may show up at a particular revival and this week has certainly been proof of that. We have had several Pastors, visitors from other churches and people from the community in revival. We love that! We love seeing all these folks and we hope you do too!

Now for the Revival In Pictures!


Odie and Sis. Sarah Allen

Davy and Pastor Steven Allen