Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Weekend Woundup and Weview #52

Thank you for the nice response to my Christmas Sunday Parable.

This past weekend was the last full weekend of the year so this is the last Weekend Woundup and Weview post for 2016. It was a great Christmas weekend and it was also a great week leading up to it.

We told you about the Christmas service Sunday night at Anchor of Hope.

We told you about the Christmas service Tuesday night at Trinity in New Castle, Indiana.

We told you about the Christmas service in West Harrison, Indiana.

We told you about our friends, Mitchell Boggs Jr. and his family, stopping in for a short but wonderful visit.

We told you about at least a couple of our many visits to Acapulco.

We told you about our Very Morgan Christmas.

We told you about our Very Boggs Christmas.

There are a few things I had not got around to telling you about. I missed describing our annual Christmas dinner with my brother Steve and his sweet wife Karen last Monday night at Rodizio. I missed that mostly because we neglected to take any pictures. Since there are no pictures, then it may not have happened at all!

Steve and Karen take care of all of our mail during the year; collecting it, sorting it and forwarding it to us. But they also do so much more than that. Anything at all that needs to done on our behalf, they do it. They make our life on the road so much easier than it could be.

Even when we evangelized back in the early 90's, Steve and Karen were super helpful. We did not have cell phones, so I put their home phone number on my business cards. Pastors would call Steve and Karen and then I would call them every Sunday night and collect any messages that came in.

Our Christmas dinner each year with them is a token of our appreciation for all they do for us. Plus we get to be with them that night and we get to eat too! What a bonus.

Friday Steve helped me work around the barn all day and we spent a great day together. We even slipped a little salsa into our day as well. That made a great day super great!

Christmas morning has always been reserved for Kelly Jo, Odie and I. We always read the Christmas story, open a few presents and spend our morning enjoying each other.

Here is Odie enjoying her 9th Christmas in the BoggsMobile. Give that girl a purse and a few clothes and she is a friend for life.

Later Christmas morning we went to our home church, Dryden Rd. Pentecostal Church. Our Pastor asked us to do the Christmas singing Sunday morning and we were very glad to do it. We had a wonderful service and it was capped off with great preaching from Bro. Bennie.

The real treat of the service was when Bro. Bennie asked Sis. Renae to help us sing for the altar service. She used to help us sing during the altar a lot when we were home all the time and we always enjoyed it. She is a great singer with the sweetest spirit. I offered her a singing position on the road but she just shook her head.

Monday Bro. Brian Hisle and his family were visiting his mother and they took time to drink a little salsa with us at Acapulco while they were in town. It was very nice to get to fellowship with them for a while.

We planning to leave some time Thursday so last night we had one more night together with some of our family. We met at a little Mexican joint with terrific salsa called Acapulco. My Mom was a little under the weather so she could not join us. We enjoyed a great time with Dad, Lisa, Kelly's parents and our little Odie.

Dad was gone before we thought to take a picture.

We are already in full departure preparation mode. We have a bunch of things that must be completed before we pull out so we need to get busy.

Thanks for reading.
