Monday, May 11, 2015

Weekend Wound Up and Weview May 11

It was nice not to travel on Saturday. As I mentioned earlier Pastor Brent Gabbard allowed us to remain parked here this week since our next revival is so close and they have no place for us to park there. This is very unusual for us but it was nice to stay put for a second week.

Odie had a few more pictures from out last night at Bible Holiness on Friday. I will let you see those first.

Friday's service was so good that it was a little sad to close revival. It seems that God had our attention and while we were listening he spoke to the hearts of the people. Praise God that He cares for us and still guides us. He moved in the altar so great Friday night and I am so very thankful.

We rested some Saturday morning after a very late Friday night. Saturday afternoon Kelly Jo and I loaded the sound equipment in the Green Machine and drove over the mountain to Lydia Mountain Chapel. Bro. Eddie and Bro. Jordon Deane were working in the church and helped us load in and set up.

Lydia Mountain Chapel is a beautiful little church. We will have a few more pictures later in the post.

Our revival at Lydia Mountain Chapel started Sunday night so we were preaching at Sandy Bottom Holiness Church Sunday morning. We have been going to Sandy Bottom for several years and it was good to be back on Sunday. We had a wonderful Mother's Day service.

Bro. Buzzy Deane

Pastor Eddie Deane

The Sandy Bottom Church is on the west side of the mountain near Elkton. They have recently started having service twice each month in a little rock church on the east side of the mountain. They are reaching a completely different crowd so they wanted to have revival in the little rock church they are calling Lydia Mountain Chapel.

We had a wonderful first night crowd and God met with us in a very special way. If Sunday night is any indication of how good revival is going to be the the next four nights, it is going to be awesome. Praise God for speaking so clearly to us and helping us.

We plan to have many more pictures from revival later in the week. We are scheduled to be here through Thursday night. I hope you had a great Sunday. Thank you very much for tuning into the blog.


Sunday, May 10, 2015

View Out The Front Window May 10, 2015

I hope that all of the Mothers have a happy Mother's Day. May God bless you for all of the blessings you have poured into other lives. The time, effort and energy you spend may seem unnoticed but God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love. Hey, and we notice too! Thank you. You are loved and we want you to know it. Have a super great day!

Check out our posts from this last week at the links below.

The last night of revival in Elkton was absolutely wonderful. Thank God for meeting with us in the altars as He touched us and forever changed us. THAT is what revival is all about. Odie snapped a few more pictures Friday night and I will try to post them later in the week.

Our view did not change much this weekend except it might be a tad greener that it was last Saturday. Although revival closed Friday here at Bible Holiness in Elkton, we are still parked in the same spot. 

Our revival that begins today at Lydia Mountain Chapel is only about 15-20 minutes from here on the other side of the mountain and there is no place there for us to park the BoggsMobile. Pastor Brent Gabbard has graciously offered for us to remain in place at Bible Holiness and we appreciate it very much.

We did cross the mountain Saturday to set up our sound equipment and snapped a picture of what our view would be IF we were parked over there.

It is a beautiful little church and we are looking forward to preaching revival Sunday through Thursday. I hope you have a great Sunday.


Saturday, May 9, 2015

Happy Mother's Day 2015

Hey Friends,

Happy Saturday from Odie to all of you!  I hope your  week was a good one. We had a great week in Elkton, Virginia. The Lord blessed us each service at Bible Holiness Church! I love seeing God move for his people and to experience it for myself. It was wonderful to be with Pastor Brent Gabbard and his wonderful family. It is a pleasure when we get to be with long time friends!

Today is Mother's Day and I want to I want to honor my dear Mother. I can not describe how awesome my Mother is.

This picture is Mom and me at Central City, Kentucky 2 Sunday's ago.

Mom at Carter Caves in Kentucky last summer of 2014


I want to let our "blog world" know that I love you! You are the sun that brightens my life. Thank you for your selfless work for our family. You are always doing things without complaint. I try to thank you, but I know my thanks pales in comparison to your hard labor. 

You always know how to make me laugh! I love the little things that cheer us up. You have always given me guidance. Even when I have not always followed your advice. Your love is unconditional! You are there for me no matter what I need. I do not know how to express my love and appreciate for you. My words and gifts are just tokens that display my gratefulness!

I know I am on the better end of the deal when God paired us together. I am so thankful God gave me you as my mother!

You will always be the best Mom around! I will quote our dear friend Rosie from Georgia, "You are my Bucky". 

Gran and me on Christmas Eve 2014

Mamaw July 2014

I am also blessed with the two best grandmothers a girl could ask for! I am thankful to have them in my life.  Betty Morgan (Gran) and Martha Boggs (Mamaw) I love you both so very much!

I am thankful for the many other Godly women that influence my life!  Their examples and friendships are something I will always cherish. Happy Mother's Day to you all.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. 
