Sunday, September 28, 2014

View Out The Front Window September 28, 2014

Wow! What a wonderful week in Richton, Mississippi! This is our fourth tent revival in the Richton city park with Pastor Scott Morris and First Assembly and I declare I think they keep getting better every year. God blessed in drawing men and women to Himself and saving those that responded. Praise God for His help. We enjoyed every service and hated to see the week come to an end. 

The weather this week was absolutely perfect for tent revival and that made it even better. The day time temperatures were great and the nights were too. I was sweating every night but I always sweat. I saw a few wrapping up in blankets one night so it must have been just about right. We had heavy dew each night but I do not think it rained one drop on the tent all week. 

As the week was winding down the weather guessers were calling for rain on Saturday. I was worried some about being able to get the tent down dry but it all worked out. The folks helped packed the chairs and everything away after church Friday night and then a big group came Saturday afternoon and took the tent down. It was down and packed away in 40 minutes.

This is one of those rare weeks that our view did not change on Saturday. The tent came down at 1:00 on Saturday but we are still parked right here. We are preaching a few miles way inside the church at First Assembly and it was just easier to stay here for two more nights. We plan to leave here on Monday and begin our 1600 journey to El Mirage, Arizona. Another two nights in the same place will do us good.

I will be putting in a lot of time in the drivers seat this week so the posts may be mostly pictures.

Hope you have a great Sunday.


Front Window

Front Door