Thursday, September 18, 2014

Wednesday Night Blessing

Be sure to read yesterday's post concerning our schedule change in the next few weeks.

Hallelujah! What A Night!

Wednesday night was a night to remember for the Boggs Family when it comes to tent revivals. There were at least six churches in this general area that dismissed their Wednesday night services and joined us and Midway Assembly in tent revival in Millry. I say at least six because I lost track when Pastor Lamar Chapman was recognizing them. I was busy crying and praising God for such a blessing. This is something I have wanted to see for a long time.

I want to see churches bind together in a joint effort to reach the lost that are not coming into our churches. That is the motivation behind our tent revivals in general and City Reach in particular. God let me see the beginning of it right here in Millry, Alabama. This is critical to revival in my opinion and it was glorious to see it come to pass.

For instance the Pastor of a local Methodist church brought his folks Wednesday night. In fact he and his wife have been here every night. He was passionate when he told me last night that he is willing to do whatever it takes to see people saved. He is 100% on board for tent revival. I love that.

Other area Pastors have been here every night but Sunday too. Some of the members that attend other churches have been here every night and seem as excited as I am about tent revival.

I am praying AND working to see this cooperation duplicated in cities and towns all over the USA. We need revival in America. That is plain to see. Our people are nearly bankrupt morally and spiritually. We need people to be touched and changed by the message of the Gospel. But in order for that to happen, people must hear the Gospel.

Churches pulling together in unified effort must be instrumental in declaring the message to the masses. I want to promote that. Can I do it all? No way! But I would be foolish to let that fact prevent me from trying to do my part. God has put it in my heart to try and facilitate as much teamwork in soul winning as I can. The lives that have already been touched and changed this week are inspiration to keep working. 

The Pastors and churches that dismissed last night so they could help with that mission poured gasoline on the fire!

I am fired up! Praise God for His help!


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A Schedule Change

The times they are a-changin'

We have another schedule change that I need to tell you about.

Next week we are scheduled to be in tent revival in Richton, Mississippi.  So far that is still on. If you are reading this Pastor Scott Morris you better not get any ideas!

After the tent is down in Richton we had planned to begin our long tour west with a quick trip to Oklahoma. The first stop was scheduled for that Wednesday through Sunday (October 1st-5th) in Blanchard, Oklahoma for Pastor Lendell Birdsong. We are not going to be able go to Blanchard at this time. Bro. Lendell's Dad, Bro. G.W. Birdsong has suffered a stoke and Bro. Lendell, Sis. Cindy and Bro. G.W.'s wife Sis. Fern are his primary care givers.

Bro. Lendell hated to cancel revival but it was the right thing to do. If I was in his shoes I would reluctantly do the very same thing. I have canceled meetings the last few years because of our parent's health issues and I canceled several meetings and rescheduled several more this year due to Odie's eye problems. At times there are circumstances that you can do nothing about and you must roll with the punches. This is one of those times and we completely understand.

Bro. Lendell left the door open to us to preach both services for them on Sunday October 5th and he made it very plain we were very welcome. I would have loved to do so. We love the folks at Blanchard and we are sad to have to bypass them this trip. 

However, I called Bro. Noah Martinez and he was thrilled to move their revival in El Mirage, Oklahoma to begin on October 5th. Bro. Noah told me that God has been really helping the church for the last six weeks and they are ready for revival. We are anticipating a super great move of God at Desert Cove.

So we will be leaving Richton, Mississippi headed for El Mirage, Arizona the week of September 29th. We are excited about seeing our Arizona friends. We have been going there since 2002 and we look forward to it every year. 

Once we arrive in California we have five weeks planned at five churches. It should be a tremendous trip. Of course, if you plan on joining us any where in revival you should probably call before you travel a long distance. Today proves that our schedule is liable to change at any moment. It sure makes life exciting!

As for this week it is getting even better. Last night was awesome. Praise God for His help in Millry, Alabama. Thank you so much for praying for us.


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tent Revival and Set Up

We had storms in the area Monday night but thankfully we were able to have church. Some of the communities close by were receiving an abundance of rain but not here. We had some lightning and thunder in the distance but nothing at all up close. We had a great crowd and a tremendous service. Thank God for His help. He is reaching for Millry, Alabama and they are responding. It is getting gooder and gooder!

If you are any where close by please come to Millry and join us in revival under the Gospel tent. We plan to be here through Friday night and then start in Richton, Mississippi on Sunday.

The Tent Set Up Saturday

The tent went up fine on Saturday. It rained most of the night and was raining lightly when I went out early Saturday morning. By the time the church folks came at 8:00 the rain had stopped and the temperature was perfect for setting up the tent. We had a great group of workers and all the hard stuff was over quickly.

In April 2013 we set up on this same lot. It rained something fierce that week and we ended up with water standing in puddles under the tent. These two pictures are from last year. 

We are on the higher part of the lot this year. We are right among the three trees in the above pictures. 

Here is the tent site before we set up Saturday looking from the other direction. 

And after. 

Pastor Scott Morris drove over from Richton to help with the set up. He received an emergency call as he was arriving so he was not able to stay. I appreciate his effort to help us. We will be setting up in Richton next Saturday by God's grace and he can work to his hearts content then.

Look at this big group of hard workers.

Friday evening Bro. Carl Hunter came to pull the tent trailer in place. The ground was so soupy that the trailer sunk. After everything was unloaded and the tent was up he hooked back up and another truck winch his truck and the trailer to solid ground. 

Here is where it was. 

Now it is in place next to the tent. 

Since it was raining early and the ground was soft Odie decided to stay inside today. She usually takes most of the pictures while the tent is going up. Thankfully Sis. Tonya Chapman took these next several pictures and shared them with us. 

Thanks for reading.
