Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The End

... Of 2012

We have ended 2012 in Neosho, Missouri at Victory Assembly. We had a wonderful service on Monday night and great fellowship after church as we said good bye to 2012.

As 2012 ends we also close the books of our 10th consecutive year on the road. It has been a fun ride and we have enjoyed the blessings of God all along the way. I hope to put up a post in the next week or so reflecting back on the last 10 years on the road as evangelists.

As we begin 2013 I want to extend our New Year's greetings to all of the millions that read our blog every day. May God bless you and keep you and your families each day of the year.

If you do not know Christ as your personal savior let me encourage you to call out to him today. You may ask, "How do I do that? How do I know Christ for myself?"

The Bible says, If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

A sincere conversation like that with Jesus will totally and radically change your life. That is what becoming a Christian does every time. He changes every life He enters. You can not add Jesus Christ to your present life. You must yield your life to Him.

You must confess your sins and give Him total control of your life. Surrender all your hurts and hopes, your pain and pleasure, your failures and future to Him. I promise you it will be the best thing you have ever done.

Right here in the beginning of 2013 is the perfect time to make Jesus Christ Lord and Savior in your life. Throw off the temptation to wait for a better time. Now is the perfect time.

I write about a lot of things on this blog in the course of a year. But there is nothing as important as what I am writing about now. I want everyone I meet to be saved. I want everybody that reads this blog to be saved. It is more important than money, more important than position even more important than life itself.

Think about it. Take some time to think it through. God so loved you that He sent His son to bear the penalty for your sin. That who ever believes on Him can be saved. God loves you that much. Think about that and then respond to His love.

Ok, end of sermon. Please email if you have serious questions. Please pray if you are not a Christian. If you take Christ as savior, let me know.

God bless you friends. Thank you for reading our Mile Markers in 2012 and I hope you stay with us in the coming year.

Below are some pictures of our last two nights of 2012 at Victory Assembly with Pastor James Link and his folks and some visitors too. I hope you enjoy them.


The heat was not working in Pizza Hut. We are trying to get some heat from the light bulb.

Monday Night

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Travel Days - Waynesville, Ohio to Neosho, Missouri

One last picture from Dryden Rd. This was Thursday night after church.

Me and my Pastor, Bro. Bennie D. Sutheland

We pulled out for our first revival of the new year on Friday morning. It was very, very cold but there was zero wind so it was not bad at all. I would rather have 20 with no wind than 50 with high wind if I have to be outside.

Here we are at Dodds church hooked up and ready to go. These miles will go in the books for 2012 but in reality this is our first trip for 2013. We are starting a big loop that includes Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Kansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Virginia, Indiana and back to Ohio in June. All of which is subject to change!

My Dad came out to help us get ready to go. We sure miss our family already.

We had originally planned to drive to the Flying J in Sullivan, Missouri. That is about 440 miles and that would be plenty for our first day back on the road. However, about 25 miles before Sullivan it started snowing. There was no snow in the forecast for I-44 during that time of day but it was snowing anyway.

I made the executive decision to press on to Ozark, Missouri. We needed to take care of some business while passing through there and it is not too awfully far from Neosho. I did not want to be stuck in Sullivan by snow so we kept on driving. I had to slow down for most of the remaining miles but we made it right about dark.

We are parked in our little RV Park behind Lambert's. It is just a parking lot but it has 50 amps of electric, water, sewer and it is only $20 a night. We have been here so much that I told Kelly Jo we ought to buy this place. I wonder how much they want?

Of course we ate at Lambert's. Probably not the wisest thing to do since my head was spinning from driving 604 miles in 9 1/2 hours. I did sleep good for about 7 hours though. That is always nice!

We rested some on Saturday and then I took care of holding tanks and fresh water while KJ and Odie took care of some business. Of course we ate at Lambert's again Saturday night.

Very serious decisions being made right here...

My girls are beautiful when they are happy and well fed, aren't they?

We finished the drive in about 2 hours Sunday and started revival at Victory Assembly and Pastor James Link. We had a great time here last year and we are expecting God to help us this year.

We had a good crowd and good service on Sunday. I will try to post some pictures tomorrow.

May God bless you all on the last day of 2012.


A Few Trips to Acapulco While Home

While we are home we are parked only a few miles from Acapulco Mexican restaurant in Lebanon, Ohio. We made several trips down there over the last two weeks. We are gonna miss that place. I thought you might enjoy a few pictures from our visits.


I had a few California Burritos while I was home...

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Another Christmas Gift - Herr's Horseradish and Cheddar Chips

Do you remember THESE?

Bright and early Christmas morning, Pastor Brian Hisle showed up at the BoggsMobile bearing precious gifts for the Boggs family! He brought us two glorious bags of delectable potatoes at their very best. 

We appreciate the Hisle family thinking of us during the Christmas season. Bro. Brian was raised in Dodd's church and his mother still attends there. They were over here for Christmas with his family and included us in their Christmas giving. What a gift!!! Thank you.
