Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tent Going Up and First Service in Owensburg, Indiana

I mentioned in a previous post that the tent went up well in Owensburg, Indiana. It was not completely without a glitch though. I was not able to park at the tent site because of low hanging trees over the road. I just could not get in.

Pastor Lakes and I regrouped and I parked at the church a few miles away. We loaded everything (Tent, poles, stakes, straps, Bible stand, carpet, lights, cords 200 chairs and a few things I have forgotten) into trucks and an open trailer and took it to the tent site.

It all had to be double handled but with super great help it seemed like no trouble at all. We will have to reverse all of that on Friday night or Saturday morning so that may slow our exit some but God knows.

The first service was good too. It was Hot but not unbearable for most. The people responded good in the prayer line and tarried for a while. God met with us and that is what we desire.

I reminded God under the tent this morning that I have told people every where that they could expect people to be saved, healed and delivered in these tent revivals. He assured me through His Word and testimony of past experience that He would keep His Word.

The pressure of these meetings is much too great for me. I can not save one soul, heal one sick person or set one captive free but I am secure in the steadfast knowledge that God can AND will do these things and more! Praise God!

I am typing this Monday while I have more than a glimpse of phone service. By the time this posts on Tuesday we will have had two services under the tent. I believe God is going to meet us.

It is Very Hot here but it is forecasted to be in the 70's later in the week. It may be downright chilly for service then. A storm front is bringing the cooler temperature.

They certainly need some good rain here but I am praying the wind doesn't blow too strong and we have good weather at church time. Please help us pray.


Monday, May 28, 2012

Paducah, Kentucky to Owensburg, Indiana

I was a little overwhelmed with all that needed to be done the last day in Paducah. Blogging took a back seat so I need to catch you up on the news. 

We had a great crowdFriday night and another wonderful service. It was great the way the folks jumped in and had church every night. It sure makes it easier on us when it's like that. 

We had plenty of help taking down the tent and packing it all in the trailer. After a few hours sleep we drove about 5 1/2 hours to Owensburg, Indiana. I am always a little apprehensive with the whole rig going down the road but all went well. 

The tent setup in Owensburg went really well too. I will try to post pictures of that tomorrow if our phone service cooperates. 

The first service of tent revival Sunday night in Owensburg was super. The church began to worship the Lord from the first song and responded well the whole service. We are set up right in town and we had several listening in the neighborhood that folks could see and we also had good reports of sound carrying all over town. 

We are looking for great things from the Lord this week. The Tunnel Hill church is really under a burden for this community. They have been praying and fasting and spreading flyers and invitations all over town. It will not surprise me when God reaches and saves several of these folks in this town. Please pray for this meeting.

I have one thing to say about having tent revivals in consecutive weeks in different cities and states. The guy that schedules these back to back ought to be shot. I can't believe how stupid I... I mean he can be sometimes.  It all must have looked good on paper months ago. Taking the tent down on Friday night and then putting it back up on Saturday after traveling must be pure nuts. I amaze myself sometimes. 

Here are a few more pictures from Paducah. 


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Class of 2012

Today is Graduation day for some special people in my life. In Waynesville, Ohio Victor Steven Boggs will receive his diploma. Also in Hillsboro, Ohio Courtney Morgan will be getting a diploma.

October 9th, 1993 the Boggs family gained a new member. He came 5 days before my birthday so I consider him an early birthday gift.

Now the baby has grown into a 6ft 6in giant with 39in arms (he's still growing). Victor is a sweetheart and I am so proud of him!!

"V Boy", if you read this, we love you!! I wish I could be at Waynesville High School cheering for you today. Keep God first in all you do!!!

Courtney LeighAnne Morgan was born December 26th, 1993. Courtney is the next grandchild after me on the Morgan side of the family. I was so happy to get a new cousin. Court was my belated Christmas gift.

Now Courtney is a beautiful young lady. I'm so thankful to call her my cousin, sister and friend I can't imagine life without her!!!!

Court, we love you and we are proud of you. Please know that physically I'm in Indiana but I'm cheering the loudest for you!! To me you are the top graduate at Hillsboro High School. God has big plans for you!

Both Victor and Courtney started their college education in high school. They will be attending colleges close to home in the fall. If you can think of them please mention them in prayer.


Saturday, May 26, 2012

Long Day...

Long, long, long days. Tent is down in Paducah and up in Owensburg, Indiana and God is good. Check back later for details. Goodnight. Davy