Tuesday, March 6, 2012

More of Odie's Cruise Pictures - Concerts

Here are a few of the pictures I promised. These are from the concerts on the cruise.


Gold City

The Taylors

The Dills

The Rotchesters

Ronny Booth

Squire Parsons & The Booth Brothers.  They sang Look For Me AT Jesus Feet.  

Squire Called his wife on the phone so she could hear her favorite group sing her favorite song

Brian Free and Assurance

Jeff & Sheri Easter

Dr. Jerry Goff

The Isaacs

Aaron Wilbern

Aaron & his grandsons

Brian Free & Assurance. 
It Took Michael Booth and Eric Pjillips to fill in for Brian
when Brian was lost his voice

The Booth Brothers

The Crist Family

The Isaacs

Sonya made me help the on He Ain't Never Done Me Nothing But Good

Jeff & Sheri Easter

Sheri read a portion of her book Hear My Heart

The Isaacs

Jeff Tolbert of the Primitive Quartet joined the Isaacs to play fiddle on Friday

Jeff, Ethan, & Austin Whisnant

The Erwins

Kari Gooch

Levi Bowman and the Isaacs

Becky Mathews & Ben Rotchester

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Important Update on the Montana Tent Revival

On January 25, 2012 I put up THIS POST about the upcoming tent revival in Montana for Pastor Metzger and the Sun Valley Church. Today I have a word from Pastor Mike Metzger concerning that revival that I would like everyone to read. Many of your have expressed a desire to meet us in Montana for this revival and many more have assured me that you will be praying for that particular tent revival. I appreciate that very much.

I encourage you to read Pastor Meztger's letter, visit and bookmark their website and fervently pray for a sovereign move of God among these great saints of God. God bless you!


Dear Bro. Davy and family,
I was very excited to read about the blog you posted concerning the “Macedonian Call” (Montana). In January, we had our first in-house revival held by our youth pastor, Nathan Jeffreys and myself. The Lord spoke to us concerning several things, which our church must do this year. The biggest event is the up-coming tent revival on July 15-22. Our church is anticipating a great move of God. As of February 1st, we have already started organizing for this event. In your blog, you invited churches, youth groups, families, etc. to come and participate. Our entire church echoes your invitation! I realize that our strained economy may be a hindrance to one’s financial status, but we will do our best to accommodate as many as possible. We are in our 17th year here in Montana, and we believe that this is the year for God to bless our church’s efforts. Our tentative schedule is as follows: 
1. We would like to have the tents raised on Friday, July 13 
2. This would be followed by a service on Saturday, July 14 to commit this endeavor to the Lord 
3. Monday through Friday there will be a morning youth service from 10 a.m. to 12 noon where visiting ministers will be speaking. Children’s VBS will be in the afternoon.  All visiting youth are invited to participate. Evening revival services with the Boggs Family will be Sunday through Sunday at 7 p.m. 
4. Lunch will be served at noon each day at the tent/church location.
Those who would like to join us should contact us no later than June 15. Our phone number is (406)273-0331; or contact us through our church website at sunvalleychurchmt.com  For those who cannot attend, we sincerely covet your prayers up to and during this time. Thank you and God bless.

Pastor Mike Metzger                                                                                                                                 Sun Valley Church
Church Website            
Florence, Montana

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Revival in Pictures - Ellisville, Mississippi 2012

It is hard to believe another week has come and gone in Ellisville, Mississippi. God has visited us here in each service and we are so very thankful. He has reached out to the lost, strengthened the weak and encouraged the saints in this revival.

Bro. and Sis. Morris are great hosts and they make it a pleasure to come to Ellisville and preach to their people. Their heart is in this place and that is very plain to see. We appreciate their friendship and the friendship of their kind folks. We have had a blast.

Pastor Kenny Morris turned 62 on Friday so we had great fellowship after church Friday night in honor of his birthday. Happy Birthday, Bro. Morris and may God bless you with many more happy and healthy years.

Below are some great pictures of the Ellisville folks and visitors too.

I have a post scheduled to go up tomorrow. It is a special update on the tent revival in Montana. That may be our last post for a few days. I am not sure if we have much phone service next week. God bless you all.


Pastor Kenny and Sis. Joan Morris

Pastor Kenny Morris, Davy and Bro. Andy Stringfellow

Now, if this was real, we would really be having revival. We might stay here all month in revival!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Branson Tornado and Buses

Question: Why did the bus cross the street?

Answer: Because the tornado INSISTED on it!

Wow! This is a scary story from the tornado the other night in Branson, Missouri! Click on the link below to see it...

 A tornado in Branson tosses a bus across the street.

This is a much better way to ride out a storm in a bus!


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Green Eggs and Ham, Sam I Am.

Schools celebrate "Read Across America Day" on or around March 2, the birthday of Dr. Seuss. The kindergarten class of the Ellisville First Assembly Academy invited me over for breakfast today for the occasion. In honor of Dr. Seuss they were having green eggs and ham. I went and I am so glad that I did. It was a little weird putting green eggs in my mouth but they tasted fine. Plus we had chocolate milk. I can wash almost anything down with good chocolate milk! 

I put a little ketchup on the green eggs so I would have an excuse to sing, "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..."

We ate and laughed and had a great time. When it was time to go back to class, the kids wanted me to stay and do school work. The thought of going back to my school days had me breaking out in hives so I said goodbye and rushed back to the BoggsMobile!

Thanks for inviting me to take part! I love Dr. Seuss books and I loved the breakfast and spending time with you all!


I enjoyed eating green eggs and ham with Emma Grace, Dalton, Ryleigh, and Anna Rachel. I tried green eggs and ham, Sam I am. I ate them at school and I thought they were cool!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tale of Two Trailers

In February 2011 Bro. Jimmie Radcliffe gave our ministry a super great deal on the white 24 ft. car hauler for our Summer of Tent Revivals. We pulled it a bunch of miles last year hauling the tent, chairs, platforms, extra sound equipment, Mr. Cheap Jeep and all the rest of the supplies and tools we needed. This trailer has been a wonderful blessing and served us well. It is a 2009 and is still in great shape so it will serve Bro. Nathan Henegar well for a long time to come.

The other trailer is the one that Bro. Henegar donated to our ministry recently for tent revivals. I posted about that HERE. The white trailer spent the winter behind the church in Richton, Mississippi where Bro. Scott Morris is the pastor. Bro. Scott and Sis. Kim brought the white trailer to Ellisville today so we could load everything into the new (but older) trailer. The boys from the school helped us move it all, including the 200 chairs that had been delivered a few weeks ago.

Below are some pictures from today. I even snapped a picture of Kelly Jo holding one of the black chairs everybody wanted so badly. Lol

Revival here in Ellisville is going great. The church is getting great help in the altar services and we have been blessed with several first time visitors too. It is always good when God begins to draw folks in. Excitement is building each night and we are anticipating more great things.

Pastor Kenny Morris and Sis. Joan Morris are great friends of ours. We love their fellowship so we have been having a great time visiting each day. The church folks have received us very warmly through the years and we enjoy visiting with them too. It is always a barrel of laughs around Ellisville, Mississippi.

Thanks for praying for us.
