Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Years Eve

We had a wonderful Watch Night Service on New Years Eve at Zoar Holiness Church. The crowd was good and it was evident from the beginning that the people came to worship. It was good from the very start.

The night began with a baby dedication. Pastor Jon and Sis. Heidi Isaacs asked our family to sing and conduct the dedication of Anna Kate Daleis Isaacs. It was beautiful and sweet and we were very honored to take part. She is a precious baby and fits in perfectly to their precious family. It was so nice of Anna Kate to cooperate with me so well as I held her. I will have to thank her for it someday. Here are a few pictures.

Bro. Rick Simpson and Bro. Jonathon Pricket both preached outstanding in the first part of the service. They prepared everything so well and the Lord was so near that all I needed to do was sing and exhort a few minutes. The folks came to the front to pray and God began to minister.

The night ended with a tremendous altar service. So many were receiving help from God that it was hard to keep track. It was a joy to be there and watch (and feel) God move among us. Sometimes those services seem too few and far between so I want to especially praise God for blessing and encouraging in the New Years Eve Service. (More pictures of Friday's service below.)

Hope your New Year is off to a good start. Revival is going great here in Louisiana. I'll post more about that later.


Friday, December 31, 2010

Last Blog (of 2010)

Here we are...the last day of December...December 31, 2010.
"Yesterday" on January 1, 2010 we woke up in a parking lot in Nashville and left for West Plains, Missouri to start revival for Bro. Dwain Galiher and Junction Hill Pentecostal Church. Then Miami, OK, Weir, KS, Morrow, AR and on and on...until now in the woods in Alabama. 

From that first day we had a huge year planned and honestly a big part of it seemed a little overwhelming. 

I had made commitments to revivals and other meetings here, there, every where and a few other places.

I had made promises to my family about taking some time off from preaching and singing every night for a few weeks in the summer. (Although we had been planning and saving for that it still seemed financially impossible)...

We had made plans for a live recording in Riverdale, California in the fall (The money needed for that was no where in sight)..

Our ministry and family had made extra commitments toward mission projects in Nigeria and other places. 

Plus, nobody knows all the challenges, pressure, worries and expense day to day life will bring. Who can know what one day will bring much less a year. Driving toward our first revival 365 days ago, 2010 looked impossibly hard. How do you face a tough year ahead?

First of all you do it one day at a time. God's word says, "...as thy days so shall thy strength be" Deuteronomy 33:25
God has promised enough strength for today! When tomorrow becomes today He will provide strength that day. 

He has also promised enough light for your next step. We want God to illuminate the whole next year with bright light but David said, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalms 119:105

Just keep walking one step at a time and God will give you enough light to see where to place your next step. You can make it one step at a time. 

Secondly, you face the long year ahead by remembering God brought you through the long years in the past. The fact that I am standing in Victory at the end of 2010 is proof to me that God will see me through the difficulties of 2011. 

I have one more service to preach in 2010. When service is over tonight I will have met all my obligations that looked so daunting 365 days ago. The miles have been driven, the diesel has been purchased, the preaching and singing commitments kept, the promises to my family delivered, the live recording made, our bills have been paid, our commitments to missions and other ministries have been honored and the sickness, heartache and trials of 2010 have been conquered!

We survived and thrived all year with the day by day help and grace of God.  God's faithfulness in 2010 assures us of His faithfulness in 2011! Turn around and look where He has brought you from and what He brought you through!

You think He's going to let you down now? No sir! He is more than enough to face the twists and turns of life ahead. 

So square your shoulders back and face 2011 head on! By the grace of God you AND I are going to make it.

God Bless You Friends!


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hettie Floyd 130 years old!

This is interesting. We saw this in 2008 and put a picture of it on our website then. Walking around the cemetery in Zoar, Alabama Wednesday we found the marker again and took these pictures.

Here it is a little closer.

It says:
In Memory of Hettie,
Wife of Wiley Floyd.
Age 130 Years,
Died May 30, 1900

Gone But Not Forgotten.
Honored, Beloved and Wept,
Here Mother Lies.

Isn't that amazing? I guess it could be a hoax but if it is then it is an old one because the headstone looks just like all the other ones around 1900.

If the dates are accurate...
-She was born a British subject (France had given Alabama to England 7 years before she was born)
-She was 6 years old when the Declaration of Independence was written and died when the USA was 124 years old..
-She was 19 when George Washington became our 1st president..
-42 during the War of 1812..
-49 when Alabama became a state. (For most of her early life Alabama was passed back and forth between England and Spain)
-91 when the Civil War started..
-95 when Abraham Lincoln was assassinated..
-She was 39 when Lincoln was born and lived 35 years after he died..
-She lived to see 25 presidents, she died in the last year of William McKinley's term. 
-Franklin Delano Roosevelt the 32nd president was 18 years old when she died... Dwight Eisenhower the 34th president was 10 when she died. Ronald Reagan the 40th president (He left office just 22 years ago) was born just 11 years after her death. 
-If she had a child at 20ish and each succeeding generation had children at 20ish she would have easily known her great great great great grandchildren. 
-The average life expectancy in the American colonies is estimated to have been between 25-45 years old. Infant mortality is thought to have been between 30-40%. If she was born in the wiles of Alabama the statistics were probably worse. Hattie lived to be 130 against terrible odds. 

She must have been quite a woman. Wouldn't it be cool to know her story. We know she was married and had children. But how many children? Were any of her children alive when she died? How long was she a widow? Did she live in Alabama her whole life? How did she finally die? Did she live all those years and die from a cold or spider bite? Was she a Christian?

I guess I'll never know but her life reminds me that no matter how long we live we still have an appointment to keep. It is appointed unto man to die and after this the judgement. I would have to live until 2097 to match Hettie Floyd. Do I have 87 more years to live? Problably not. Do I want 87 more years here? Nope! But I must be prepared for that divine appointment whenever it comes. Whether we get 20 or 130 years we must not neglect to prepare to meet God.

I don't know Hettie Floyd's spiritual condition when she died 110 years ago. I didn't have a chance to influence her at all. But I do have a chance to influence you. Are you prepared to meet God? Is Jesus Christ Your Savior and Lord? These are questions that have eternal consequences.

You can find more information about salvation here or send me a message and we can talk. In spite of Hattie's long life we all know you don't have to be old to die. Now is the time to repent and prepare to meet God.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Zoar Holiness Church

We started revival Tuesday night at Zoar Holiness Church and we plan to be here through Friday night. We love these folks so much and have been looking forward to coming back.

Bro. Jon Isaacs is the Pastor. He and his wife Heidi have a new little baby girl. She is so beautiful. Maybe Odie can post a picture this week.

Kelly Jo, Alayna & Alivya

The church is in the country and we love it out here. It is so quiet and peaceful with a beautiful old cemetery right beside us. We always enjoy parking here. Our last revival here Kelly Jo and I walked all over this place.

It may be a little chilly for much walking right now but it sure feels a whole lot better than we have had at home the last two weeks. It was in the 20s last night but it is supposes to be much warmer as the week goes on. Feels like a heat wave already.

We will be on our way to Oklahoma and Kansas in about two weeks so we plan to enjoy all the warmth we can. Y'all stay warm too.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Back in the Studio

Monday we were back in the studio for the beginning of the mixing phase for our new project. We were at Omni Sound Studios in Nashville. Mark Capps is doing the mix and he is a genius in the studio. (He has Four Grammys to prove it.) He is also a very nice guy and really put us at ease. He has worked with some of the best talent in the world but he treated us the same as he would anybody. We had a super day and it was great to meet and work with Mark Capps. I appreciate real people!

Mark Capps & Odie

We have had some hiccups in the process the last few weeks. Plus we had to work around everybody's Christmas schedule. That means we were only able to be there one day of what will be a three day mix. Mark is working on it today and tomorrow so that should bring us back on schedule. It is sounding good to us (The miracle of modern technology) and we are excited for everybody to hear it.

We had to leave late last night and now we are set up to begin revival tonight in south Alabama at Zoar Holiness Church. Bro. Jon Isaacs is the pastor here and we are looking forward to see what God is going to do for His people. Please pray for us.

More pictures below. God bless.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2010 is almost history. We had a wonderful holiday! It is always a privilege when we get to be with our family!

I plan to do a better Christmas recap soon but here is a little update. Christmas Eve found us in Hillsboro, Ohio with the Morgans. Christmas Morning we had a BoggsMobile Christmas. Later in the day we were with the Boggs family. Hope you all had a nice Christmas.

Here are a couple pics. My pic was taken Christmas Eve at my Gran & Papaw's house. Our family pic is from the Boggs Christmas.

The third pic is me and my cousin Courtney. December 26th is Courtney's 17th birthday. Happy Birthday, Courtney!

Courtney is a wonderful friend and cousin! When we are together people ask us if we are sisters. Sometimes they think we are twins. She borrowed my hat Friday for pictures. For this pic she borrowed our aunt's glasses so we could be "twins".
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