Showing posts with label schedule. Show all posts
Showing posts with label schedule. Show all posts

Friday, January 1, 2021

Thinking About The New Year And What It Brings

Well, it is the very first day of 2021 and here we go! 

Will the new year be better than the year it replaces? No one knows that for sure, but one thing I can guarantee about 2021. It will be different! Every year brings new challenges and new life circumstances, but every year also brings new blessings.

God's Word says, "... as thy days, so shall thy strength be." As each day comes, there will strength for that day. We are not promised strength for tomorrow, but when tomorrow becomes today, God will provide the strength that you and I need for today!

He will also provide the direction we need WHEN we need it. Sometimes I want to see clearly many days, weeks or months in front of me. 

However, God did not promise He would light up my path so I could see way down the road. He did say His Word would be a lamp for my feet and a light for my path. The Psalmist said, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." That is like a flashlight one step at a time.

I may not see next June or next December clearly at all, but IF I will follow the light God gives me for the next step and the next step and the next step, then I will be exactly where He intends for me to be in six months and 12 months from now!

All of this requires trust. We must trust that God knows better than we do, sees more than we do and will work it all out much better than we ever could! God is trustworthy, friend. He is faithful and true!

Does that mean everything will be easy?

Does that mean everything will go according to our plan?

No and No. There is no easy way through this life and there is no foolproof plan. No one knows enough to plan things perfectly and no one gets an "easy" pass in life.

If you and I learned anything from 2020, we should have learned that we really know very little about how to handle the present and absolutely nothing about what is coming in the future. Hopefully, we have learned to make our plans loosely and always say, "If it is the Lord's will" or "By God's grace."

I am preaching to myself right here, my brothers and sisters and I am preaching good and right.😍

I love knowing what to expect. I do not like surprises in life. But I have been forcefully reminded in 2020, that my plans are best in God's hands! I am doing my best to buckle my seatbelt, roll with the punches and go with the flow.

We have already had our first changes to the 2021 schedule and we are just getting started. A Pastor text me this week and told me that COVID had made an appearance in their church. 

Thankfully, I was able to move another January revival into the week he was scheduled and shuffle his church a week later to give them extra time to get through the outbreak. Whew! That was close!😊

It really helps that almost everyone understands the complexity of all this stuff and they are willing to do whatever is necessary. I imagine the only completely inflexible people would be those that have not had to deal with this yet. Unfortunately, they will become more flexible eventually.

KJo and I seriously considered staying near home for a few months. We desire to stay safe ourselves and we certainly for not want to be an instrument that spreads the pandemic. We have never felt it was in our calling to spread the flu or anything else!

But this is what we are called and equipped to do. As we decided last summer, we feel obligated to try to be catalysts for revival the best way we can while doing it in the safest way possible.

There will be bumps in the road. There will be hiccups, delays, detours and cancelations. We are determined to go forward and deal with all the bangs and bruises as they come, the best that we can at the time.

If God has other plans, He is completely and totally welcome to lead the way, nudge us into a different lane or take the wheel out of our hands. He is God, He is God alone and He is God all by Himself without my help. AND I like it that way.

We appreciate you praying for us daily. Thank you. Please make sure you check and double check our schedule before driving any distance to be in service with us. I will do my best to keep it up to date.

Thank you for reading today too.


Thursday, September 24, 2020

Let's Have Revival!

IF everything remains the same as it is right now, we are going to do something we have not done since early July. The last Sunday in June we began revival in Lucas, Texas.

And the next week we preached revival in Locust Grove, Oklahoma.

We have been in revival this week at Lusk Assembly near Gilbertown, Alabama and next week we are supposed to be in revival at First Assembly in Richton, Mississippi. I talked to Pastor Scott Morris yesterday and everything looks like it is a go for revival and we are excited!

It may be that we are back in business preaching revivals every week like we are supposed to be doing.😍

We have not preached back to back revivals for churches, live and in person, since those two weeks in June and July. It seems like every other week has been canceled because of a COVID outbreak or exposure, a bus problem or a hurricane.

Wow! The last 17+ years have been revival after revival, week after week, month after month. That is what we are accustomed to doing all the time and we are ready to get back to it.

Thankfully, we have still been preaching almost every week, thanks to online revivals, camp meetings and individual services online and in person. We appreciate churches being willing to think outside the box and have revival any way they can.

We have revivals and meetings scheduled into December from here on out. I will not be surprised if some of them need to be canceled or rescheduled because of the uncertainties in our world right now, but we plan to be singing and preaching every night that we can.

Welcome to 2020!

Thank you for stopping in today.


Friday, August 14, 2020

Next Week

We are currently in Tennessee making progress on getting our refrigerator replaced in the the BoggsMobile. I will tell you more about that later, but today I want to tell you about our plans for next week.

Sunday morning we plan to be with our dear friends at Beechfork Holiness Church about 90 minutes from here. The revival we had scheduled there earlier this year was postponed due to the nationwide shutdown and we have been wanting to be there ever since.

Pastor Herman Woods and Sis. Margaret Woods have been our dear friends for over 35 years. We love being in church with them and all their folks. Sunday morning is going to be refreshing for us.

Monday night we plan to begin an online revival for Landmark Holiness Church in Lawton, Oklahoma. We will be live on our YouTube chanel and they will direct that to their church FB.

They want to begin at 8:00 PM central time so that will be 9:00 PM our time. Although the service will be directed toward their church, you are more than welcome to join us if you can. We would love to have you. We will be having church similar to our online revival during March, April and May.

The BoggsMobile will probably still be here in Vonore, Tennessee and we plan to be right here with it. The services will probably originate from inside the BoggsMobile and that will be a first for us. It should be exciting.

Thank you for dropping by Mile Markers today.


Thursday, July 30, 2020

Another Completed Circle

I told you in the report from our last circle that the next circle would be similar in size, but that we would be gone longer. It turned out to be more miles and we were not gone as long as we expected to be. It is hard to know these things.

We left the ranch on June 24 and returned on July 26 after 2500 miles in the bus, plus nearly 400 in a rented truck. I told you about the trip to Miami, OK in the truck earlier.

The circle included five churches, 23 services, (Including an online service in India) three weeks of revival, two weeks of revival canceled due to coronavirus cases and another week canceled because of scheduling conflicts. It was a wild and crazy trip that may become more and more normal in pandemic times. However, we are believing God to turn all of it around!

As it stands right now, we will keep busy with the Tent/Cruise-In Revival beginning tomorrow night and other commitments to local churches for the next three weeks. Our next circle is slated to begin the fourth week of August and carry us into December. We are praying about every detail of that trip.

Thank you for joining us today.


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

A Plan Comes Together

The schedule for this week and the weeks to come has been fluid because of the pandemic. It is starting to jell together a bit now. I like it when a plan comes together. 

Working with Pastor Kelly Rogers and the Dodds Pentecostal Church next door to the Ranch, we are planning to set up a small tent in the grass of our property and have a combination Tent/Cruise-In Revival. 

There will be no seating under the tent. The idea is for people to Cruise-In to the church parking lot and enjoy the revival there. We are asking people to remain in their car or near their car and fellowship from a distance.

We desire revival for our community, but we must do it as safely as we can. We will see how well people are able to adapt to the necessary protocol and go from there. I would love to have sure-enough revival! God knows we need it.

I wanted to purchase a 20' round tent top from Miami Missionary Tent Company in Miami, Oklahoma for this. There is no sense in getting seven or eight guys together to set up my 48' round tent if we are not going to use it for seating.

Mr. Tromsness at Miami Tent was covered up with work and did not have a small round top in stock. I am thankful he has lots of work, I have prayed that God would bless his business. He did have a new 20' square tent in stock. Although that is not what I wanted, I took it.

I did look at renting tents or purchasing a round tent here in Ohio, but nothing was even close to "right" or financially smart. I was also hating the idea of buying an inferior tent. Watching videos of setting up some of the tents made me thankful for a well made Miami Missionary Tent.

I will use the side poles, stakes and straps that I already own. I also have center poles, but they are completely different than the one needed for this small one-piece tent. So I had to pick up a 12' pole and that eliminated picking it up in the Green Machine.

I drove a Dodge pickup from Wichita to Miami, Oklahoma and back to Wichita on Thursday during the revival week. I was there by 7:00 AM and back in Wichita by around 10:30. It was about a 380 mile loop and all went well.

This shows a little of the shipping area of Miami Missionary Tent Company.

When I arrived back in Wichita, we put the tent bag in the Green Machine and the pole under the bus. Before we left Bethany Saturday morning, KJo and I put the pole in the bus and laid it on the floor. We laid the ends on rugs and it rode over 800 miles perfectly.

There seems to be a lot of excitement about revival. I think people are hungry for revival, but reluctant to gather with people from outside their normal circle in the church building. For better or worse, this pandemic is changing the way we do things.

This revival will be a learning experience and we will make changes as we go. You are certainly welcome to join us. We would love to have you. The plan is to begin service about 8:00 PM each night and run the service about an hour. The dates are July 31-August 7 and those dates are flexible.

We plan to have our sound system set up and we hope to hook up an FM transmitter so that people can listen on their car stereo if they prefer. I have never used the FM transmitter before so that will be a work in progress too.

I am thankful that Pastor Kelly Rogers was interested in revival and is willing to work outside the box a bit to get it done. We also received an anonymous gift that purposely covered the cost of the new tent piece. We appreciate all of this tremendously. May God cover you with blessings, friends.

You can download the flyer for this revival HERE. It is two 1/2 page flyers on one 8 1/2 x 11 page. Please come be with us IF you can at all. We are hoping to run the services live on our YouTube channel too.

Thank you for dropping by Mile Markers today.


Saturday, July 25, 2020

Let The Church Rise Up

I have a few things I want to deliver to you today. We are sending this out to our snail mail newsletter list as quickly as possible. I will paste the text below and a link to a PDF of that file. I will also post a YouTube video of me expounding on these comments. Please take a few moments to read and share with others or even view the video. 

Our nation and our world need help. We need God to heal our land and God may be waiting on us to fulfill our spiritual commitments. I am encouraging Christians to spend the month of August preparing ourselves according to II Chronicles 7:14 and then asking God to heal our land on Sunday, August 30. Who can say what God will do, but we know He is able.

This is a link to a PDF of the text below. Please share and forward.

Boggs Family Ministries

Our Nation Is In A Crisis And Needs To Be Healed
Our World Is In A Crisis And Needs To Be Healed
Let The Church Rise Up

Some are hoping that herd immunity will finally stop this pandemic.
Yet experts say that a large percentage of the population needs to be infected in order to have any possibility of developing herd immunity. A large percentage of the population enduring the ravages of COVID-19 could mean many millions of deaths.

Some are hoping that a vaccine will stop this pandemic.
Yet we are not even sure a vaccine that works can be developed.
And at this time, there is no guarantee that immunity from a vaccine would last very long.

There is another remedy and it is a Biblical remedy.
II Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

I have been expecting some nationally or internationally recognized religious leader to call for Christians to fulfill this verse.
We can wait no longer. Our world is desperate for a cure.

I have no authority. I am not a Pastor. I am not a recognized voice outside my little circle. My voice carries no weight, nor do I seek a wider audience. My words have scant influence and my opinions are not important.
But God’s Word is preeminent! His voice must be heard! I have not earned the right for my words to be trusted, but please listen to the Word of God.

God can heal our land! God can stop this pestilence! The Bible teaches us there is nothing too hard for God. It is impossible with man, but not with God!
God spoke the solution to Solomon. What would it hurt if we followed His Word and put ourselves into a position to ask God to heal our land?
II Chronicles 7:14 is not spoken to the world at large, it is spoken to us, the people which are called by God’s name. What does God say to us? God says His people should:
-Humble themselves! God, help us to throw our pride and vanity aside and humble ourselves before You!
-Pray and seek my face! Oh, God, help us to become serious about prayer, sincere, heartfelt prayer, seeking your face!
-Turn from their wicked ways! We must be willing to repent and turn from all our wicked ways. It is easy to see wickedness in those outside the church or others inside the church, but we must turn from our own wicked ways!

IF we do these things and do them sincerely and completely, God promised to hear our cry, forgive our sin and heal our land!
We need healing in our land, why not try the remedy God gave us? We are doing everything we can not to spread the virus. Is there more that we can do?
Why not spend the month of August humbling ourselves before God, repenting, turning from all wickedness?
We the people of God could fast and pray until the last Sunday in August when we could gather in our churches in unity and ask God to heal our land.
If only 1/10 of the Christians would fast a meal in August or a day in August, we could cover every moment of the month many thousands of times over.
Would fasting change God? Absolutely not! Fasting changes us! There is nothing that brings me down to humility like taking my plate.
Let us get down low before God, humble ourselves, pray and seek God’s face, turn from our wicked ways and give God a chance to do a miracle in our world.

Let the month of August be preparation and on Sunday, August 30th let us lift our humbled voices toward God and believe Him for a mighty miracle of healing. Let us believe Him to stop this pestilence!
What if every Christian in the USA joined in fulfilling II Chronicles 7:14 personally and corporately?
What if Christians all over the world joined in the purification and the prayer?
Does our world need to be healed? Can God do it? Yes! Yes! We need to rise up and be light in this dark world!

Spread the word. Share far and wide on every platform, not for the glory of a man or a movement, but for the glory of God!
We have a few days to spread the word to Christians everywhere and we certainly have the technology to do it.
We neither expect nor need skeptics and scoffers to join us in this effort. This is a duty assigned to the church. May God help us to do our part.


Monday, July 20, 2020

Change and Arrange

We are changing and arranging.

As you probably know, many churches have been shut down again and many more are shutting down again. They are temporarily closing their in-person services to either contain a Covid outbreak or to prevent one.

That has certainly affected us on this trip and is continuing to affect us. We certainly understand it, agree with it and there is nothing at all that can be done but change and adapt. Our schedule

Due to Covid, the revival that was scheduled to begin next Sunday in Claremore, Oklahoma has been postponed to a date to be determined. We will miss seeing our friends in Claremore on this circle, but we want to keep everyone healthy and to remain healthy ourselves.

Rather than schedule that empty week out here in Oklahoma, we have decided to go home. I have talked with Pastor Kelly Rogers this week and we have decided together on a course of action. Bro. Rogers is the Pastor at Dodds Pentecostal Church right next to Odie's house.

We are going to try to setup a tent in the grass right next to the church parking lot and have a combination tent/drive up revival. My thinking is that we will have service under the tent with no seating for the congregation. The congregation will sit in their cars with the AC on if necessary.

Churches are interested in having revival, but some members are uncomfortable with people coming from all different places. It is a concern that is rooted in fact. Several Covid outbreaks seem to have been fueled at revivals, meetings, funerals and weddings where people were gathered from several various places.

We plan to begin revival on Friday, July 31 and go through at least Friday August 7. We will have about an hour service beginning at 8:00 PM. We are praying that the Lord will meet us in a powerful way as we try to adapt the method of revival to these strange times.

I hope to speak with Miami Missionary Tent Company this morning to check on the possibility of us swinging by there to purchase a small tent top for this adventure. There is no sense in setting up my smallest tent, 48' round, if I can purchase a 20' round one inexpensively. I already have the poles, stakes, center pole and straps, so the top should not be unreasonable.

One of the reasons I am checking into a smaller tent is that my 48' round requires a whole lot of help to put up. KJo and I should be able to put up a small tent ourselves or with minimal help.

I will keep you posted on developments. We appreciate you praying for us. We are off to a good start this week in Wichita. Praise God for a super great Sunday.

Thank you for stopping by.


Thursday, July 9, 2020

A Few Things

Today's post is a conglomeration of a few things. Thank you for taking a little time to read Mile Markers today.

Schedule Change
We were supposed to move this Saturday and begin revival Sunday in Amber, Oklahoma. That revival has been canceled. Please be advised that if you were planning to drive and be with us there, we will not be there. 

We are not sure exactly what we will do to fill the week, but for now, we plan to be in revival in Wichita, Kansas the next week at Bethany Revival Center for Pastor John DiZazzo and his great folks.

The Wichita revival is supposed to be July 19-24. We are always excited to preach at Bethany in Wichita for our dear friends. This trip will be especially exciting because it will be our first revival there since my brother Steve and his wife Karen have moved there to work in the church.

That will be a special week and we are really looking forward to it.

Tent Revival
This week has been pretty special too. We are enjoying tent revival in Locust Grove with Pastor Kevin Webster and all of the saints from Iron Post Holiness Church. Plus we have had lots of visitors from other churches and from the community. We are praising God for His help!

We are expecting two more great nights of tent revival. We are thankful that the temperatures that are forecast for today have been revised downward a bit. I hope it stays that way or even lower.

Tomorrow we hope to have a bunch of pictures from tent revival. Odie has captured some good pictures. Thank you for stopping by.


Tuesday, June 9, 2020

A Plan For The Week

Monday I filled my day with as much of nothing as I could cram into it. Trust me, I stuffed it so full of nothing, that nothing is all that I could see for most of the day!😀😀

I did manage to do some computer work and some sermon preparation and KJo worked hard to catch up on laundry and a bunch of other stuff. She never slows down until I drag her away somewhere.

We have a big and exciting week ahead of us. This week my brother Steve and his wife Karen are moving from Ohio to Wichita, Kansas to work on staff at Bethany Revival Center. We are planning to help them move.

Our part in their move came into being after Steve and Karen decided to accept the position and set a date for moving. At that point, I volunteered to drive the moving truck. I am happy to do it.

Later this week we will drive the truck to Kansas and then turn the unloading over to Pastor John DiZazzo and his folks. I told Pastor DiZazzo that Union rules prevent the driver from touching freight after it has passed over four state lines. We will see how my story holds up.😁

On Saturday we are going to attend a Retirement and Appreciation Reception for Bro. Rickey Searcy in Oklahoma City. Bro. Searcy began pastoring at Mt. Vernon in the late 1970s and recently retired from his position. The church will be honoring him next Saturday and we are thrilled to be a part of it.

On Sunday we are going to preach both services for Pastor Lendell Birdsong at Crosslight Chapel in Moore, OK. We know that will be a big treat for us.

We are looking forward to both of these days in Oklahoma! Bro. Searcy and Bro. Birdsong are both long time friends of ours and we love being around them. I know we will also see many more friends over the weekend as well.

The following week, we will work our way home, preaching in various places as we go. This will be a chance to dip our toe into the newly opened world and see how that goes. If all is well, we will load up in the bus a few days later and venture out for a six week circle. We are praying all is well!

Speaking of going well or not, we received word over the weekend that there has been a flareup of coronavirus in some people we know locally and that are distantly related to us. We have not seen any of them recently, but they are people we know and love. Please help us pray for those that are sick and those that now need to self isolate while navigating the care of their loved ones.

Thank you for your prayers and for joining us for a few minutes today. May God bless you all.


Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Wheels Will Roll Again

Thank you for joining us last night for online revival. If you did not get a chance to stop by, you can always view the services later. We would appreciate if you would subscribe to our YouTube channel while you are there and share a video or two as well.

The Wheels Will Roll Again
The wheels will roll again by God's grace! Last night was night number 52 of our online revival and we have been home 54 days. We have not been in the same state for 54 days in many years! Of course, most of you have been dealing with some of the same things and most folks are ready to go somewhere. We are ready to roll the wheels of the BoggsMobile and roll them for a while!

We have been asking God for direction on when to go back on the road and preach revivals and we have been formulating a plan for a couple of weeks. We were supposed to be in Tennessee and Kentucky in April and Virginia for most of May. We hated to miss all those churches and we miss our friends desperately.

We have revival scheduled in Romney, West Virginia beginning Sunday, May 24. Pastor Bob Jeffreys and his congregation have begun having services again with careful measures and we feel very comfortable going there for revival. It is about a 400 mile trip through the mountains so the drive should scratch our itch pretty good. We will probably leave home on Saturday morning May 23.

The following Sunday we will sing and preach the 5th Sunday service for Pastor David Webb and the Hodgenville Pentecostal Church in Hodgenville, Kentucky. That evening or Monday we will complete the circle and go back to the Lazy OD Ranch. That will give us about a 10 day circle and will probably satisfy us for a bit.

The next week we have committed to helping my brother on a project and then we are looking at heading out for a bigger and longer circle by the end of June. Some meetings have had to cancel because of restrictions still in place and others are undecided at this time. We have placed it all in God's hands and we will do whatever is best at the time. We have been very careful to keep our distance from people for nearly 8 weeks now and we do not intend to throw that away when walking into a revival somewhere. We want to remain careful.

Thank you for praying for us concerning all of this. We know that some of you have been seriously interceding for us and we can not tell you how much we appreciate it. We actually are not nervous about any of it and we feel nice and calm. We are praising God for that. We are content to go and we are content not to go. To be in that place is an answer to prayer.

We would love to have you join us in revival at 8:00 PM each evening. Thank you for stopping by here today.


Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Vintage View Vednesday Montana 2007

Schedule Adjustment: Bro. Tracy Boyd's Dad is having a pretty major health crisis in Oklahoma and Bro. Tracy and Sis. Shea need to be by his parent's side. The revival that was scheduled to begin tonight in Sterlington has been canceled. 

Bro. Tracy was understandably hesitant to cancel, but I informed Bro. Tracy immediately that we completely understand and not to worry about us at all. Things like that can not be planned and obviously are more important than anything we might have planned in advance.

Please pray for Bro. Richard Boyd and his family.

Vintage View Vednesday
After our beautiful day in Glacier National Park with my parents, we spent the night in Kalispell, Montana and then began to make our way to the Metzgers. The goal of the trip was to preach revival for them at Sun Valley Church and it was time to get started. We were anxious to introduce all of our dear friends to my Dad and Mom.

We knew my parents would love the Metzger family and we knew they would love my Dad and Mom. It worked out exactly like we knew it would! I love that!

We preached a week or so and had a wonderful time. Dad and Mom were able to see some sites around Missoula during the day and we all loved visiting together. I may have pictures of some of that at a later date but today's Vintage View Vednesday is from our travel day to the Metzger's home and our first day or two with them and their church.

I hope you enjoy.

I was thrilled that my parents got to see beautiful Flathead Lake.

We took them to one of our favorite places in Missoula, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation.

Our next stop was the Metzger's home.

Thank you for joining us for Vintage View Vednesday.
