Thursday, January 4, 2024

1/4 Thursday Davy Update

Hey Friends,

This is Odie checking with an update from my parents. Wednesday was another full day of doctors, therapists, nurses and more doctors for my Mom and Dad.

It was also a full day of eating for my Dad. They started him on continuous feeding in his stomach feeding tube at 10:30 pm Tuesday and turned it off at 3:30 pm Wednesday. That is 17 hours of continuous eating. Dad says that’s a record even for him. 😀

Of course, over those 17 hours, they fed him 620 milliliters of food. In comparison, a 20-ounce bottle of Sam’s Choice water is 591 milliliters. He basically drank a 20-ounce bottle of water plus nutrients through his stomach in 17 hours.

His body handled it well, so they are changing over to his choice of feeding. Mom will push it with a syringe every 4 hours and be done with it.

Even better news: swallowing therapy was excellent on Wednesday. He made much more progress toward a full swallow. It will take much more work to get there, but we believe God to work in this area.

They have decided to take advantage of inpatient intensive therapy if they are accepted. There, he will have hours of physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy to help him with swallowing.

Perhaps the biggest news of the day is concerning the MRI that Davy had Tuesday. It confirmed the stroke Davy had was involving the medulla part of the brain. That is the brain stem. She said this type of stroke is generally either fatal or mostly recoverable. Since it was not fatal, we hope it is mostly recoverable.

Mom and Dad say thank you for your tremendous encouragement and for your faithful prayers. The family of God is at war for us once again! We are overwhelmed by your love!

Thanks for stopping by for a visit!


  1. Praise God for every encouragement! So very grateful that the stroke was not fatal! Still praying and trusting the Lord for full recovery! You have been an encouragement to so many, and we feel that we still need your voice/voices proclaiming God’s truth! I love you all, and will continue to stand and believe with you! ❤️

    1. Esther,
      'With every breath that I am able I will sing of the goodness of God!" We love you!

  2. Thank God the stroke wasn't fatal and I believe that he is on his way to being completely healed!! God is So Awesome!!!

  3. Was so looking forward to revival praying for a full recovery love and prayers veda Cornett First Pentecostal Church London Ky

    1. Thank you for the prayers! We sure hated to miss being with our First Pentecostal friends!

  4. Prayers for your healing. We Love you all.Donald & Pat Vann.

  5. Praying for you and your family! We serve a mighty God and he has you in his hands! 🙏🏻

  6. Thanking God for good news and sending much love and Prayers 🙏🙏

    1. We love you, Uncle Larry! Thank you for the prayers!

  7. Thanking God for good news Sending much love and prayers 🙏🙏

  8. Praying for complete healing we love you all Dan and Theresa Hudson ❤️🙏

  9. Praise Jesus! Continued prayers from Wichita.

  10. We are continuing to pray and trusting the Lord for a full recovery. We love u all

  11. Praise God , praying and believing for a complete healing.

  12. Praise be to God! Will continue to pray for complete recovery. Much love to you all!

    1. Beth,
      Love you, friend! Thanks for the prayers!


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