Saturday, July 21, 2018

Almost Indoor Fellowshipmeeting 2018

Hey Friends,

Happy Saturday, this is Odie reporting in from vacation. I hope you are doing well. 

Summer is speeding by once again. It is hard to believe that it is almost campmeeting time again at Dryden Road Pentecostal Church. I wanted to remind you to make your plans to attend the meeting this year. We love to have our friends visit us at our home church. 

Indoor is always incredible every year. We love getting to be home with our Pastor Bro. Bennie Sutherland and our church family at Dryden Road. It is a great chance to recharge our spiritual batteries. We get to have great food and awesome fellowship too. 

I found this information on the Dryden Road Pentecostal Church website about the 2018 meeting. You can click here for more information. 

It all happens on August 21-24 2018 and the first service is at 7pm Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday services are at 10am, 6pm, and 7pm. Reverend Dwain Galiher is the Main speaker in the morning service. Reverend Bill Parks is preaching the evening services. Then 6pm service is a youth service. 

So mark your calendars and plan to attend Indoor 2018. I hope to see you there. Thanks for stopping by to visit us today. 


Friday, July 20, 2018

A Big Meal For Odie!

I have a picture for you that I have been wanting to post all week long. Odie text us last Friday night with big news. She had just cooked her first meal in her house all on her own.

We have eaten many, many meals in Odie's home while under construction and a few meals brought in from Acapulco since the house has been completed. But this is the first meal that Odie prepared in her home by herself for herself.

Are you ready? It is a very balanced meal. I see dairy, grains, meat, and of course the great balancer, carbonation!

So there is Odie's first cooked meal. Two different kinds of cheese, pretzel crackers, hot dogs and some mayonnaise as a dipping sauce! Way to go, Odie!

I knew you all would love that.


Thursday, July 19, 2018

2018 Boggs Family Reunion Pictures

I was having such a good time visiting with family that I completely dropped the ball on taking pictures of the Boggs Family reunion. Odie was not with us or I would cast all the blame on her. Thankfully my sister did take a few pictures.

A cousin named Brenda Boggs Haney sent me some pictures too. Without those pictures this post would be slim pickings for sure. Brenda's Grandpa Lafayette Boggs was a brother to my Great Grandpa Albert Boggs.

For many years the Boggs reunion was the second Sunday in August. It was always important to my Grandpa and Grandma Boggs and we always enjoyed going when we could. Grandpa Martin Boggs has been gone 25 years and Grandma Boggs has been gone 21. In fact, most of their generation is gone from the Boggs family. It is a different crowd now, but it is family and we need to know them.

Now the reunion is the second Saturday in July. We like to go down a day or two before and play music, sing and visit with some of the family in the campground. We were not able to do that this year, but I am glad we got to go.

Thank you for tuning in today.


I am going to put names on some of these pictures from my cousin Brenda Haney.

Kelly Jo Boggs, Alyssa, Davy Boggs

Luke Osborn, Martha Boggs, Jonas Boggs

Eugene and Martha Boggs

Martha Boggs, Theresa Boggs Osborn, Eugene Boggs

The first four on the left toward the back are Brian Boggs and his family, Jerry Smith, Steve Boggs, Karen Boggs and Davy Boggs
Next row is Garnetta Smith, Martha Boggs, Eugene Boggs, Theresa Osborn, Kelly Jo Boggs.
Next row is Luke Osborn and Jonas Boggs

These are the pictures from my cousin Brenda Boggs Haney.

Steve Boggs and Davy Boggs

Garnetta Boggs Smith

Jerry and Garnetta Smith

Theresa Boggs Osborn and her son Luke Osborn

Jonas Boggs

Kelly Jo Boggs