Sunday, April 29, 2018

View Out The Front Window April 29, 2018

This was our view out the bus window shortly after we arrived at the Lazy OD Ranch on Sunday. 

I took this picture Saturday morning from near the road.

Do you notice anything different about the house? We think the driveway, porches and sidewalk are beautiful to behold. What a view!

We arrived in Bristol, Virginia before dark Saturday evening and Kelly Jo took these pictures standing outside in front of the bus.

The first one is straight ahead as if you are looking through the windshield.

This one is turned to the left a bit.

This is a panoramic taking in the whole view including the back of the church.

Here are all the links to our posts from the last week. Please take a moment to check them out.

Thank you for dropping by today. I hope you have a blessed Sunday.
