Saturday, July 22, 2017

Flying Trip Home

Hey Friends,

This is Odie checking in from Ohio. We had a wonderful time last night at youth rally in Danville, Kentucky. It was a honor to be with Pastor David Noe and the fine people of Olde Path Holiness Church. We had a wonderful service and it was capped of with a sweet altar service and fabulous fellowship with lots of friends. 

Last Saturday I shared pictures from our flying trip to Texas on Friday. You can read that post by clicking here. Today I have some pictures from the return trip.

It was a quick weekend but we had a great visit with family and friends in Sweeny, Texas. The Lord blessed us with three wonderful services. God is so awesome, He always moves right on time. You can see pictures from our visit to Sweeny here.

When we arrived at airport in Houston it was a sunny day and by the time we boarded the plane it was raining. I was so glad to get airborne and Atlanta bound.  Below are the pictures from Houston, Texas to Atlanta, Georgia. 

In Atlanta we experienced a flight delay, gate changes and things that make a travel day even longer. Finally we boarded the plane and we were homeward bound. It was dark for this flight, so I struggled to get good pictures. I do enjoy the sights when flying at night. I have included just a few pictures. 

It was early Monday morning before my head reached my pillow. I was so glad to be home safely. In just a few hours I received a wake call that was not on my radar. I spent most of Monday so sick. It was not a good day! 

Thank God I was home before I got sick. By Monday night I was so tired of crackers, Sprite and Jello. Thankfully it only lasted one day and I was well the rest of the week. 

Excluding Monday, my week has been good. More great progress has been made on the house project. It is amazes me to see changes happening right before my eyes click here to see more. 

I will close for now. Thank you for to stopping by for a visit. I hope you have a fabulous weekend. 


Friday, July 21, 2017

As Snug As A Bug In A Rug

Do you remember a few weeks ago when Mitch Boggs Jr. and Jason Fellers brought their families to put the metal roof on the house for Odie to live in? This week we had some more of the Missouri Boggs family visit us to work on the house.

Mitch's younger sister Lysa arrived with her husband Matt and their three children late Tuesday evening. They came to insulate the house with open cell spray foam. It is a huge job and Matt worked like a mule to get it completed. After two long days, they pulled out Thursday about 7:30 or so.

They brought their job trailer with them. This trailer is state of the art with a huge generator, air compressor, all the chemicals needed and a big contraption that mixes it all together, pressurizes it properly and controls the process.

It also has 250' of hose assembly that is like wrestling a very angry anaconda!

The water based chemicals are pumped through the anaconda through two hoses, heated and then pressurized by air, mixed together at the last second and sprayed out of a gun. It is applied in about the thickness of real heavy paint and then expands right before your eyes to fill up the spaces between studs or rafters.

It is amazing.

Matt suits up like a astronaut and goes to work like mad man!

It is instantly hard enough to touch and it completely cures in a few minutes.

Then he goes back and trims off the excess so that it is flat against the studs.

He warned me it would make a massive mess and he was correct. I wish I knew how many trash bags we filled up!

Here is a before and after shot in the garage.

Here are more of the walls after they are trimmed.

Matt spent most of the day in the attic Thursday spraying the ceilings. It has to be quite a bit thicker in the attic to meet the R-Value requirements. Once he finished up there, Matt was anxious to get down and hydrated, packed up and on the road. I will try to take some pictures in the attic later.

We appreciate Bro. Matt and Sis. Lysa Howell and their precious little family for taking time to drive to Ohio in order to insulate the house for Odie to live in. We are trying to make it very energy efficient and low maintenance. 

They moved us a long way toward that goal and did it affordably too. May God bless them for their hard work. It was hot and messy but they did it!

Odie snapped several pictures the last two days.

Matt's parents flew in from Idaho Thursday to spend some time with them. This is his mother Candace. It seems we missed getting a picture of his dad Chuck. It was a pleasure to meet them and Chuck jumped right in to help too!

Kelly Jo's parents, two nieces and a nephew came to check on the progress Thursday afternoon too.

That wraps up two long days of making the house As Snug As A Bug In A Rug!

Thank you for reading today.
