Saturday, November 19, 2016

City of Mercy - Osun State Nigeria

We are off to a good start in Nigeris. We are back in Abeokuta now but Thursday through Saturday afternoon we drove to the outskirts of Iwo in Osun State. I was preaching two nights of camp meeting and a one day Ministers Confetence for Pastor Isaac Adewale. 

We had a great time at the City of Mercy and met a bunch of new friends along the way. We have a gob of pictures so I will just jump in here and there with some color commentary. I will try to post more tomorrow. 

Here was the temperature difference our first morning in Nigeria. 



Feels like 99. 

Our first meal with Bro. Shobanke. 

Pastor Kuye

Pastor Alelani

Pastor Shobanke

This is the Christ Campaigner's camp meeting grounds at City of Mercy. 

Bro. Adelani, Sis. Mary and their children. 

You know it is going to be a hot day when it is almost 87 degrees at 9:30 AM INSIDE!

The Ministers Conference inside the church Friday morning. 

Pastor Issac, Sis. Mary, us and Bro. Shobanke. 

The hotel in Iwo. 

More of the campmeeting grounds and people. 

The Church

Campmeeting building. 

A big diesel generator to run the whole grounds when electricity is out which is often. 

 If you receive an email each night alerting you to new posts, you only receive an alert to the latest post. If we have posted more than once in that day you will need to go to the blog itself to see the previous post. 

Thank you for reading. 


Birthday Celebration

Hello everyone, this is Odie checking in again. Dad may also post later  today, when they get back to wifi. Remember our post schedule may be a little off right now. 

In Monday's blog post Dad mentioned our birthday dinner last Friday for my Aunt Theresa. It was wonderful to have a big part of our clan together for a little while. 

Aunt Theresa, I love you so much!!  Thank you for being an Awesome Aunt! 



That was Friday's birthday fun. The celebration continued on Saturday. For our cousin Lisa Isaacs. It was a honor to be invited to join Lisa's family at her birthday dinner. 




Lisa is an amazing lady and I count it an honor to call her my cousin and friend. Thanks, Lisa, for just being you. I appreciate all you do for our family. I love you! Thank you for including me in your birthday dinner. 

And that is a wrap on the family birthdays for the week. We have a few more coming up soon.  I hope you have a super weekend. 


Friday, November 18, 2016

On The Hunt Again

Hello, I hope you are having a great day. This is Odie reporting in from Ohio. My Papaw Eugene heard from Dad this morning and they are doing well in Nigeria. They had a service this morning and another this evening. In Nigeria it is 6 hours ahead of us in Ohio, and they are still adjusting to the time change.

 Deer season in full swing here in Ohio. I have been itching to try my hand at hunting again. My Uncle Danny and Papaw Danny Morgan have take me hunting 3 different seasons. I really enjoyed hunting, even though I have not got a deer yet.


 I had to pass a hunters safety course to be able to hunt again in Ohio. In the past few years I have not been able to take the course but I was determined to make it happen this year. That was my special project I mentioned last Saturday. In Ohio you can study for the course online, attend a 4 hour class and take a test to pass the course. 

I spent hours studying the online workbook. 

I was very nervous about taking the test. Several people that had been through the test assured me I would pass. But my test taking skills were rusty. 

Last Saturday morning I had to attend the class. My studies paid off and I had good instructors. Thank you to several of you that prayed for my nerves! I am happy to report I passed the test. 


Thanks to Papaw Eugene, He took me to my class and stayed with me the whole time. It was good to have him for moral support. We ended our outing with a visit to Skyline for lunch. 



Now in the next couple weeks the hunt will be on again. I am excited to hunt again. I will fill you in on the hunting news as it becomes available. Hopefully I will have great news a pictures to share. 

Have a fantastic Friday. 


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Thursday- From Odie in Ohio

Hi Friends, 
Our family is doing well, although we are split on different sides of the world. Dad posted two blog posts yesterday, the first one from Frankfurt Germany and the second from 
Abeokuta Nigeria. If you missed those posts take a moment to catch up on the exciting happenings of my parents trip. 

Thank you for your prayers for their safe travels! They were able to get some much-needed rest last night! I talked to them by phone this morning and I also missed a call this afternoon. Dad let me know he does not have Wi-Fi for the next couple of days. He should be able to post on the blog again by the end of the weekend. 

Back here in Ohio things are going good too. I am enjoying time with my family. Last night I was able to attend service at our home church at Dryden Road Pentecostal Church. It is always wonderful to be in service at home. 

Bro. Bill Preskitt from Virginia was preaching. He preached a wonderful message on the resurrection!! It was great to see Bro. and Sis. Preskitt. They are wonderful people of God. 


I will close for now. I just thought I would take a moment to update you and let you know what was going on. Thank you again for your prayers and please keep it up!

Mom and Dad, when you get a chance to read this, I love and miss you both very much!


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Wednesday Night From Abeokuta

If you read the blog every night from your email, you only get the latest post by email. If we have posted twice or three times during the day you will miss the earlier post. You must go back to the website itself and look. I will try to mention if I am posting for a second or third time during the day but sometimes I get the days mixed up.

So, this is the second post for Wednesday.

It is late Wednesday night/Thursday morning and we are in the hotel in Abeokuta, Ogun state, Nigeria. We arrived here safe and mostly sound about 11 PM.

Right after I posted this morning from Frankfurt, Germany, they announced a gate change. It was only 43 gates away. We arrived at the new gate in time to sit down, listen to the announcement and get back up and go stand in line so everyone could be run through passport control.

When it was time to go, they loaded us on buses and drove us about 15 minutes to the other side of the airport or the other side of Germany, I am not sure which, and put us on the plane

The flight from Frankfurt to Lagos, Nigeria was 6 1/2 hours long. Once we got going, time "flew" by.

We got off the plane In Lagos and made it through customs and immigration and then went to baggage claim and started the long wait for the luggage. We waited about 45 minutes or so for luggage.

While we were waiting, Bro. Clement came and helped us and stayed with us until Bro. Shobanke ariived. Bro. Clement works at the airport in immigration. He is always a huge help to us. 

Bro. Shobanke and his men were a little late getting to the airport. There was a really bad tanker accident between Abeokuta and Lagos. They arrived about 30 minutes or so after we retrieved our baggage and made it to the door.

They could not go back the normal route because of the accident, so they went a different route. It was longer and the roads were in rough shape but we made it just fine. We left the airport about 7:20 and arrived at the hotel at 11:00 PM. 

We are trying to get situated here and get in the bed. We have been traveling since 10:15 Tuesday morning Eastern time and it is now almost 6:00 Tuesday evening Eastern time. It is time for a long winter's nap.

We get back on the road tomorrow to drive a couple states away Osun State for a couple of days of camp meeting.  If we have Wi-Fi there, we will let you know what is going on. If not, it does look like we will have it here in Abeokuta when we return Saturday.

Thank you so much for reading and thank you for praying.
